A visual designer that enables you and your users to create and modify surveys and forms.
NOTE: This package contains a legacy version of Survey Creator. We recommend using the new Survey Creator that ships with an updated UI and native support for Angular and React. Refer to the following help topics for more information:
npm install survey-creator
Azure CDN
https://unpkg.com/survey-creator@{version-number}/survey-creator.css -
Zip file
Download zip
The Survey Creator depends on the following libraries:
Optionally, you can use Bootstrap, Ace editor, and Select2.
If you want to build the library yourself, do the following:
Clone the repo from GitHub and install build dependencies
git clone https://github.com/surveyjs/survey-creator.git cd survey-creator/packages/survey-creator npm install
Build the library
npm run build_prod
You can find the built library in the "build" directory.
Run unit tests
npm test
This command runs unit tests using Karma.
Survey Creator (Form Builder) is not available for free commercial usage. You can find more information about licensing this product on the following page: Product Licensing.