
1.5.0 • Public • Published


This is just an example of how to write a javascript library configuring npm and creating a package json from

Create github repo

Create new repo on github and execute the following:

echo "# starwars-names" >>
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

Configuring npm and creating a package.json

To configure npm do the following:

npm set init-author-name 'Your Name'
npm set init-author-email ''
npm set init-author-url ''
npm set init-license 'MIT'
npm set save-exact true

check settings in .npmrc

Setup a npm-account and login via console:
npm adduser

following instructions.

Setup package.json
npm init -y

create an default package.json where you can add right content later.

Creating the library

  • create src/index.js
var starWarsNames = require('./starwars-names.json');

module.exports = {
  all: starWarsNames,
  • move starwars-names.json to src/
  • install npm module unique-random-array to appear in dependencies (--save)
npm i -S unique-random-array
  • update src/index.js
var uniqueRandomArray = require('unique-random-array');
var starWarsNames = require('./starwars-names.json');

module.exports = {
  all: starWarsNames,
  random: uniqueRandomArray(starWarsNames)
  • test it manually in console
> var lib = require('./src/index.js')
> lib.all // logs all names
> lib.random // logs random name

Create .gitignore


Publish library to npm


npm publish

and check with

npm info starwars-names

Releasing a version to github

add tag

git tag 1.0.0
git push --tags

check on github

Releasing a new version to npm

  • add a new name to starwars-names.json
"Sabine Wren"
  • update version
    • first number major version change
    • second number minor release with new features
    • a patch release like bug-fixes
  • increase second number to 1
"version": "1.1.0"
  • update to git and npm
git add -A
git commit -m "your commit message"
git tag 1.1.0
git push
git push --tags
npm publish
  • check with
npm info starwars-names-test-seebaermichi

Releasing a beta version

  • just increase version as needed and add -beta.0 to version number
  • update everything to git and npm
git add -A
git commit -m "commit message"
git tag 1.1.0-beta.0
git push
git push --tags
npm publish --tag beta
  • check
npm info
  • to install not beta version
npm install starwars-names-test-seebaermichi
  • to install latest beta version
npm install starwars-names-test-seebaermichi@beta


npm install starwars-names-test-seebaermichi@1.1.0-beta
  • if beta version is ready for final release just remove beta from version number and publish it as a normal version

Add Tests

  • install packages
npm i -D mocha chai
  • add src/index.test.js just to test if test is running
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var starWars = require('./index');

describe('starwars-names', function () {
  it('should work!', function () {
  • update test-script in packages.json
"scripts": {
  "test": "mocha src/index.test.js -w"
  • run test in console
npm test

Unit testing

  • we write a test for starWars.all and starWars.random()
  • for all replace it('should work!') by:
describe('all', function () {
  it('should be an array of strings', function () {
    function isArrayOfStrings (array) {
      return array.every(function (item) {
        return typeof item === 'string';
  • and run
npm test
  • cross-check by replace with - test should fail
  • add further test to src/index.test.js
it('should contain `Luke Skywalker`', function () {
  expect(starWars.all).to.include('Luke Skywalker');
  • add test for starWars.random()
describe('random', function () {
  it('should return a random item from the starWars.all', function () {
    var randomItem = starWars.random();

Automate Releasing

setup semantic-release-cli

  • automate with semantic-release-cli
npm i -g semantic-release-cli
  • setup semantic-release-cli
semantic-release-cli setup
  • use everywhere the default but choose Travis CI and Single Node.js verion
  • find some updates in package.json, e.g. remove verion, new script command semantic-release
  • restore version in package.json to
"verion": "0.0.0-semantically-released"

to prevent warnings

  • semantic-release runs automatically in accordance to settings in .travis.yml
  • find a new file .travis.yml
  • add following line before after_success: in .travix.yml
  - npm run test

this makes sure package is only released if tests pass

Writing conventional commits

  • use commitizen and cz-conventional-changelog
npm i -D commitizen cz-conventional-changelog
  • adjust package.json to add new script
"scripts": {
  "commit": "git-cz",
"csConfig": {
  "path": "node_modules/cz-conventional-changelog"
  • create new issue 'simplify releases' in github as an example
  • commit changes with conventional commit
npm run commit

follow instructions

Add new feature

  • tdd so add following test for random to src/index.test.js
it('should return an array of random if passed a number', function () {
  var randomItems = starWars.random(3);
  randomItems.forEach(function (item) {
  • test fails as expected
  • add feature to src/index.js
var uniqueRandomArray = require('unique-random-array');
var starWarsNames = require('./starwars-names.json');
var getRandomItem = uniqueRandomArray(starWarsNames);

module.exports = {
  all: starWarsNames,
  random: random

function random (number) {
  if (number === undefined) {
    return getRandomItem();
  } else {
    var randomItems = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < number; i++) {
    return randomItems;
  • update package
git add -A
npm run commit
? Select the type...: feat
? Denote the scopt:
? Write a short...
Add ability to get an array of starwars names
? Provide a longer...
If you pass a number to the random function, you will receive an array with that number of random items.
? List any breaking...
closes #2

Dependencies (1)

Dev Dependencies (5)

Package Sidebar


npm i starwars-names-test-seebaermichi

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Last publish


  • seebaermichi