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Swipable Views with pagination for react-native

This component is wrapper from react-swipable-views component. It adds pagination dots.


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Name Type Default Description
children node Use this property to provide your slides.
containerStyle object {} Whether or not the auto complete is animated as it is toggled.
disabled bool false If true, it will disable touch events. This is useful when you want to prohibit the user from changing slides.
index integer 0 This is the index of the slide to show. This is useful when you want to change the default slide shown. Or when you have tabs linked to each slide.
onChangeIndex Function(index, fromIndex) This is callback prop. It's call by the component when the shown slide change after a swipe made by the user. This is useful when you have tabs linked to each slide.
onSwitching Function(index) This is callback prop. It's called by the component when the slide switching. This is useful when you want to implement something corresponding to the current slide position.
resistance bool false If true, it will add bounds effect on the edges.
style object {} This is the inlined style that will be applied on the root component.
slideStyle object {} This is the inlined style that will be applied on the slide component.
threshold integer 5 This is the threshold used for detectinga quick swipe. If the computed speed is above this value, the index change.
SwipableViewsWithPagination specific props
paginationStyle object default css styles Style pagination wrapper
dotsStyle object default css styles Styles for paginations dots
getPaginationDimensions func return { x,y,width,height } Get pagination wrapper size


import React, {
} from 'react-native';
import Button from 'react-native-button';
import SwipeableViewsWithPagination from 'swipeable-views-with-pagination';
const MyComponent = () => (
  <SwipeableViewsWithPagination style={slideContainer}>
    <View style={[styles.slide, styles.slide1]}>
      <Text style={styles.text}>
        slide n°1
    <View style={[styles.slide, styles.slide2]}>
      <Text style={styles.text}>
        slide n°2
    <View style={[styles.slide, styles.slide3]}>
      <Text style={styles.text}>
        slide n°3
onst styles = StyleSheet.create({
  slideContainer: {
    height: 100,
  slide: {
    padding: 15,
    height: 100,
  slide1: {
    backgroundColor: '#FEA900',
  slide2: {
    backgroundColor: '#B3DC4A',
  slide3: {
    backgroundColor: '#6AC0FF',
  text: {
    color: '#fff',
    fontSize: 16,
export default MyComponent;


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