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ST.db is a powerful npm package that provides an easy-to-use key-value interface for managing various types of databases, both local and cloud-based. This package simplifies the process of reading, writing, and seamlessly switching between different database engines. Whether you're working with local databases or cloud-based solutions, st.db offers a straightforward and efficient way to interact with your data.

Features ✨

  • Multiple Database Support: st.db supports a variety of database types, including Firebase, Cache, JSON, YAML, XML, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQL. This versatility allows you to choose the most suitable database for your project's requirements.

  • Simplified Interface: With st.db, you can access and manipulate your databases using a simple key-value interface. This means you can easily store and retrieve data using intuitive methods.

  • Seamless Switching: One of the standout features of st.db is its ability to seamlessly switch between different database drivers. This means you can transition from a local JSON database to a cloud-based Firebase database without extensive code changes.

  • Efficient Caching: The CacheDriver provided by st.db enables efficient caching of frequently accessed data, optimizing the speed of your data retrieval operations.

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: st.db is designed to work seamlessly across various platforms and environments. Whether you're developing a web application, mobile app, or desktop software, you can rely on st.db to handle your database needs.

  • Encryption and Security: Protect your sensitive data with built-in encryption options. st.db offers encryption features to ensure that your data remains secure, both at rest and during transmission.

  • Customizable Configurations: Each database driver in st.db comes with a range of customizable configurations. Tailor the settings to match your project's performance and scalability requirements.

  • Comprehensive Documentation: Our package comes with comprehensive and easy-to-understand documentation. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you'll find the information you need to get started and make the most of st.db.


To install the st.db package and its associated database drivers, follow these steps:

  1. Install the main st.db package:
npm install st.db
  1. Depending on the specific database drivers you intend to use, you will need to install the corresponding packages. Here are the drivers and their associated packages:

    • JSON and Cache: The JSONDriver, YAMLDriver, XMLDriver and CacheDriver does not require any additional package installation.

    • SQL:

      npm install @st.db/sql
    • MongoDB:

      npm install @st.db/mongodb
    • PostgreSQL:

      npm install @st.db/postgres
    • Firebase:

      npm install @st.db/firebase
    • MySQL:

      npm install @st.db/mysql

    Note: These packages are marked as optional, meaning you only need to install the ones that correspond to the specific database drivers you plan to use. If you're not using a particular driver, you can skip installing its associated package.

  2. Once you have installed the main st.db package and the necessary database driver packages, you're ready to start using st.db in your project!

Getting Started

To begin using st.db in your project, you can import the necessary database drivers and start interacting with your databases using the key-value interface. For detailed usage instructions and examples, refer to the documentation or examples provided for each individual driver.


Using Node.js require()

const { Database } = require('st.db');

TypeScript/ES Module support

import { Database } from 'st.db';

Deno support

import { Database } from 'npm:st.db';

Configuring Database Behavior Using DatabaseOptions

The DatabaseOptions object allows you to customize the behavior of the database when initializing it. Here's a detailed explanation of the available options:

  • encryptionOptions: This property accepts an object that defines additional options for encryption. These options can be used to fine-tune encryption behavior based on your security requirements.

  • autoDecrypt (optional): When set to true, this property enables automatic decryption of encrypted data as it's retrieved from the database.

  • encryption: This property accepts an object that provides information for data encryption. It includes the following properties:

    • password: The password used for encryption and decryption.
    • digest (optional): A cryptographic digest algorithm used to derive the encryption key from the provided password. If not specified, the default is SHA-256.
  • driver: By setting this property, you can specify the desired database driver from the Drivers type mentioned earlier. Choose the appropriate driver that matches your intended database technology.

Example Configuration

Here's an example of how you might configure the st.db package using the DatabaseOptions object:

Using JSONDriver

The JSONDriver allows you to store data in a local JSON file. Here's how you can use it:

import { Database, JSONDriver } from "st.db";

const options = {
  driver: new JSONDriver("data.json"), // Specify the JSONDriver and the JSON file name

const db = new Database(options);

Using YAMLDriver

The JSONDriver allows you to store data in a local YAML file. Here's how you can use it:

import { Database, YAMLDriver } from "st.db";

const options = {
  driver: new YAMLDriver("data.yaml"), // Specify the YAMLDriver and the JSON file name

const db = new Database(options);

Using XMLDriver

The XMLDriver allows you to store data in a local XML file. Here's how you can use it:

import { Database, XMLDriver } from "st.db";

const options = {
  driver: new XMLDriver("data.xml"), // Specify the XMLDriver and the JSON file name

const db = new Database(options);

Using MySQLDriver

The MySQLDriver connects to MySQL databases and provides data management features. Here's how to set it up:

import { Database } from "st.db";
import { MySQLDriver  } from "@st.db/mysql";

const tableName = "my_table"; // Optional: specify the table name

const mysqlConfig = {
  host: "localhost",
  user: "username",
  password: "password",
  database: "my_database",

const options = {
  driver: new MySQLDriver(mysqlConfig,tableName), // Specify the MySQLDriver and the configuration

const db = new Database(options);

Using MongoDriver

The MongoDriver enables interaction with MongoDB databases. Here's how to use it:

import { Database } from "st.db";
import { MongoDriver } from "@st.db/mongodb";
const mongoUrl = "mongodb://localhost:27017";
const dbName = "my_database";
const collectionName = "my_collection";

const options = {
  driver: new MongoDriver(mongoUrl, dbName, collectionName), // Specify the MongoDriver and the connection details

const db = new Database(options);

