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0.0.8 • Public • Published
  ___ _   _ _ __   ___ _ __    __ _ _ __ __ _ ___ ___ 
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super grass is a node.js monitoring tool supporting:

  • http get
  • http get (basic auth)
  • redis
  • mongodb
  • rabbitmq

This tool allows you to define various resources to be monitored for a heatbeat; at a configurable interval.

A report is generated at these intervals and an event is fired; which you can hook into allowing you to analyse and then perform your preferred form of notification and/or logging.

Super grass includes with a management ui which allows you to check the status of your resources.

It also includes an option to lists the resource status to a table and log to console and/or send in email


The code is simple; you create a super-grass object; start watching and wait for a response; the snitch event to fire.

var SuperGrass = require('super-grass')
    , options = require('./options');

var superGrass = new SuperGrass(options);;

superGrass.on('snitch', function(report) {
  //mail here
  //log here

The report returned contains an array of activity; each resource is returned with a failure identifier; each line in the report represents a single retry.

{ name: 'api for', status: Ok },
{ name: 'api for', status: Ok  },
{ name: 'api for', status: Ok  },
{ name: 'api for 127', status: Down },
{ name: 'api for 127', status: Down },
{ name: 'api for 127', status: Down },
{ name: 'local mongo', status: Down },
{ name: 'local mongo', status: Down },
{ name: 'local mongo', status: Down },
{ name: 'redis local', status: Ok },
{ name: 'redis local', status: Ok },
{ name: 'redis local', status: Ok },
{ name: 'local rabbitmq', status: Ok },
{ name: 'local rabbitmq', status: Ok },
{ name: 'local rabbitmq', status: Ok }

At this point you could log this information; send an email or sms; its in your hands..


super-grass; requires an options object with the following properties; the resources section contains a list of the resources you would like to monitor.

module.exports = {
  settings: {
    interval: "0",
    retry: "3",
    retryTimeout: "0",
    email: {
      login: "",
      password: "password",
      to: "",
      from : "",
      fromName : "Airasoul"
    server: { port : 3000 }
, resources: 
    name: "api for",
    type: "api",
    host: "",
    enabled : true
    name: "api for",
    type: "api",
    host: "",
    enabled : true
    name: "local mongo",
    type: "mongo",
    host: "localhost",
    database: "staging",
    port: 27017,
    enabled : true
    name: "redis local",
    type: "redis",
    host: "localhost",
    port: 6379,
    enabled : true
    name: "local rabbitmq",
    type: "basicauth", 
    host: "",
    username: "guest",
    password: "guest",
    enabled : true

The settings section contains:

  • interval - the interval between notifications
  • retry - the number of retries for a resource
  • retryTimeout - a timeout value between retries
  • email - email details for sending an email
  • server - details for http server
  • resources - a list of resources to be monitored

print to console

Simply call superGrass.print(report)

var SuperGrass = require('./lib/supergrass')
, options = require('./options')
, superGrass = new SuperGrass(options);;
superGrass.on('snitch', function(report) {

send email

Simply call

var SuperGrass = require('./lib/supergrass')
, options = require('./options')
, superGrass = new SuperGrass(options);;
superGrass.on('snitch', function(report) {;

management ui

Our management ui allows us todo two things:

  • monitor the status of the resources in configuration.
  • start/stop sending emails

The management ui has three endpoints:

  • View status - /status
  • Start sending emails - /start
  • Stop sending emails - /stop


  • Support REST POST/PUT/DELETE requests


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  • npm
  • airasoul