TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.29 • Public • Published


Perlas Payments widget.


yarn add third-party-perlas-init / npm install third-party-perlas-init


/** @jsx jsx */
// Step 1. Import needed functions
import { getPerlasDataForInit, initPerlas } from "third-party-perlas-init";
import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";

const {
  location: { origin = "", href = "" },
} = window;
// Step 2. In the component pass required data to get src and formed object to pass into iframe via postmessage
const { src, data } = getPerlasDataForInit({
  accessToken: JSON.parse(xhr?.response)?.access_token, //required,
  parentWholeUrl: new URL(href), //required
  environment: "test" //required
  externalPaymentUrl: "", // If provided, must start with "https://". If provided, no cash payment option will be available. If provided, the bank-payment button will redirect here
  fontFamily: "Montserrat", // If provided without fontFamilyUrls options, google font will be used.
  fontFamilyUrls: {
    // Two options to provide your custom fonts: regular and bold. If this is provided, provide fontFamily prop above as well.
    regular: {
      ttf: "",
      woff: "",
    bold: {
      ttf: "",
      woff: "",
  fontSizes: {
    // defaultFonts object added after PerlasGoThirdPartyInit function
    // in the project mainly these are used: button, h3, h4, h5 (main project title), h6, subtitle1, body1 (main text size in app), body2 and caption (small text)
    // changing font weights or line heights might not affect every element as there are custom stylings added or other cases, but it should be okay with font sizes and other props like (general fontSize, htmlFontSize)
    // changing font family for each item is not possible because if custom fontFamily will be provided, this will be used for all items
    // more info on typogrpahy provided here:
    // pass custom values that you would like to overwrite like so below (as from what has been tested, no need to provide all values (f.e. fontWeight, lineHeight) if only for example fontSize needs to be changed):
    button: {
      fontSize: "0.8rem",
    body1: {
      fontSize: "1rem",
    subtitle1: {
      fontSize: "1.25rem",
      lineHeight: 1.5,
    h5: {
      fontSize: "1.7rem",
      lineHeight: 1.5,
    h6: {
      fontSize: "1.25rem",
      lineHeight: 1.7,
  imageUrls: {
      "", // successfull payment image
      "", // failed payment image
      "", // mobile payment history image
      "", //make first payment image
  serviceIconsColors: {
    // defaultServiceIcons added just after PerlasGoThirdPartyInit function
    electricity: { color: "#f9ec4b", stroke: "#7c702c" },
    telecommunications: { color: "#d742f5", stroke: "#4287f5" },
    financialServices: { color: "#d742f5", stroke: "#42f55a" },
  palette: {
    // provide colors as below to overwrite them (defaultPalette added after PerlasGoThirdPartyInit function)
    // more info on palette provided here:
    primary: {
      main: "#f54281",
      contrastText: "#fff",
      dark: "#a8327b",
      light: "#050105",
    secondary: {
      main: "#fcba03", //secondary white btn color
      contrastText: "#505f6a",
      dark: "#e9f022", // not used directly
      light: "#ffffff", // not used directly
      //contrastText is not used directly but necessary for text in secondary btn
    background: {
      default: "#f8f6f5",
    neutral: {
      main: "#d5e3eb",
  hideMobileScrollbar: true,
  serviceId: "350",
  orderId: new URLSearchParams(useLocation().search).get("transOrderId") || "",
  canceled: Boolean(
    Number(new URLSearchParams(useLocation().search).get("cancel"))
  isPdfNeededForApp: true,

// Step 3. (Optional) - Initialise widget by this function below. It passes data to iframe and initialises post message listening in parent page (listening message events from iframe). Initialise only after src and data exist.
useEffect(() => {
  if (src && data) {
    initPerlas({ src, data });
}, [src, data]);

  // Step 4. Add iframe with id="perlasgo-third-party"
  !!src && (
      style={{ width: "100%", height: "100%", minHeight: "100vh" }}

