Export Tailwind config options like a pro
🚀 Exports Tailwindcss 3 config options to SASS, SCSS, LESS, Stylus, Custom CSS Properties or even JSON. -
💥 CLI and Node api support -
💪 Unit Tested -
⚙️ Also available for Gulp
Getting started
Using npm:
npm install tailwindcss-export-config
or with yarn:
yarn add tailwindcss-export-config
Make a package.json script and run it for convenience
"scripts": {
"export-tailwind-config": "tailwindcss-export-config --config=path/to/tailwind.config.js --destination=destination/of/generated/tailwind-variables --format=scss --quoted-keys=true"
You can also use the Node API
import TailwindExportConfig from 'tailwindcss-export-config'
const converter = new TailwindExportConfig({
config: 'path/to/tailwind.config.js',
destination: 'converted/file/destination',
format: 'scss',
prefix: 'tw',
flat: true,
quotedKeys: true,
preserveKeys: ['colors', 'screens'],
// writeToFile returns a promise so we can chain off it
.then(() => {
.catch((error) => {
console.log('Oops', error.message)
Config Options
All options are available to the CLI and node package. Type tailwindcss-export-config --h
for help.
Prop | Type | Required | Description |
config | String,Object | true | Tailwindcss config path or config object to transform |
destination | String | true | Destination to save converted file |
format | String | true | The format in which to convert the file |
prefix | String | false | An optional prefix for each variable name |
flat | Boolean | false | Optionally transforms the variables from nested maps to flat level variables. Less does not support nested maps so we default to flat for them always. Defaults to false . |
quoted-keys | Boolean | false | (quotedKeys in the Node API) - Whether keys in maps should be quoted or not. We recommend to have this set to true . Defaults to false . |
flatten-maps-after | Number | false | (flattenMapsAfter in the Node API) - After what level should it start flattening deeply nested maps. Defaults to -1 (always flatten). |
preserve-keys | Array | false | (preserveKeys in the Node API) - Always keep those keys in export. Defaults to [] . |
Example export
Lets get a portion of the Tailwind config
module.exports = {
theme: {
fontFamily: {
display: ['Gilroy', 'sans-serif'],
body: ['Graphik', 'sans-serif'],
extend: {
colors: {
cyan: '#9cdbff',
Using the CLI command
tailwindcss-export-config --config=tailwind.config.js --destination=tailwind-variables --format=scss --flat
How would this look when generated?
Using the flat param we get:
$screens-sm: 640px;
$screens-md: 768px;
$screens-lg: 1024px;
$screens-xl: 1280px;
$fontFamily-display: (Gilroy, sans-serif);
$fontFamily-body: (Graphik, sans-serif);
//... other vars
$colors-pink-800: #97266d;
$colors-pink-900: #702459;
$colors-cyan: #9cdbff;
or without with the flat param set to false
$fontFamily: (
display: (Gilroy, sans-serif),
body: (Graphik, sans-serif),
$colors: (
//... other vars
pink-700: #b83280,
pink-800: #97266d,
pink-900: #702459,
cyan: #9cdbff,
When working with SASS, the second (nested map) approach is a bit more annoying to work with as you have to do map-get($colors, black)
but things
are easier to loop if you need to.
Sass is almost the same and you can import both sass and scss vars into the same project. We support them both if someone prefers one syntax over the other.
@fontFamily-display: Gilroy, sans-serif;
@fontFamily-body: Graphik, sans-serif;
// other vas
@colors-pink-600: #d53f8c;
@colors-pink-700: #b83280;
@colors-pink-800: #97266d;
@colors-pink-900: #702459;
@colors-cyan: #9cdbff;
Note: Less does not have nested maps, so passing the flat
param will not do anything
$fontFamily-display = (Gilroy, sans-serif);
$fontFamily-body = (Graphik, sans-serif);
// ...other vars
$colors-pink-800 = #97266d;
$colors-pink-900 = #702459;
$colors-cyan = #9cdbff;
or with the flat param to false
$fontFamily = {
display: (Gilroy,sans-serif),
body: (Graphik,sans-serif),
// ...other vars
$colors = {
// ...other vars
"pink-600": #d53f8c,
"pink-700": #b83280,
"pink-800": #97266d,
"pink-900": #702459,
cyan: #9cdbff,
With stylus, using nested maps is a matter of reaching using dot notation $colors.black
or $colors[black]
. JavaScript anyone?
