TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.45 • Public • Published


SupaORM is a service-based object relationship manager that builds on top of the Supabase JavaScript Client. It utilizes the types automatically generated by the Supabase CLI to offer strong type safety for your queries. It provides core convenience functions, while allowing you to expand upon the functionality on an indivudal table, view, or function level.

How to use

Supabase allows to to generate your TypeScript database schema with this command:

npx supabase gen types typescript --project-id '<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>' --schema public > src/types/supabase.ts

You should also have your Supabase URL and Anon Key defined as environment variables PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL and PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY, which is standard in the Supabase setup procedure.

Create a file in your project called something like src/supaorm.ts with this contents:

import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js";
import { Database } from "./types/supabase.ts";
import SupaORM from "supaorm";

// Instantiate a singleton of SupaORM, referencing the database schema
const orm = SupaORM<Database>();

// Instantiate Supabase client
const supabase = createClient<Database>(
  process.env.PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL || "",
  process.env.PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY || ""
// Connect the Supabase client with SupaORM

export default orm;

This creates your Supabase client, with a reference to your database structure, and then passes it into SupaORM.

Create a new folder called src/services to contain the services for your individual tables. For this example, our first file will be for a table called organization and called src/services/organization.service.ts with these contents:

import orm from "../supaorm";

export class OrganizationService extends orm.TableService(
  "organization", // Name of the table
  "id" // Name of the primary key column
) {}

Now in another file in your project you can use it like this to get a list of all organizations:

import { OrganizationService } from "./services/organization.service";

const organizations = new OrganizationService();
const orgs = await organizations.findMany();

To find a single organization

const org = await organizations.findOne(id);

Or to get multiple rows with filtering and pagination

const orgs = await organizations.findMany({
  select: ["id", "name"],
  where: [["country", "eq", "USA"]],
  page: 1,
  perPage: 50,

Now let's create a ContactService method, with a contact table that has id, first_name, last_name, and organization_id columns. We will create an additional function for this service to find contacts by organization.

import orm from "../supaorm";

export class ContactService extends orm.TableService("contact", "id") {
  public findByOrganizationId(id: string) {
    return this.findMany({ where: [["organization_id", "eq", id]] });

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  • jasonbyrne