
0.0.4 • Public • Published


Make multi-processes programming easier.


JavaScript is known as single-threaded, which makes things easier to understand and control. However, most computers we using today have more than 2 CPU cores. While a single-threaded program running, only one CPU core is working and the others are idle. Built-in module cluster of Node.js will help us to take adventage of multi-core systems. Package sturnus is just based on cluster module.

To install sturnus as dependency of your package, please add --only=prod to prevent the devDependencies from being installed:

# Install without devDependencies. 
npm install sturnus --only=prod --save

Get Started, Multi-threaded Programming with sturnus

With sturnus, execuating in a forked process is almost as easy as normal asynchronous calling, execept that passed parameters and returned values SHOULD BE SERIALIZABLE.

You may run the next example by:

# Change to the package's directory. 
cd node_modules/sturnus
# Install with devDependencies. 
npm install
# Run test command. 
npm test

Step 1, Extend Worker

Here worker refers to a JavaScript module to execute some tasks as do an asynchronous function. You will get your own worker by extending sturnus/worker, e.g.

// FILE: extended_worker.js
var worker = require('sturnus/worker');
// Define a task processor.
worker.on('minify', function(script, options, callback) {
    // The last parameter of the processor function SHOULD be a callback function.
    if (typeof options == 'function') {
        callback = options;
        options = null;
    try {
        var result = require('uglify-js').minify(script, options);
        setTimeout(function() {
            callback(null, result);
        }, Math.random() * 1000);
    catch (ex) {
// Start the worker.

Attentions to next things:

  • The last parameter of the processor function SHOULD be a callback function.
  • Other arguments of the processor function excepting callback SHOULD be serializable.
  • Arguments passed to callback() SHOULD be serializable.
  • The worker will not accept messages or execute tasks until .start() invoked.

Step 2, Run Workers & Execute A Task

sturnus supplies a homonymous module to start and manage the workers, e.g.

// FILE: test.js
// Import the Sturnus module.
var Sturnus = require('sturnus');
// Create instance by supplying pathname of the extended worker javascript file.
var jspath = path.join(__dirname, 'extended_worker.js');
var sturnus = new Sturnus(jspath);
// Execute task.
sturnus.exec('minify', __filename, function(err, js) {

Step 3, Run Tasks Parallelly

Certainly, what we want is not just to run tasks in forked process one by one. To take adventage of multi-core systems, we want more workers and make them run parallely. By default, on starting, sturnus will create as many workers as cores the current system has. When .exec() invoked, the task will be assigned to one of the idle workers to really execute, or kept in queue until there are some workers become idle again.

[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].forEach(function(n) {
    var name = 'jsmin-' + n;
    sturnus.exec('minify', __filename, function(err, js) {


  • class Sturnus(Object options)
    To create an instance of sturnus management.

    • string options.js
    • number options.workers
    • object options.env
    • Array | string options.stdio

    See Child Processes for details about options.env and options.stdio.

  • class Sturnus(string jspath)
    Downward compatible style of new Sturnus({ js }).

  • <sturnus>.exec(taskname [, args ...] [, callback])
    To execute some task.

  • <sturnus>.terminate()
    To terminate all the sub processes forked by sturnus. If some sub processes are not idle, sturnus will keep waiting till them finishes their current tasks.


Sturnus is a genus of starlings, the birds commonly living in groups.


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