Custom CSS Properties
:root {
--fontFamily-display: Gilroy, sans-serif;
--fontFamily-body: Graphik, sans-serif;
--borderWidth-0: 0;
--borderWidth-2: 2px;
--borderWidth-4: 4px;
--borderWidth-default: 1px;
/* etc... */
"fontFamily": {
"display": [
"body": [
"borderWidth": {
"0": "0",
"2": "2px",
"4": "4px",
"default": "1px"
You can prefix variables to escape naming collisions by using the prefix
tailwindcss-export-config --config=tailwind.config.js --destination=tailwind-variables --format=scss --flat --prefix=tw
$tw-fontFamily-display: (Gilroy, sans-serif);
$tw-fontFamily-body: (Graphik, sans-serif);
$tw-colors-pink-600: #d53f8c;
$tw-colors-pink-700: #b83280;
$tw-colors-pink-800: #97266d;
$tw-colors-pink-900: #702459;
$tw-colors-cyan: #9cdbff;
Quoted Keys
SASS and other preprocessors recommend defining map keys in quotes. It is possible comply with that, by using the optional quotedKeys
tailwindcss-export-config --config=tailwind.config.js --destination=tailwind-variables --format=scss --quoted-keys=true
$fontFamily: (
"display": (Gilroy, sans-serif),
"body": (Graphik, sans-serif),
$colors: (
//... other vars
"pink-700": #b83280,
"pink-800": #97266d,
"pink-900": #702459,
"cyan": #9cdbff,
Flattening deep maps
If your tailwind config has a deeply nested object, it can be converted to a deeply nested map, in SASS or Stylus, or a flattened, single level map.
Given the object below:
module.exports = {
theme: {
customForms: {
colors: {
blue: 'blue',
green: 'green',
somethingElse: {
level1: {
color: 'pink',
arrayValue: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
By default it will convert to:
$customForms: (
colors-blue: blue,
colors-green: green,
somethingElse-level1-color: pink,
somethingElse-level1-arrayValue: (a, b, c),
If we want to keep the nested structure, similar to the tailwind config, we can set a high number for the flattenMapsAfter
tailwindcss-export-config --config=tailwind.config.js --destination=tailwind-variables --format=scss --flatten-maps-after=10
$customForms: (
colors: (
blue: blue,
green: green,
somethingElse: (
level1: (
color: pink,
arrayValue: (a, b, c),
Preserve keys
When you have disabled some corePlugins
, you can explicitly preserve some tailwind config keys using the preserveKeys
parameter, both in CLI and
in the node api.
tailwindcss-export-config --config=tailwind.config.js --destination=tailwind-variables --format=scss --preserveKeys=colors,screens
Note of caution
With Tailwind 1.9, some config options got removed from the corePlugins, so the extractor no longer emits them by default. Use the preserve-keys
option explained above, to keep those options in the generated variables file.
tailwindcss-export-config --config=tailwind.config.js --destination=tailwind-variables --format=scss --preserveKeys=screens,spacing,colors
Removed Options
- colors
- screens
- spacing
- keyframes
Only include keys
When you only want some corePlugins
, you can explicitly add these using the onlyIncludeKeys
parameter, both in CLI and in the node api.
tailwindcss-export-config --config=tailwind.config.js --destination=tailwind-variables --format=scss --onlyIncludeKeys=colors,screens
Note of caution
When using the onlyIncludeKeys
parameter, defined corePlugins
and the preserveKeys
parameter have no effect.
tailwindcss-export-config | tailwindcss |
4.x | 3.x |
3.x | 2.x |
2.x | 0.x |
npm install tailwindcss-export-config@2