Using FirebaseDriver

The FirebaseDriver enables interaction with Firestore databases. Here's how to use it:

import { Database } from "st.db";
import { FirebaseDriver } from "@st.db/firebase";

// Replace these values with your actual Firebase configuration
const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: "your-api-key",
  authDomain: "your-auth-domain",
  projectId: "your-project-id",
  storageBucket: "your-storage-bucket",
  messagingSenderId: "your-messaging-sender-id",
  appId: "your-app-id",

const collectionName = "my_collection"; // Optional: specify the collection name

const options = {
  driver: new FirebaseDriver(firebaseConfig, collectionName), // Specify the FirebaseDriver and the configuration

const db = new Database(options);

Using CacheDriver

The CacheDriver provides an in-memory caching mechanism. Here's how to utilize it:

import { Database, CacheDriver } from "st.db";

const options = {
  driver: new CacheDriver(), // Specify the CacheDriver

const db = new Database(options);

Using PostgresDriver

The PostgresDriver enables interaction with PostgreSQL databases. Here's how to use it:

import { Database } from "st.db";
import { PostgresDriver  } from "@st.db/postgres";

const tableName = "my_table"; // Optional: specify the table name
const postgresConfig = {
  user: "username",
  password: "password",
  host: "localhost",
  database: "my_database",

const options = {
  driver: new PostgresDriver(postgresConfig, tableName), // Specify the PostgresDriver and the configuration

const db = new Database(options);

Using SQLDriver

The SQLDriver provides an interface for general SQL databases. Here's how you can use it:

import { Database } from "st.db";
import { SQLDriver  } from "@st.db/sql";
const tableName = "my_table"; // Optional: specify the table name
const options = {
  driver: new SQLDriver("data.sqlite", tableName), // Specify the SQLDriver and the SQLite database file name

const db = new Database(options);

Example of methods

  • Database
// Set a key-value pair
db.set("version", "v7");

// Get the value of a specific key
const version = await db.get("version");

// Check if a key exists in the database
const exists = await db.has("version");

// Remove a key-value pair from the database
await db.remove("version");

// Retrieve all elements from the database
const allElements = await db.all();

// Perform a math operation and store the result in the database
await db.math("points", "+", 150);

// Clear all data from the database
await db.clear();

// Delete all data from the database
await db.deleteAll();

// Check if a key starts with a specific value
const startsWithElements = await db.startsWith("st.");

// Check if a key ends with a specific value
const endsWithElements = await db.endsWith(".db");

// Filter the database by a specific condition
const filteredElements = await db.filter("key", (element) => === "test");

// Check if a key includes a specific value
const includesElements = await db.includes("st.db");

// Get the type of a specific key's value
const valueType = await db.type("version");

// Get all values in the database
const allValues = await db.valuesAll();

// Get all keys in the database
const allKeys = await db.keysAll();

// Encrypt a string value
const encryptedValue = db.encryptString("secret");

// Get the uptime of the database connection
const uptime = db.uptime;

// Decrypt an encrypted string value
const decryptedValue = db.decryptString(encryptedValue);

// Check if a value is encrypted
const isEncrypted = db.isEncryptString(encryptedValue);

// Push an element into an array in the database
await db.push("myArray", "newElement");

// Remove the last element from an array in the database
const poppedValue = await db.pop("myArray");

// Remove the first element from an array in the database
const shiftedValue = await db.shift("myArray");

// Pull an element from an array in the database
await db.pull("myArray", "elementToRemove");

// Unshift an element into an array in the database
await db.unshift("myArray", "newElement");

// Add a numeric value to an existing value
await db.add("count", 5);

// Multiply an existing value by a numeric factor
await db.multiply("total", 2);

// Double the value of an existing numeric value
await db.double("amount");

// Subtract a numeric value from an existing value
await db.subtract("balance", 50);
  • Table
  • Table Class

The Table class extends the functionality of the Database class to provide additional features for managing data in a specific table.

import { Table } from "st.db";

// Create a new table instance
const table = new Table("users", db);

// Set data in the table
await table.set("user1", { name: "Alice", age: 30 });

// Get data from the table
const userData = await table.get("user1");
console.log("User data:", userData);

// Check if a key exists in the table
const userExists = await table.has("user1");
console.log("User exists:", userExists);

// Retrieve all data from the table
const allData = await table.all();
console.log("All data:", allData);

// Clear all data from the table
await table.clear();

/* All methods of the Database class are available to the Table class */

Supported Drivers

  • FirebaseDriver: Connect to Firebase Realtime Database.
  • CacheDriver: Utilize an efficient caching mechanism.
  • JSONDriver: Store data in a local JSON file.
  • YAMLDriver: Manage data using YAML files.
  • XMLDriver: Store and retrieve data in XML format.
  • MongoDriver: Connect to MongoDB databases.
  • PostgresDriver: Interact with PostgreSQL databases.
  • MySQLDriver: Manage MySQL database operations.
  • SQLDriver: Interface for SQL databases.



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If you don't understand something in the documentation, you are experiencing problems, or you just need a gentle nudge in the right direction, please don't hesitate to join our official Discord Server .

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