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Node.js library to flexibly merge two streams based on a key together.

const streamFromArray = require('stream-from-array')
const fs = require('fs')
const merge = require('stream-merge')
var lines = []
  { stream: streamFromArray([['1', 'Martin'], ['2', 'Nikolai']]) },
  { stream: streamFromArray([['1', 'Heidegger'], ['2', 'Tesla']]) }
]).on('data', (line) => {
}).on('end', () => {
  assert.deepEqual(lines, [
    ['1', 'Martin', 'Heidegger'],
    ['2', 'Nikolai', 'Tesla']


stream-merge comes with only one method:

const merge = require('stream-merge')

Its signature is:

<readable-stream> = merge( <array-of-streams-sets> )

where one stream-set is:

  stream: <stream>,
  [ name: <name of the stream> ],
  [ key: <indentifying one item of the stream> ]

Here is an example

var mergedStream = merge([
    stream: new streamFromArray([['1', 'Martin']]),    // readable stream
    name: 'first',                                     // **optional**, name for this stream
    key: '0'                                           // **optional**, key identifier
    stream: new streamFromArray([['1', 'Heidegger']]), // another stream
    name: 'last',                                      // **optional**, name for this stream
    key: '0'                                           // **optional**, key identifier
  // ...
mergedStream.on('data', function (obj) {
  obj == {
    key: '1',                  // identifier for this merged item
    pos: {
      first: 0,                // position of the item in the first stream
      last: 0                  // position of the item in the second stream
    data: {
      first: ['1', 'Martin']   // item from the first stream
      last: ['1', 'Heidegger'] // item from the second stream 
mergedStream.on('end', function () {
  // ... done.

Every item in the list needs to have a stream property which is a readable-stream. (Note: that it should be in objectMode:true) stream-merge will add itself as listener to this stream and will match every item to a key it receives. Once an item with the same key arrived in every stream it will emit a data event that contains the item of every stream mapped to a name.

The name is by default the index of the stream in the array 0, 1, .... If you want to be a little more explicit about the naming of the streams you can pass in a name.

With key you can define which key of the object you would like to use to identify the item. You can either define a fixed string or pass-in a function that determines the key by itself. The default key lookup is this:

function (item) {
  if (Array.isArray(item)) {
    return item[0]
  return item.key || item.code ||

Error handling

If one of the streams emits an error event stream-merge will emit an error event.

mergeStream.on('error', function (e) {
  e instanceof mergeStream.StreamError
  e.cause // Occurred error
  e.index // index of the stream
  e.input // stream inputSet that had an erro
  e.inputs // All the inputs that were initially passed to the merge-stream

Additionally it will disconnect itself from all the other streams. To make sure that you don't accidentally keep data open you should close the other streams as well:

  { stream: ... }
  { stream: ... }
]).on('error', function (e) {
  e.inputs.forEach(function (input, streamIndex) {
    if (streamIndex !== e.index) {
      input.close() // .close is an example! Depending on the read-stream you might
                    // want to cancel it differently.

Missing Keys

After all streams have ended it will emit an end event. If at that time there were items with keys that only existed in one of the streams then it will emit a missing event

mergeStream.on('missing', function (keys, dataSet) {
  keys // Array of keys that have been missing from the output
  dataSet // The already collected raw data


The order of the items arriving in data is depending on which item first contains a full set to merge. If the data of all streams arrive in the same order then it is easy to predict the result order. It becomes harder to predict if all streams are of different order.

Furthermore: merge-stream will need to keep references to all the data that is received but not merged yet, so: if the data is not in order, then the RAM consumption might become considerably high.


I have been using this library to merge together multiple csv files based on their keys with the problem that each library had a different key. Also I wanted the data in-memory to be as little as possible.



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  • leichtgewicht