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1.0.1 • Public • Published


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Thread Tasker

Simplify handling asynchronous tasks with ease. Easily manage task execution with Worker Threds.


To install thread-tasker, just run the following command:

npm install thread-tasker


import { ThreadTasker } from "thread-tasker";

// Initialize ThreadTasker with configurations
const threadTasker = ThreadTasker({
   fetchTasksInterval: 2000,

  // Maximum number of workers for task execution.
  maxWorkers: 2,

  // Object for configuring retry in case of error
  retry: {
    // Maximum number of retry attempts for a task
    maxAttempt: 2,

    // Represents the timeout added to the task before calling the function
    timeout: 1000,

// Add a heavy task to the task queue
threadTasker.addTask("task-1", (taskId) => {
  console.log("taskId", taskId);

  // Define the number of iterations
  const iterations = 1000000000; // 1 billion

  let result = 0;

  // Loop to perform the heavy processing
  for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
    result += 1;

  //   throw new Error("This emit failure");
  //   return Promise.reject("This emit failure");

  // Return the result of the processing
  return result;

threadTasker.addTask("task-2", (taskId) => {
  return { projectName: 'Thread Tasker'};

// Events to manage the queue
// const item = threadTasker.queue.getItemById("1");
// const queueIsEmpty = threadTasker.queue.empty();
// const queueSize = threadTasker.queue.size();
// const itemWasDeleted = threadTasker.queue.delete(;

// When the task is added to the queue
threadTasker.on("pending", (data) => {
  console.log("Pending task data", data);
  // Output Event
  //   {
  //   id: '581c4bdb-baeb-4a20-bc86-e1628170c1e1',
  //   name: 'task-1',
  //   status: 'pending',
  //   emitedAt: 2024-05-02T20:08:21.314Z
  // }

// When a task starts being executed
threadTasker.on("inprogress", (data) => {
  console.log("In progress task data", data);

    // Output Event
    //  {
    //   id: '581c4bdb-baeb-4a20-bc86-e1628170c1e1',
    //   status: 'in_progress',
    //   emitedAt: 2024-05-02T20:08:23.323Z,
    //   workerId: '1'
    // }

// When a task is successfully completed
threadTasker.on("completed", (data) => {
  console.log("Completed task data", data);

  // Output Event
  //   {
  //   id: 'fab31e30-4c7e-41bb-a230-437867c4db63',
  //   status: 'completed',
  //   emitedAt: 2024-05-02T19:55:39.501Z,
  // When your task return a value you can receive value here
  //   result: 1000000000, 
  //   workerId: '1'
  // }


// When an execution failure occurs
threadTasker.on("failure", (data) => {
  console.log("Failed task data", data);

  // Output Event
  // {
  //   id: '581c4bdb-baeb-4a20-bc86-e1628170c1e1',
  //   status: 'failure',
  //   emitedAt: 2024-05-02T20:08:26.333Z,
  //   error: 'Failed to execute function after maximum attempts',
  //   workerId: '1'
  // }


// When any non-Worker error occurs
threadTasker.on("error", (data) => {
  console.log("Error task data", data);
  // Output Event
  // { emitedAt: 2024-05-02T19:52:38.337Z, workerId: '1' }

// Will be executed according to the number of retries
threadTasker.on("retryerror", (data) => {
  console.log("Retry error task data", data);

  // Output Event
  //  {
  //   id: 'b046d935-c354-4938-b085-7db273075173',
  //   status: 'retry_error',
  //   emitedAt: 2024-05-02T19:57:53.947Z,
  //   attempt: 1,
  //   maxAttempt: 3,
  //   workerId: '1'
  // }

 * This function will call the method that searches for tasks in the queue every X seconds.

Supported configurations:

Here are all the supported configurations.

Parameter Description Type Default
maxWorkers Maximum number of workers that can be executed simultaneously. number 1
retry Object containing settings for retrying tasks that failed during execution. object -
retry.maxAttempt Maximum number of retry attempts for a task that failed. number 1
retry.timeout Time in milliseconds to wait between retry attempts. number 100
fetchTasksInterval Interval between attempts to fetch new tasks from the queue, in milliseconds. fail number 1000

Supported functions:

Here are all the supported functions.

Function Description
threadTasker.addTask Adds a new task to the execution queue. This function allows you to add a new task to be processed by the workers. Initiates the execution of the tasker
threadTasker.queue.delete Removes a specific task from the execution queue. This function allows you to delete a task from the queue based on its ID.
threadTasker.queue.empty Checks if the execution queue is empty. Returns true otherwise false
threadTasker.queue.getItemById Gets a specific task pending from the execution queue based on its ID. Returns the corresponding task if found, or undefined if not found.
threadTasker.queue.size Returns the total number of tasks in the execution queue.

Supported events:

Here are all the supported events.

Event Type Description
pending Indicates that the task is pending execution.
failure Indicates that the task failed during execution.
completed Indicates that the task has been successfully completed.
inprogress Indicates that the task is currently in progress, meaning it's being executed at the moment.
retryerror Indicates that an error occurred during the retry attempt of the task. Typically occurs after multiple execution failures.
error Indicates a general error occurred during task execution.

Issues and Contributing

  • Issues: If you encounter a bug or wish to see something added/changed, please open an issue!

  • Discussion: If you need assistance with anything related to the project, whether it's understanding how to use a particular feature, troubleshooting an issue, or anything start a discussion here!

  • Contributing: To contributing please read the guide.




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  • 1.0.1
  • 1.0.0

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  • jeffersongibin