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streaming-worker and streaming-worker-sdk

streaming-worker-sdk is a C++/JS SDK for building streaming addons with streaming/event-emitter interfaces. This is a C++ header file gives you a pattern for creating addons by inheriting from the StreamingWorker abstract class. Your addon, at a minimum, needs to implement a few virtual functions (most importantly, Execute), and can utilize standard methods to read and write Message objects to and from JavaScript. Message objects are name/value (string) pairs.

Once your C++ addon is built, you can interface with it from JavaScript using the streaming-worker package. streaming-worker creates a bi-directional event-emitter and stream interface around addons created by streaming-worker-sdk.


To start creating your streaming addon, first add a dependency to streaming-worker-sdk.

$ npm install --save streaming-worker-sdk

Next, make sure you've added the include directives to your binding.gyp file for both streaming-worker-sdk and nan.

"include_dirs" : [
    "<!(node -e \"require('nan')\")", 
    "<!(node -e \"require('streaming-worker-sdk')\")"

Note, to use nan and streaming-worker-sdk, you need to enable C++11 and use a fairly modern C++ compiler.

To build an addon you must:

  1. #include "streaming-worker.h"
  2. Create a class that inherits StreamingWorker
  3. Implement a constructor, the Execute member function (which will be the heart of your addon), and a create_worker factory method (see below)
  4. Register the your module with StreamWorkerWrapper::Init using NODE_MODULE.


Here's an example for setting up an addon that just streams successive integers to JavaScript.

Building the Addon (streaming-worker-sdk)

Start out with a directory /simple/addon and add a binding.gyp file:

  "targets": [
      "target_name": "simple_stream",
      "sources": [ "simple-stream.cpp" ], 
      "cflags": ["-Wall", "-std=c++11"],
      "cflags!": [ '-fno-exceptions' ],
      "cflags_cc!": [ '-fno-exceptions' ],
      "include_dirs" : ["<!(node -e \"require('nan')\")", "<!(node -e \"require('streaming-worker-sdk')\")"]

... and a package.json

  "name": "simple-stream",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "gypfile": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "nan": "*",
    "streaming-worker-sdk": "^0.9.0"

Next create the simple-stream.cpp source code file. You will need to include the sdk and then create a class that extends StreamingWorker. The class needs to have a constructor and an Execute function, which will contain your addon code that is generating/accepting data to/from JavaScript.

#include "streaming-worker.h"

class Simple : public StreamingWorker {
   Simple(Callback *data, Callback *complete, Callback *error_callback, v8::Local<v8::Object> & options) 
          : StreamingWorker(data, complete, error_callback){

        // nothing needs to be here - just make sure you call base constructor
        // The options parameter is for your JavaScript code to pass in 
        // an options object.  You can use this for whatever you want.
    // You must match the call signature here, `Execute` is a virtual function
    // defined on Streaing Worker.
    void Execute (const AsyncProgressWorker::ExecutionProgress& progress) {

      // Just send 100 integers and stop
      for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
        Message tosend("integer", std::to_string(i));
        writeToNode(progress, tosend);

The last step is supplying a factory method to create instances of your addon class. This function will be called by StreamingWorker automatically for you - you just need to define it (and match the name/call signature).

StreamingWorker * create_worker(Callback *data
    , Callback *complete
    , Callback *error_callback, 
    v8::Local<v8::Object> & options) {
 return new Simple(data, complete, error_callback, options);

NODE_MODULE(simple_streample, StreamWorkerWrapper::Init)

To build, do npm install (since the package.json file had a "gypfile": true entry. This will build the addon, which can now be used from Node.js using the streaming-worker package.

Using the addon (streaming-worker)

The SDK module is only for creating the C++ addon. To interface with the addon, you need to pull in the `streaming-worker' module for JavaScript.

Create a new directory (/simple/js) and do an npm install streaming-worker. Now you can instantiate a worker by specifying the location of the addon executable.

"use strict"; 

const path = require('path');\
const worker = require("streaming-worker");
const addon_path = path.join(__dirname, "../addon/build/Release/simple_stream");
const simple_stream = worker(addon_path);

streaming-worker objects have a from event emitter, which will report all data the addon sends to node.

simple_stream.from.on('integer', function(value){

More info

You can get the full distribution here, which includes both the streaming-worker and streaming-worker-sdk library, along with four more detailed examples. This library is based on a chapter in Node C++ Integration - which covers it's implementation in a lot more detail.



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