
0.6.1 • Public • Published


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🤔 What is TableGT?

TableGT - what-is-tablegt

💖 Who is using TableGT?

🚀 Quick experience

Download the repository to the local, then enter the demo directory, run node index.js, and you will see the generated table data in the under the demo directory.


There are some files:

  ├─ source
  |  ├─ demo1.js
  |  └─ demo2.js
  └─ index.js


 * @lc id=1 lang=javascript
 * [1] 两数之和
 * @level
 * @tags Array, Hash Table
 * @similars T#15
 * @end


 * @lc id=15 lang=javascript
 * [15] 三数之和
 * @level ⭐⭐
 * @tags Array, Double Pointer
 * @similars T#1
 * @end


const TableGT = require('tablegt');
const tablegt = new TableGT();'./source');

In the demo directory, run node index.js command, and a file will be generated. The contents of the file are as follows:

TableGT - demo

🔨 Usage

  • Basic usage

    const TableGT = require('tablegt');
    const tablegt = new TableGT();'./source/');
  • Advanced usage

    Please read the documentation before reading the advanced usage section.

    • Specify signs and table header

      // The signs and thead parameters must be configured at the same time, see the documentation for details.
      const tablegt = new TableGT({
        signs: ['lc_id', 'lc_title'],
        thead: '| # | Title |\n| :---: | :---: |',
    • Custom signs and table header

      const tableget = new TableGT({
        // The @foo, @bar, @baz signs will be matched.
        signs: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
        thead: '| Foo | Bar | Baz |\n| :---: | :---: | :---: |',
    • Specifies a delimiter for the table generation location

      const tablegt = new TableGT({
        marker: {
          start: '// @tb-start',
          end: '// @tb-end',
    • Specify output file'./source/', './');

📃 Documentation

TableGT will parse the comment blocks beginning with /* in the file (Note: comment blocks beginning with /**, /***, ... will be ignored), and match the @XXX mark in it, and split the string after mark into multiple keywords to generate a table.

  • new TableGT(opts)

    Parameter Description Type Required Default value
    opts.overwrite whether to overwrite old data boolean false true
    opts.signs signs that needs to be parsed (If this parameter is specified manually, you must also specify the thead parameter manually) array false ['lc_id', 'lc_title', 'level', 'lc_lang', 'tags.comma.code', 'similars.comma.code' ]
    opts.thead the code of table header (Markdown syntax. This parameter only needs to be configured when the signs parameter is manually specified) string false | # | Title | Level | Lang | Tags | Similars |\n| :---: | :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
    opts.marker delimiter for table generation location object false -
    opts.marker.start the start position of the table generation string false <!-- @tb-start -->
    opts.marker.end the end position of the table generation string false <!-- @tb-end -->

    The supplementary description of some of these parameters is as follows:

    • opts.signs

      The built-in optional values are lc_idlc_titlelc_langleveltagssimilars. In addition, you can customize the signs that needs to be parsed, as long as your custom signs don't have the same name as the built-in signs.

      The lc_ is a specific prefix. Those beginning with lc_ can only be used for comment blocks generated by vscode-leetcode. Those without lc_ will be used to match @XXX signs (e.g. If level is set, the @level sign will be matched).

      In addition, you can add modifiers to the parameter item to specify how to split the string after the sign into multiple keywords. For details, see documentation - modifier

    • opts.thead

  • build(source, target)

    Parse the signs in the comments to generate tabular data.

    Parameter Description Type Required Default value
    source The path of the file that needs to be parsed string true -
    target The file path to store the generated data string false ./
  • Modifier

    By default, TableGT will use , as the delimiter to split the string after the sign into multiple keywords. You can add modifiers to the item of opts.signs parameter to render the keywords into other formats.

    The optional modifiers are as follows:

    • raw

      Effect: Nothing is done to the string after the sign.

      Optional: Yes.

      Note: Even with the raw modifier, it is not allowed to use @ in the string after the sign.


      const tableget = new TableGT({
        signs: ['test.raw'],
        thead: '| Test |\n| :---: |',
      // The comment to be parsed are as follows:
       * @test my-test1,,,my-test2,,,
      // After parsing, the original data output to the table is "my-test1,,,my-test2,,,"
    • code

      Effect: Wrap the separated keywords in back quotes (In this way, the keywords will be displayed in Markdown in the style of inline code blocks).

      Optional: Yes.


      1. It can only be used to modify the items in opts.signs without a specific prefix (xxx_).
      2. When used with comma and quote modifiers, the code modifier must be placed behind.
    • comma

      Effect: Use half-corner comma (,) as separator to split the string after the sign into multiple keywords.

      Optional: Yes. (If no modifier is specified, comma will be the default value)


      const tableget = new TableGT({
        signs: ['test.comma.code'],
        thead: '| Test |\n| :---: |',
      // The comment to be parsed are as follows:
       * @test my-test1, my-test2
      // After parsing, the original data output to the table is "`my-test1`, `my-test2`"
      // As you can see, the keywords 'my-test1' and 'my-test2' are separated by half-corner comma and wrapped in back quotes.
    • quote

      Effect: Use paired quotation marks (either single or double quotation marks) as delimiters to split the string after the sign into multiple keywords.

      Optional: Yes.

      Example 1:

      const tableget = new TableGT({
        signs: ['test.quote'],
        thead: '| Test |\n| :---: |',
      // The comment to be parsed are as follows:
       * @test 'my-test1' 'my-test2'
      // After parsing, the original data output to the table is "my-test1, my-test2"
      // As you can see, the keywords 'my-test1' and 'my-test2' are separated by quote and connected with comma + space.

      Example 2:

      const tableget = new TableGT({
        signs: ['test.quote.code'],
        thead: '| Test |\n| :---: |',
      // The comment to be parsed are as follows:
       * @test 'my-test1' 'my-test2'
      // After parsing, the original data output to the table is "`my-test1`, `my-test2`"
      // As you can see, the keywords 'my-test1' and 'my-test2' are separated by quote and wrapped in back quotes.




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  • 0.6.1
  • 0.6.0
  • 0.5.0

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  • liuyib