
0.1.1 • Public • Published


Frictionless language packs for apps loaded and built with StealJS
L actually may stand for Language, Locale, Label, Lemming, Lenin, etc...


What it does

StealJS is a great loader on top of System.js that allows you to load ES6/CJS/AMD modules right inside your browser while working with NPM packages too, as well it has nice build tools that bundle you app for production use.

Steal-LP allows you to tunes loading and usage of dictionaries for your app. It loads your L-dictionary as function that takes L-name and returns promise to fulfil with dictionary data.

When you need this

Well, for example if your project needs i18n, l10n and you want to have simple, flexible and frictionless language packs configuration and loading on demand at runtime as in development and production. Other use cases possible if you have some message/labels/entries dictionaries and you need to load them dynamically.


Dictionaries are stored as separate CJS modules for every language usually per component:


module.exports = {
  name: 'name'


module.exports = {
  name: 'nombre'

other formats of storing dictionaries may be added pretty easy

Plain use in code:

import dict from './dict!lp'
dict('es').then(esDictData => {
  console.log( // -> nombre

Just install it from npm npm install steal-lp for simple use map in system config:

  "./lp": "steal-lp"

If you want to use another type name just map it (and use for import):

  "./language.pack": "steal-lp"

While build steal-tools will create language-packs with (for example) app-bundle.en-us.lp extension (for every L-name) per bundle. So particular language bundle loads in production when it is only needed.

Try the demo app

git clone
npm install # please, use NPM 3, otherwice remove system.npmAlgorithm in package.json 
npm build
npm start # app will run on 7000, to use other port: npm run start -- --port your_port 

Open in your browser http://localhost:7000 And you will see demo app. Open the console with network to see how files are loading, then change languages.

To see how it works with dist (built) version open your browser http://localhost:7000/dist

Demo app's code be found in repo's app folder.


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