TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.3 • Public • Published

Build Status License: MIT


A DOM library for developers who don't want a DOM library.

Less than 2 KB of minified runtime code. Peanuts.

Modern JavaScript has improved so much, old IE is out of the picture and the need for a comprehensive DOM library is decreasing.
If you are comfortable with writing vanilla DOM but wouldn't mind just a tiny bit of sugar on top - this is for you.

A good pick for small vanilla projects or for working with existing DOM (e.g browser extension).
Could also be handy as a secondary pocket tool alongside your main components library, for those cases you do need some vanilla DOM (e.g. handling Ref elements and protals with React).


What's in the box?



$ npm install --save sweet-dom

or grab the iife and drop it like it's hot.


import {createElm, bindEvent} from 'sweet-dom';



Element Selection

  • $   - an alias for document.querySelector()
  • $$ - an alias for document.querySelectorAll()
  • $id - A shortcut for document.getElementById()
  • $class - A shortcut for document.getElementsByClassName()
  • $tag - A shortcut for document.getElementsByTagName()

The methods that return multiple elements, $$, $class, $tag - returns an array of elements instead of live-collections or node-lists.

All methods except $id also accepts a second argument: the context element to query (the default is document).

const elm = $('#my-id');
const elms = $$('.my-classname');
const elm = $id('my-id');
const elms = $class('my-classname');
const elms = $tag('div');

// within context
const elms = $tag('div', containerElm);


Element Creation

createElm(selector, content1, content2, ...contentN)

Returns HTMLElement

selector - Required

A string descriptor of an element. Supports a tag-name, an ID and classnames of the following format:


// Results: <tag id="id" classname="classname1 classname2" />
const selector = 'input#first-name.form-field.required-field';


// <input id="first-name" classname="form-field required-field" />

...contents - Optional

The created element's children, spread as arguments. Accepts HTML elements, nodes and strings.

// single
const contents = 'Click'

createElm('button', contents)

// <button>Click</button>
// multiple
createElm('button', iconElm, 'Click')

// spread arrays
const contents = [iconElm, 'Click']
createElm('button', ...contents)

//<button> ☻ Click</button>



Returns DocumentFragment


Accepts HTML elements, nodes and strings.


createFrag(elm1, elm2, 'some string', elm3)


Element Utils

setStyle(elm, styleObject)

Sets an element inline style.

setStyle(divElm, {
	height: '75px',
	width: '200px',

  <div style="height: 75px; width: 200px;" />

setAttributes(elm, attrObject)

Sets multiple attributes on an element.

setAttributes(inputElm, {
	type: 'number',
	name: 'age',

  <input type="number" name="age" />


Element Insertion

For placing elements.


  • .before(anotherElm)
  • .after(anotherElm)

Both methods accept an element or a query selector string. To insert multiple elements pass in a fragment with children (see createFrag) not an array of elements.



// <elmA>
// <elmB>



// <div id="logo">
// <elm>


Event Binding

  • bindEvent()
  • bindEventOnce()

A wrapper around addEventListener(). Accepts the event-target as first argument and the rest are the same arguments as the vanilla addEventListener.

Returns a remove-listener function

const unBindClick = bindEvent(elm, 'click', (ev) => {...})
// or:
const unBindClick = bindEventOnce(elm, 'click', (ev) => {...})








npm run dev - Vitest + watch


Browser Playground

  1. npm run play
  2. Open file in the browser:
    • ./playground/playground.html


Check Stuff

  • npm run lint - Eslint check issues
  • npm run types - TypeScript type checking
  • npm run test - Vitest (for build)
  • npm run checks - lint + types + test (all)


Publish a new version

  1. version script Note:
    If something from dist folder is git tracked - add " && git add dist" to end of the script


    $ npm version major|minor|patch


    • preversion - Runs the checks script
    • version - Runs the build script
      • prebuild - Delete "dist" folder
      • build - Rollup build for production
      • postbuild - Delete temporary declaration folder inside "dist"
    • postversion - Git push + tags


  2. $ npm publish


    • prepublishOnly - Runs the checks script


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    npm i sweet-dom

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    • taitulism