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0.0.8 • Public • Published

SSE Generator

sse-generator is a lightweight Server-Sent Events (SSE) request library designed to provide an easy way for asynchronously invoking realtime data streams on the client side.


for await (const { data, id, lastId } of sse({ ... })) {
  console.log(data, id, lastId);

Background: Recently, various online LLM services have widely adopted the SSE format as the response to streaming API requests, and the handling of SSE requests on the frontend has become increasingly common. To simplify the development process, we developed sse-generator, a lightweight SSE request library that can help you quickly implement the handling of SSE requests.

Special thanks to sse.js, sse-generator is developed based on it, extending its functionality to meet the needs of modern frontend development in SSE streaming invocation.


  • Zero Dependencies: Maintaining a lightweight characteristic, easy to integrate and deploy.
  • Ease of Use: Simplified handling of streaming invocation allowing you to focus more on data processing than on the communication mechanism.
  • Highly Configurable: Provides a wealth of configuration options to adapt to different invocation scenarios.

How to Use

Direct inclusion in the HTML page

You can directly include the UMD version of sse-generator in your HTML page:

Note that the sse function will be mounted on the global object ssegenerator.

<script src=""></script>
  window.ssegenerator.sse({ ... })

Using module import

You can also import sse-generator using module import:

npm install sse-generator
import { sse } from 'sse-generator';

// Use the sse function
async function test() {
  try {
    for await (const { data } of sse({
      baseURL: '',
      url: '/v1/chat/completions',
      data: {
        model: 'gpt-4-turbo-preview',
        messages: [{ role: 'user', content: 'Hi!' }],
        headers: {
          Authorization: 'Bearer YOUR_API_KEY',
    })) {
  } catch (error) {

Otherwise, you can use the getXMLHTTPRequest parameter to get the XMLHTTPRequest object to implement more custom features, such as terminating a request:

import { sse } from 'sse-generator';

async function test(getTerminate) {
  for await (const { data } of sse({
    getXMLHTTPRequest: xhr => {
      getTerminate(() => xhr.abort());
  })) {

// Terminate the request after 3 seconds
test(terminate => setTimeout(terminate, 3000));

sse by default only listens to the default message event. Server-Sent Event also supports custom events, as an example of the Claude API:

event: message_start
data: {"type": "message_start", "message": {"id": "msg_1nZdL29xx5MUA1yADyHTEsnR8uuvGzszyY", "type": "message", "role": "assistant", "content": [], "model": "claude-3-opus-20240229", "stop_reason": null, "stop_sequence": null, "usage": {"input_tokens": 25, "output_tokens": 1}}}

event: content_block_start
data: {"type": "content_block_start", "index": 0, "content_block": {"type": "text", "text": ""}}

event: ping
data: {"type": "ping"}

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type": "content_block_delta", "index": 0, "delta": {"type": "text_delta", "text": "Hello"}}

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type": "content_block_delta", "index": 0, "delta": {"type": "text_delta", "text": "!"}}

event: content_block_stop
data: {"type": "content_block_stop", "index": 0}

event: message_delta
data: {"type": "message_delta", "delta": {"stop_reason": "end_turn", "stop_sequence":null, "usage":{"output_tokens": 15}}}

event: message_stop
data: {"type": "message_stop"}

Therefore, we need to specify additional events to listen to:

for await (const { event, data } of sse({ listen: ['content_block_delta', ...], ... })) { ... }

event will indicate the name of the current event.

API Interface

The table below lists the main interface parameters, parsing, and usage of the sse function.

Parameter Type Description
baseURL string Base URL, all requests will be based on this URL
url string Request URL, if baseURL exists, this URL is relative
data any Request data, non-string will be JSON serialized
headers object Custom request headers
method string Request method, defaults to GET, data not null changes to POST
withCredentials boolean Whether cross-origin requests should include credentials
debug boolean Whether to enable debug mode, printing information to the console
getXMLHTTPRequest function Called after connection, used to get XMLHTTPRequest object
listen string[] / string List of events to listen to

Generator Payload Type Description

The table below lists the payload types of the sse function generator and their corresponding parsing.

Payload Type Type Description
data string Unparsed message content, usually a JSON string
id string Event ID (if present)
lastId string Previous event ID (if present)
event string Event name


Install Dependencies

npm install


npm run build


npm publish

Other commands:

npm run lint         # Lint and fix source files
npm run change       # Add a new changeset
npm run bump         # Update version and changelog via changeset
npm run release      # Release the package


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