String Functions Library
A library of JavaScript functions for various string manipulations.
npm install stringamabob
1. capitalize(str)
- Description: Capitalizes the first letter of the string.
- Example:
capitalize('hello') //returns "Hello"
2. allCaps(str)
- Description: Converts all characters in the string to uppercase.
- Example:
allCaps('hello') //returns "HELLO"
3. capitalizeWords(str)
- Description: Capitalizes the first letter of each word in the string.
- Example:
capitalizeWords('foo bar') //returns "Foo Bar"
4. removeExtraSpaces(str)
- Description: Removes any leading/trailing spaces and condenses multiple spaces to a single space.
- Example:
removeExtraSpaces(' hello world ') //returns "hello world"
5. kebobCase(str)
- Description: Converts a string into kebob-case.
- Example:
kebobCase('Hello World') //returns "hello-world"
6. snakeCase(str)
- Description: Converts a string into snake_case.
- Example:
snakeCase('Hello World') //returns "hello_world"
7. camelCase(str)
- Description: Converts a string into camelCase.
- Example:
camelCase('hello world') //returns "helloWorld"
8. shift(str, n = 1)
- Description: Shifts characters in a string by a specified number.
- Example:
shift('hello', 2) //returns "llohe"
9. makeHashTag(str)
- Description: Generates hashtags from the input string. Prioritizes longer words if more than three words are given.
- Example:
makeHashTag('hello world') //returns ["#Hello", "#World"]
10. isEmpty(str)
- Description: Checks if the string is empty or just whitespace.
- Example:
isEmpty(' ') //returns true
npm Link
You can find the library on npm here.