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This package is now @takeoff/takeoff. Please update to use this library


1.1.0 • Public • Published

Takeoff: Rapid Prototyping Environment

Takeoff is a toolbox for rapid prototyping applications.

It is not a framework and is in fact agnostic to any solutions provided to it. However to provide the ability to rapidly develop applications it ships with some opinionated defaults.

Under the hood is uses docker and docker-compose to minimise the hassle out of setting up frontend, backend and database servers. Within seconds you'll have a hot-reloading frontend and backend which allows you to make changes without the need to usually restart the server.

The default configuration ships with:

  • A plugin-based API server powered by Hapi, with nodemon for hot reloading
  • A webpack hot reloading React frontend including React Router v4 and Redux
  • A Postgres database and a Sequelize adapter available in the API to interact with it
  • A Ngnix server proxying all requests via port 80.

With the API you also get out of the box user management and authentication, and on the frontend a default login page and API middlware to use a JSON Web Token (JWT) to provide authenticated access for your endpoints with admin and user scopes available . Using the documentation to can then extend these with your own functionality.

The basic configuration ships as a "Blueprint", the default is available from here. In the future you will be able to specify which environments you would like you install, either via name or git repository.

Documentation on Blueprints is comming soon, but the basic idea is to provide the configuration and applications as a single package that will be easily installable as a new environment.

There are a set of available commands to help make the toolbox cross-platform. These are in the process of being integrated and documented.

Currently only Linux is fully tested and supported out the box, but support for other OS is coming (testers and contributors welcome!). There is a page for Windows Users to provide extra information in the quest to get it working.


How to get started

Installing Docker

This software has currently only been tested on Linux using Docker Community Edition. Once installed you will have the docker and docker-compose commands.

Install Takeoff

Installing takeoff is done in 4 easy steps. Remember you can also clone the repository first to make it easier to manage your own copy.

> git clone
> cd takeoff
> npm install
> npm start

The above commands will install all the dependencies and have you up and running in minutes.

You should now have a server running at http://localhost. You can access the API via http://localhost/api.

The default user is admin and password is password. Do not expect this to be a fully secure environment.

Disclaimer: If you build an app with this you wish you deploy, you are responsible for your own security.


Future Ideas

  • Provide other hot loading frontend frameworks (Angular, Vue)
  • Improve dashboard of main app
  • Provide more built in plugins and apps


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