getPerlasDataForInit parameters

Parameter Required Description Possible Values
accessToken true The access token you get from the 4th step in the official documentation in string format JSON.parse( xhr?.response )?.access_token
parentWholeUrl true The URL of the parent page, in which this iframe is being initialised new URL( href ),
environment true A string, describing the environment to which the requests from the widget will be made "test", "sandbox", "staging", 'prod"
buttonRadius false Value in pixels, describing the border radius of buttons. Defaults to 6px 0-50
externalPaymentUrl false The url ( must be provided with the full protocol ( "https://..." ) ) to the external payment site.
If provided, the user will not be able to access cash payments ( only bank payments will be accessible ).
When the user clicks on bank payment button, he will be redirected to this url
fontFamily false The name of the font family. If this is provided without fontFamilyUrls param, then the google fonts api will be used ( the app will search for the same name in google-fonts cdn ). "Montserrat" ( or any other font-name )
fontFamilyUrls false Object containing two child objects: regular; bold. Each of the child objects accepts parameters in such format
[FONT_FORMAT]: "[FONT_FORMAT]", where FONT_FORMAT is ttf / otf / woff / woff2 / eot.
If provided, then fontFamily prop must be provided as well
See example above ( Usage section )
fontSizes false An Object containing the fontSizes of different elements in the App in the following format:
[OBJECT_NAME]: {fontSize: "xrem", lineHeight: number}. When providing a particular object, the lineHeight prop is optional.
Changing font weights or line heights might not affect every element as there are custom stylings added to some elements.
The possible OBJECT_VALUES are described in the "Possible Values" column
button, h3, h4,h5, h6, subtitle1, body1, body2, caption
imageUrls false An Object, containing four parameters (see "Possible Values" column), in the following format:
[PARAMETER]: "https://some-link-to-your-image.svg". The images should be in svg format and take full height.
success ( shown after successful payment redirect ),
failure ( shown after failed / canceled payment redirect ),
paymentHistory ( shown on empty history page),
firstPayment ( shown on empty cart page )
serviceIcosColors false An object containing the colors of service icons. ( see "Possible Values" column ). Icon needs both color and stroke properties in such format:
[SERVICE_ICON] : { color: "#FFF", stroke: "#000" }
palette false An Object described in the Default objects section below. You are able to overwrite the default values here See example above ( Usage section )
serviceId false A string, that perlas team provided for you, ( your serviceProvider id in our system), it will be used to redirect to the edit-service page, if the first cart has a service with this serviceId "123" or any numeric value, that perlas team provided for you
orderId false String value of the transOrderId from the URI.
( After payment with MIP, you will be redirected to the same page which contains the iframe, but with transOrderId search param attached and the iframe will be reinitialized ).
You need to pass that param here, because the application cannot access the URI from inside the iframe.
new URLSearchParams( useLocation().search ).get( "transOrderId" )
canceled false Boolean value of the cancel enum from the URI.
( After a failed payment with MIP, you will be redirected to the same page which contains the iframe, but with transOrderId and cancel=1 search params attached and the iframe will be reinitialized ).
You need to convert the cancel search param value into a boolean and pass it here, because the application cannot access the URI from inside the iframe.
If passed, then orderId must be passed as well
Boolean( Number( new URLSearchParams( useLocation().search ).get( "cancel" ) )
isPdfNeededForApp false determines if the "pdf-download" event ( described in the events section below ) is fired true / false
hideMobileScrollbar false hide the scrollbar when iframe width is < 992px true / false

Default objects that could be overwritten and additional info

/** @jsx jsx */

const defaultPalette = {
  mode: "light", // dark mode not currently implemented
  primary: {
    main: "#11c49c",  //main green color throughout whole app
    contrastText: "#fff", //contrastText is not used directly but necessary for text in primary btn
    dark: "#0B896D",
    light: "#40CFAF",
  secondary: {
    main: "#ffffff", //secondary white btn color
    contrastText: "#505f6a", //contrastText is not used directly but necessary for text in secondary btn
    dark: "#d5e3eb", //secondary white hover btn color
    light: "#ffffff", // not used directly
  white: {
    main: "#ffffff",
    contrastText: "#a1abb9",
    dark: "#d5e3eb", // not used directly
    light: "#ffffff", // not used directly

  neutral: {
    main: "#d5e3eb",
    contrastText: "#505f6a",
  card: {
    main: "#ffffff",  //used for background when not active and icon stroke color when active
    light: "#d5e3eb", //used for card hover background
    dark: "#505f6a", //used for active card background,
    contrastText: "#ffffff", // text color when active and icon stroke
  azureishWhite: {
    main: "#d5e3eb", //used in dashboard toggle buttons, reg banner, button and etc
  background: {
    default: "#f2f6f9", // blueish background main
    paper: "#ffffff", // white color background
  //blue color
  blueBayoux: {
    main: "#4b6374",
  //toast colors
  error: {
    main: "#c74a4a", //toast error color or other errors colo
    dark: "#dc143c", //used in error messages, history bar chart arrows
    light: "rgb(210, 110, 110)",
    contrastText: "#fff",
  success: {
    main: "#11c49c", //toast succes color
    light: "rgb(64, 207, 175)",
    dark: "rgb(11, 137, 109)",
    contrastText: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)",
  warning: {
    main: "#f1c40f", //toast warn color
    light: "rgb(243, 207, 63)",
    dark: "rgb(168, 137, 10)",
    contrastText: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)",
  text: {
    primary: "#000000", // text color -black
    secondary: "#505f6a", // text secondary color darker grey
    disabled: "#a1abb9", //text disabled color grey
  //grey colors
  shuttleGray: {
    main: "#505f6a", //used in various places through web/3rd party
  gullGray: {
    main: "#a1abb9", //used in various places through web/3rd party
  mysticGray: {
    main: "#dfe5eb", //used in 2 places
  nobelGray: {
    main: "#b6b5b5", //used in various places through web/3rd party
  geyserGray: {
    main: "#dbe0e7", //used in several places through web/3rd party
  //black and the other
  black: {
    main: "#000000",
  common: {
    black: "#000",
    white: "#fff",
  contrastThreshold: 3,
  tonalOffset: 0.2,
  divider: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)",
  action: {
    active: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)",
    hover: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)",
    hoverOpacity: 0.04,
    selected: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)",
    selectedOpacity: 0.08,
    disabled: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26)",
    disabledBackground: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)",
    disabledOpacity: 0.38,
    focus: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)",
    focusOpacity: 0.12,
    activatedOpacity: 0.12,

