
2.1.22 • Public • Published

SynergyKit Node.js SDK


Backend as a Service SynergyKit for fast and simple mobile/web/desktop applications development. SynergyKit allows enterpreneurs implement an idea to project fast and low cost like Lean Startup, validates and runs product.

We know how hard can be to work with untried API, so we prepared SDKs for mostly used platforms.

Another SDKs

Table of content

SDK Installation

Use npm:

npm install synergykit

SynergyKit Initialization

Include the module:

var Synergykit = require("synergykit");

Than initialize SynergyKit:

Synergykit.Init(TENANT, KEY, {
    debug: true // You should set it to false in production


Documents are data saved in collections. Collections are basically tables in database where you can store your data. By sending requests to the documents endpoint, you can list, create, update or delete documents.

Create new document

Parameter Type Notes
collection string Location of document required
* ? Optional parameters optional
// Create instance of Data object and to the parametr specify the collection where to save
var spaceShip = Synergykit.Data("SpaceShips");

// Set any properities you want
spaceShip.set("type", "Star Fighter");
spaceShip.set("code", "ARC-170");
spaceShip.set("description", "Protecting the skies over Republic worlds were specialized clone fighter forces flying the latest in starfighter technology.");

// And save data to SynergyKit{
    success: function(spaceShip, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation after the space ship is saved
    error: function(error, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation if the save fails

Retrieve an existing document by ID

Parameter Type Notes
collection string Location of document required
_id string API identificator required
var spaceShip = Synergykit.Data("SpaceShips");

// Set any properities you want
spaceShip.set("_id", "weh80EjefeEFEoejofe880");

// And fetch data from SynergyKit
    success: function(spaceShip, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation after the space ship is fetched
    error: function(error, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation if the fetch fails

Update document

Save method executes PUT request if _id is set.

Parameter Type Notes
collection string Location of document required
_id string API identificator required
* ? Optional parameters optional
var spaceShip = Synergykit.Data("SpaceShips");

// Set any properities you want
spaceShip.set("_id", "weh80EjefeEFEoejofe880");
spaceShip.set("pilor", "Anakin");{
    success: function(spaceShip, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation after the space ship is updated
    error: function(error, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation if the update fails

Delete document

Parameter Type Notes
collection string Location of document required
_id string API identificator required
var spaceShip = Synergykit.Data("SpaceShips");

// Set any properities you want
spaceShip.set("_id", "weh80EjefeEFEoejofe880");

    success: function(spaceShip, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation after the space ship is updated
    error: function(error, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation if the update fails

Real-time data observerving

SDK supports real time communication through sockets. You can observe these types of changes.

  • POST as “created”
  • PUT as “updated”
  • PATCH as “patched”
  • DELETE as “deleted”

Start observing whole collection

Parameter Type Notes
collection string Location of document required
// Create reference to the collection
var spaceShips = Synergykit.Data("SpaceShips");

// Specify the event of listening, allowed are "created", "updated", "patched" and "deleted"
spaceShips.on("created", function(createdSpaceShip) {
    // Work with returned instance like with any other SynergyKit object

Start observing collection with filter

Parameter Type Notes
collection string Location of document required
query Synergykit.Query Query with filter required
// Create reference to the collection
var spaceShips = Synergykit.Data("SpaceShips");

// Create query
var query = Synergykit.Query(spaceShips);

// Specify the event of listening, allowed are "created", "updated", "patched" and "deleted" and set the querey as second parameter
spaceShips.on("created", query, function(createdSpaceShip) {
    // Work with returned instance like with any other SynergyKit object

Stop observing

// Create reference to the collection
var spaceShips = Synergykit.Data("SpaceShips");"created");

Speak communication

Communication without data storage from device to device.

Send speak

Parameter Type Notes
speakName string Name of the speak required
* ? Optional parameters optional
Synergykit.speak("typing", "May the force be with you!")

Receive speak

Parameter Type Notes
speakName string Name of the speak required
Synergykit.on("typing", function(message) {
    console.log(message); // "May the force be with you!"


You can retrieve multiple objects at once by sending a request with query. If query has no conditions API returns simply lists of all objects in collection.

For more complex filtering and sorting Synergykit accepts OData standard. These queries can be used with data, users and files.

Available conditions

Query string is builded according to OData Protocol and is appended to the end of the url.

