
1.0.5 • Public • Published


This package generates CDK classes, using templates, from the go ssm report.


It is possible to generate a report as object and JSON using the golang ssm report. This may be used in a DevOps pipeline to e.g. use CDK to create Parameter Store & Secrets Manager entities to be provisioned using cloud formation. Hence it is possible to have default values by passing the struct as value instead of nil pointer with a specific interface type.

For example, the following

type Sample struct {
  ConnectionString string `asm:"connectstring, strkey=password, gurka=biffen, nasse=hunden"`
  Secret string `asm:"mysecret"`
  Parameter string `pms:"parameter, description=A sample value, pattern=.*, my=hobby, by=test"`
set := Sample{
  ConnectString: "{\"user\":\"nisse\"}",
  Secret: "{\"private\"\"nobody knows\"\"lockkey\":\"eeej1¤¤&1!\"}",
  Parameter: "a parameter"
s := NewSsmSerializer("dev", "test-service")
objs, json, err := s.ReportWithOpts(&set, NoFilter, true)
if err != nil {

Renders a JSON report on the following format:

  "parameters": [
      "type": "secrets-manager",
      "fqname": "/dev/test-service/connectstring",
      "keyid": "",
      "description": "",
      "tags": {"gurka":"biffen","nasse":"hunden"},
      "details": {
        "strkey": "password"
      "value": "{\"user\"\"nisse\"}"      
      "type": "secrets-manager",
      "fqname": "/dev/test-service/mysecret",
      "keyid": "",
      "description": "",
      "tags": {},
      "details": {
        "strkey": null
      "value": "{\"private\"\"nobody knows\"\"lockkey\":\"eeej1¤¤&1!\"}"      
      "type": "parameter-store",
      "fqname": "/dev/test-service/parameter",
      "keyid": "",
      "description": "A sample value",
      "tags": {"my":"hobby", "by": "test"},
      "details": {
        "pattern": ".*",
        "tier": "Standard"
      "value": "a parameter",
      "valuetype": "String"

However since it returns a Report object containing Parameters you may do your own JSON or otherwise generation from the Report object. It is also possible to use filter to filter out fields in same manner as Marshal and Unmarshal works.

From this JSON it is possible to transform it to e.g. CDK @aws-cdk/aws-ssm object such as

new ssm.StringParameter(stack, 'Parameter', {
  allowedPattern: '.*',
  description: 'The value Foo',
  parameterName: 'FooParameter',
  stringValue: 'Foo',
  tier: ssm.ParameterTier.ADVANCED,

CDK Generator

This is an implementation of a CDK generator, that is template driven to fit your CDK generation needs.For example given the report JSON file above and use ssm-cdk-generator will output the following using default templates.

import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';
    import * as asm from '@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager';
    import * as pms from '@aws-cdk/aws-ssm';
    export class SsmParamsConstruct extends cdk.Construct {
      constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string) {
        super(scope, id);
        // SetupSecrets & SetupParameters must be named exactly as stated below!
      private SetupSecrets() {
              new asm.CfnSecret(this, 'Secret0', {
                description: '',
                name: '/dev/test-service/connectstring',
                generateSecretString: {
                  secretStringTemplate: '{"user": "nisse"}',
                  generateStringKey: 'password',
                tags: [{"key":"gurka","value":"biffen"},{"key":"nasse","value":"hunden"}]
              new asm.CfnSecret(this, 'Secret1', {
                description: '',
                name: '/dev/test-service/mysecret',
                secretString: '{"private": "nobody knows", "lockkey":"eeej1¤¤&1!"}',
                tags: []
      private SetupParameters() {
          new pms.CfnParameter(this, 'Parameter0', {
                name: '/dev/test-service/parameter',
                type: 'String',
                value: 'a parameter',
                allowedPattern: '.*',
                description: 'A sample value',
                policies: ''
                tier: 'Standard'

Use the node app/index.js --help to get help on which parameters you may use.

  --help           Show help                                           [boolean]
  --version        Show version number                                 [boolean]
  --outfile, -o    An optional outfile to write the resulting CDK Construct
  --stdout         Output the result onto stdout. This may be combined with
  --infile, -i     The ssm report file to read from filesystem instead of
                   default stdin
  --tsconfig       Optional tsconfig.json file to use when generating the source
  --clsname, -c    Optional a class name for the generated CDK class
  --tmplasm, --ta  Optional a template fqfilepath that shall be used for asm
  --tmplpms, --tp  Optional a template fq filepath that shall be used for
                   generating pms parameter
  --tmplclz, --tc  Optional a template fq filepath that shall be used for
                   generating a new file / class

Templates are very simple and the default resides under the _ssm-cdk-generator/templates for reviewing. For example a template to generate a single Parameter Store Parameter could look like this.

new pms.CfnParameter(this, 'Parameter{index}', {
      name: '{fqname}',
      type: '{valuetype}',
      value: '{value}',
      allowedPattern: '{details.pattern}',
      description: '{description}',
      policies: '{policies}'
      tier: '{details.tier}'

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