const defaultServiceIcons = {
  electricity: { color: "#f9ec4b", stroke: "#7c702c" },
  gas: { color: "#fcf6a5", stroke: "#aa9a3c" },
  water: { color: "#02c19d", stroke: "#107a66" },
  heat: { color: "#418c94", stroke: "#8bd8d6" },
  houseCare: { color: "#7c702c", stroke: "#d8c564" },
  telecommunications: { color: "#81e0ce", stroke: "#379b88" },
  financialServices: { color: "#cc6e52", stroke: "#eaddc1" },
  security: { color: "#cf9f5e", stroke: "#593109" },
  education: { color: "#c0efe7", stroke: "#64a095" },
  directPayment: { color: "#5B998D", stroke: "#7CB5AA" },
  fishing: { color: "#a89d38", stroke: "#fcf6a5" },
  invoices: { color: "#726928", stroke: "#fdfad2" },
  other: { color: "#026670", stroke: "#c0d9db" },
  garbage: { color: "#e2ad37", stroke: "#7f4011" },

const defaultFonts = {
  fontSize: 14,
  htmlFontSize: 16,
  button: {
    fontSize: "0.875rem",
    textTransform: "none",
    fontFamily: "Inter, sans-serif",
    fontWeight: 500,
    lineHeight: 1.75,
  fontWeightExtraBold: 800,
  fontWeightSemiBold: 600,
  subtitle1: {
    fontSize: "1.125rem",
    fontFamily: "Inter, sans-serif",
    fontWeight: 400,
    lineHeight: 1.75,
  fontWeightLight: 300,
  fontWeightRegular: 400,
  fontWeightMedium: 500,
  fontWeightBold: 700,
  h1: {
    fontFamily: "Inter, sans-serif",
    fontWeight: 300,
    fontSize: "6rem",
    lineHeight: 1.167,
  h2: {
    fontFamily: "Inter, sans-serif",
    fontWeight: 300,
    fontSize: "3.75rem",
    lineHeight: 1.2,
  h3: {
    fontWeight: 400,
    fontSize: "3rem",
    lineHeight: 1.167,
  h4: {
    fontWeight: 400,
    fontSize: "2.125rem",
    lineHeight: 1.235,
  h5: {
    fontFamily: "Inter, sans-serif",
    fontWeight: 400,
    fontSize: "1.5rem",
    lineHeight: 1.334,
  h6: {
    fontFamily: "Inter, sans-serif",
    fontWeight: 500,
    fontSize: "1.25rem",
    lineHeight: 1.6,
  subtitle2: {
    fontFamily: "Inter, sans-serif",
    fontWeight: 500,
    fontSize: "0.875rem",
    lineHeight: 1.57,
  body1: {
    fontFamily: "Inter, sans-serif",
    fontWeight: 400,
    fontSize: "1rem",
    lineHeight: 1.5,
  body2: {
    fontFamily: "Inter, sans-serif",
    fontWeight: 400,
    fontSize: "0.875rem",
    lineHeight: 1.43,
  caption: {
    fontFamily: "Inter, sans-serif",
    fontWeight: 400,
    fontSize: "0.75rem",
    lineHeight: 1.66,


Events can be sent both by third party to parent and from parent to third party

By parent to third party below:

Sending events to third party from parent could be done using function sendEventToThirdParty({{ src, eventType, data }}). src is from getPerlasDataForInit function. Currently third party is listening to only one event from parent (redirect from received barcode). All events share same type "third-party". Example how to send data from parent to third party below:

/** @jsx jsx */
import { sendEventToThirdParty } from "third-party-perlas-init";
  eventType: "redirect",
  data: { barcode: "xxads1231123" },
//or something like this if implementing differently
const iframe = document.getElementById("perlasgo-third-party");
  { type: "third-party", eventType, data },

Currently these events below are sent by third party to parent

/** @jsx jsx */
  { message: "page-loading", eventType: "info", type: "third-party" }, //  <- when page receives needed data for initializiation and starts to load everything, no succesfull API request is made yet

  { message: "client-info-loaded", eventType: "info", type: "third-party" }, //  <- when first successfull API request is finished to get client data

    data: {
      data: arrayBufferToBase64(data), // if isPdfNeededForApp prop is set as true for application, when on PDF downloads ArrayBuffer of pdf will be converted to base64 and sent to parent
    eventType: "pdf-download",
    type: "third-party",

  { url: res.url, eventType: "redirect", type: "third-party" }, // if no externalPaymentUrl prop is set for application, when pay button is pressed it, third party will send back to parent event with info where to redirect

    url: externalPaymentUrl + "?orderId=" + id, // if externalPaymentUrl prop is set for application, when pay button is pressed it, third party will send back to parent event with info where to redirect where url will be externalPaymentUrl with orderId attached
    eventType: "redirect",
    type: "third-party",


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