The OData Protocol specification defines how to standardize a typed, resource-oriented CRUD interface for manipulating data sources by providing collections of entries which must have required elements.

making query

// Create reference to the collection
var spaceShips = Synergykit.Data("SpaceShips");

// Create query and insert reference to collection or users or files as first parameter
var query = Synergykit.Query(spaceShips);
query.where() // Initialize filter
.attribute("name") // Attribute which you want filter. Notice that you can chain the query functions
.isEqualTo("Anakin Skywalker")
.isNotEqualTo("Darth Vader")
.isGreaterThan(1) // You can also use isGreaterOrEqualThan()
.isLessThan(5) // You can also use isLessOrEqualThan()
.substringOf("name", "akin") // Searching for substring in name
.startsWith("name", "Ana") // Searching for starting string
.isInArray("ships", "Falcon") // Searching for starting string
.endsWith("name", "lker") // Now you get it, don't you? :)
.select("name,lightsaber,gender") // Projection of what attribute you want back
.skip(10) // How many results you want to skip
.top(20) // How many results you want get back
.inlineCount() // If you call this function, result will be number of checking results.
    success: function(spaceShips, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation after spaceShips array return
    error: function(error, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation if the query fails
}) // And run the query

Available relation operators

  • == as isEqualTo
  • != as isNotEqualTo
  • >= as isGreaterOrEqualThan
  • <= as isLessOrEqualThan
  • > as isGreaterThan
  • < as isLessThan


Users are alfa and omega of every application. In SynergyKit you can easily work with your users by methods listed below.

Create a new user

Parameter Type Notes
* ? Optional parameters optional
// Create instance of User object
var user = Synergykit.User();

// Set any properities you want
user.set("name", "Anakin Skywalker");
user.set("email", "");
user.set("password", "Falcon");

// And save user to SynergyKit{
    success: function(user, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation after the user is saved
    error: function(error, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation if the save fails

Retrieve an existing user by ID

Parameter Type Notes
_id string API identificator required
// Create instance of User object
var user = Synergykit.User();
user.set("_id", "ewljqhqherphwejr");

// And retrieve user from SynergyKit
    success: function(user, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation after the user is retrieved
    error: function(error, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation if the retrieve fails

Update user

Save method executes PUT request if _id is set.

Parameter Type Notes
_id string API identificator required
* ? Optional parameters optional
// Create instance of User object
var user = Synergykit.User();
user.set("_id", "ewljqhqherphwejr");
user.set("ship", "Falcon");

// And update user from SynergyKit{
    success: function(user, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation after the user is updated
    error: function(error, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation if the update fails

Delete user

Parameter Type Notes
_id string API identificator required
// Create instance of User object
var user = Synergykit.User();
user.set("_id", "ewljqhqherphwejr");

// And delete user from SynergyKit
    success: function(user, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation after the user is deleted
    error: function(error, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation if the delete fails

Add role

Parameter Type Notes
_id string API identificator required
role string required
// Create instance of User object
var user = Synergykit.User();
user.set("_id", "ewljqhqherphwejr");

// And add role to user
user.addRole("pilot", {
    success: function(user, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation after the role is added
    error: function(error, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation if the update fails

Remove role

Parameter Type Notes
_id string API identificator required
role string required
// Create instance of User object
var user = Synergykit.User();
user.set("_id", "ewljqhqherphwejr");

// And remove role from user
user.removeRole("pilot", {
    success: function(user, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation after the role is removed
    error: function(error, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation if the update fails

Activating user

By default, user is not activated. This mean, that you can use this state to validate user e-mail address by sending him activation link.

To activate user, send an email with this activation link /v2.1/users/activation/[ACTIVATION_HASH]. You can provide parameter callback with url address where you want to redirect user after activation.

Or if you know that e-mail address is valid you can activate user with SDK.

Parameter Type Notes
_id string API identificator required
// Create instance of User object
var user = Synergykit.User();
user.set("_id", "ewljqhqherphwejr");
user.set("isActivated", true);

// And update user to SynergyKit{
    success: function(user, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation after the user is updated
    error: function(error, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation if the update fails

Login user

If user was registrated via normal way, which means by email and password, you can authenticate him with login method.

Parameter Type Notes
email string User e-mail required
password string User password required
// Create instance of User object
var user = Synergykit.User();
user.set("email", "");

// And login user to SynergyKit
    success: function(user, statusCode) {
        // User object with session token will be returned
    error: function(error, statusCode) {
        // Your implementation if the login fails

Reset password

In case of forgotten password, you can reset it. You need to have template Reset password start and Reset password end in your mailings.

Parameter Type Notes
_id string User ID required
// Create instance of User object
var user = Synergykit.User();
user.set("_id", "ID_OF_USER");

// And reset password
    success: function(result, statusCode) {

    error: function(error, statusCode) {


Change password

User has also option to change his password when he is logged in.

