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Simple Serialized NgRx Router Store

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ss-ngrx-router-store library serializes Angular router snapshots for NgRx Router Store. It searches entire route tree and puts only useful attributes into NgRx store (no need to think about children, firstChild, parent, root etc). The result is very clean (check demo). It is useful to newbies and experts alike.



npm peer dependency @angular/router version npm peer dependency @ngrx/store version

  1. Make sure that you've installed and setup @angular/router and @ngrx/store.

  2. npm install --save ss-ngrx-router-store @ngrx/router-store
  3. Import SSNgRxRouterStoreModule in app.module.ts:

    import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
    import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
    import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
    import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store';
    import { StoreDevtoolsModule } from '@ngrx/store-devtools';
    import { SSNgRxRouterStoreModule } from 'ss-ngrx-router-store';
        declarations: [AppComponent],
        imports: [
            StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, { metaReducers }),
                maxAge: 25,
                logOnly: environment.production
        providers: [],
        bootstrap: [AppComponent]
    export class AppModule {}

    No need to import anything from @ngrx/router-store. Also, keep in mind that import orders matter.

  4. Done! You can see router state in Redux DevTools.

For Advanced Users

npm peer dependency @ngrx/router-store version

SSNgRxRouterStoreModule uses default settings of @ngrx/router-store. If you want to override default settings, you can setup @ngrx/router-store yourself and use serializer provided by ss-ngrx-router-store. For example:

import { SSRouterSerializer } from 'ss-ngrx-router-store';
    imports: [
            stateKey: 'clean-router',
            serializer: SSRouterSerializer,
            navigationActionTiming: NavigationActionTiming.PostActivation


ss-ngrx-router-store provides lots of selectors which you can use in your app.

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { getParams } from 'ss-ngrx-router-store';
  template: `
      {{ (params$ | async).chatId }}
  styles: []
export class YourComponent implements OnInit {
  constructor(private store: Store<any>) {}
  params$: Observable<{ chatId: string }>;
  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.params$ =<{ chatId: string }>(getParams);

List of Selectors

Selectors Usage
getRouterState Select partial state of NgRx Router Store
getRouteMap Select map containing URL, Params, Query Params, Fragment & Data
getNavigationId Select Navigation Id which automatically increments upon navigation
getURL Select current URL visible in the address bar (after base href)
getParams Select Params (including Matrix Params) from all routes
getQueryParams Select global Query Params
getFragment Select global Fragment
getData Select static data from all routes


If keys of multiple params are same, only child route param will be serialized. e.g. If your path is

path: 'folder/:id/mail/:id'

and you visit folder/inbox/mail/122458656, your router state will only register

params: {
    id: 122458656

not id: 'inbox'.

Solution: Be creative with key names and avoid duplicates. e.g. If your path is

path: 'folder/:folderId/mail/:mailId

and you visit folder/inbox/mail/122458656, your router state will properly register

params: {
    folderId: 'inbox',
    mailId: 122458656

. This limitation is also applicable to static data because it is also route-specific.

Query Params and Fragment don't have such limitations because they are global to every route in the tree.

Limitation with Matrix Params

Matrix Params which aren't attached with leaf node of the router state tree won't be serialized. This is because Angular Router treats them as Parameter of URL Segment, not Param. If you visit folder/inbox/mail/122458656;fullView=true, fullView matrix param will be serialized, but if you visit folder/inbox;sort=newfirst/mail/122458656, sort matrix param will not be serialized.

Solution: None. This is on library's roadmap.


ss-ngrx-router-store also exposes interfaces used by serialized state. You can use them to write type-safe codes.



(Params and Data are from @angular/router)





will reactively print entire serialized router state on any page. You can use it for debugging purposes in case you are away from your dev environment and you don't have access to Redux Devtools. The library's demo page uses the same component to print router state on the page.

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  • sachinshekhar