Parameter Type Notes
old_password string User old password required
password string User new password required
// Create instance of User object
var user = Synergykit.User();
user.set("old_password", "test")
user.set("password", "test2")

// And reset password
    success: function(user, statusCode) {

    error: function(error, statusCode) {


Add platform to user

Platforms are useful for pairing individual mobile devices or web applications to the user via registration ID. After assignment platform to the user you will be able to send push notifications to the device or application.

Before you can work with platforms of user is needed to login first. After successful login SDK receives sessionToken for authentication of user. Token is held by the SDK and is automatically inserted into the Headers.

Parameter Type Notes
platformName string Platform name, “android”, “apple” and “web” are supported required
registrationId string Unique device id required
var platform = Synergykit.Platform()
platform.set("platformName", "android")
platform.set("registrationId", "2343wdhqr9689"){
    success: function(platform, statusCode) {

    error: function(error, statusCode) {

Retrive platform

Parameter Type Notes
_id string API identificator required
var platform = Synergykit.Platform()
platform.set("_id", "qwefqwerqpweor")
    success: function(platform, statusCode) {

    error: function(error, statusCode) {

Update platform

Platforms contain of a few parameters but only two are updatable. Save method executes PUT request if _id is set, it could change development and registrationId.

Parameter Type Notes
_id string API identificator required
registrationId NSString Device id optional
var platform = Synergykit.Platform()
platform.set("_id", "qwefqwerqpweor")
platform.set("registrationId", "7070EJR");{
    success: function(platform, statusCode) {

    error: function(error, statusCode) {

Delete platform

Parameter Type Notes
_id string API identificator required
var platform = Synergykit.Platform()
platform.set("_id", "qwefqwerqpweor")
    success: function(platform, statusCode) {

    error: function(error, statusCode) {


In SynergyKit you can communicate with your users by different ways. There are listed some methods below this section.

One way is to sending push notifications into user devices. This action need to have filled your API key for Android devices in Settings, section Android. For push notifications into iOS devices you need to fill your password and certificates into Apple section in Settings.

Another way is to sending emails to your users. For this you need to create email templates in administration under Mailing section.

Send notification

Parameter Type Notes
recipients Synergykit.User User or array of Users required
alert string Alert message of notification optional
badge number Badge to be shown on app icon optional
payload string Notification payload optional
sound string Soud to be played on notification income optional
var notification = Synergykit.Notification(SynergykitUser)
notification.set("alert", "I'm your father!")
    success: function(result, statusCode) {

    error: function(error, statusCode) {

Send email

Parameter Type Notes
mailTemplate string Name of mail template required
email string Email of recipient required
subject string Subject of mail required
* ? Parameters for mail template optional
var mail = Synergykit.Mail("myTemplate")
mail.set("email", "")
mail.set("subject", "Greetings from Tatooine")
    success: function(result, statusCode) {

    error: function(error, statusCode) {


SynergyKit can be also used for storing as much quantity of files as you need for your application.

Upload file

var file = Synergykit.File(__dirname + "/name_of_file.png")
    success: function(file, statusCode) {
    error: function(error, statusCode) {

Retrieve file by ID

var file = Synergykit.File()
file.set("_id", "JL08jljelr70jl")
    success: function(file, statusCode) {
    error: function(error, statusCode) {

Delete file

var file = Synergykit.File()
file.set("_id", "JL08jljelr70jl")
    success: function(result, statusCode) {

    error: function(error, statusCode) {

Cloud Code

Our vision is to let developers build any app without dealing with servers. For complex apps, sometimes you just need a bit of logic that isn’t running on a mobile device. Cloud Code makes this possible.

Run cloud code

var cloudCode = Synergykit.CloudCode("example")
cloudCode.set("name", "Anakin"){
    success: function(result, statusCode) {

    error: function(error, statusCode) {


Batch request

To reduce the amount of time spent on network round trips, you can get, create, update, or delete up to 50 objects in one call, using the batch endpoint.

Adding to batch

Calling methods like save, fetch, destroy etc. without setting callbacks, add them to the batch buffer, where they are waiting in queue.

Using batch

var gameScore = Synergykit.Data("GameScore")
gameScore.set("score", 1337)

var gameScore2 = Synergykit.Data("GameScore")
gameScore2.set("score", 1338)
    success: function(result, statusCode) {

    error: function(error, statusCode) {



Version 2.1.8 (8. 6. 2015)

  • User reset password
  • User change password
  • Using of websocket library

Version 2.1.4 (22. 4. 2015)

  • SynergyKit v2.1 support
  • Documents
  • Real-time data observing
  • Queries
  • Users
  • Platforms
  • Roles
  • Communication
  • Files
  • CloudCode
  • Batching requests


SynergyKit Node.js SDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


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    • tomas.herma