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spritesheet-templates Build status

Convert spritesheet data into CSS or CSS pre-processor data

spritesheet-templates, formerly json2css, was built as part of spritesmith, a tool that converts images into spritesheets and CSS variables.

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install spritesheet-templates

// Compilation
var templater = require('spritesheet-templates');
  items: [{
    name: 'github', x: 0, y: 0, width: 10, height: 20
  }, {
    name: 'twitter', x: 10, y: 20, width: 20, height: 30
  }, {
    name: 'rss', x: 30, y: 50, width: 50, height: 50
  spritesheet: {
    width: 80, height: 100, image: 'url/path/to/spritesheet.png'
}, {format: 'stylus'}); /*
// Result stylus
$github_x = 0px;
$github_y = 0px;
$github = 0px 0px 0px 0px 10px 20px 80px 100px 'url/path/to/spritesheet.png' 'github';
$twitter = 10px 20px -10px -20px 20px 30px 80px 100px 'url/path/to/spritesheet.png' 'twitter';
$rss = 30px 50px -30px -50px 50px 50px 80px 100px 'url/path/to/spritesheet.png' 'rss';
spriteWidth($sprite) {
  width: $sprite[0];
sprite($sprite) {
// Inside of your Stylus
.github-logo {


spritesheet-templates is exports the funciton templater as its module.exports.

templater(params, options)

Converter for spritesheet/sprite info into spritesheet

  • params Object - Container for parameters
    • items Object[] - Array of objects with coordinate data about each sprite on the spritesheet
        • Object - Container for sprite coordinate data
          • For reference, * symbolizes any index (e.g. params.items[0])
          • name String - Name to use for the image
          • x Number - Horizontal coordinate of top-left corner of image
          • y Number - Vertical coordinate of top-left corner of image
          • width Number - Horizontal length of image in pixels
          • height Number - Vertical length of image in pixels
    • spritesheet Object - Information about spritesheet
      • width Number - Horizontal length of image in pixels
      • height Number - Vertical length of image in pixels
      • image String - URL to use for spritesheet
        • This will typically be used in background-image
        • For example, background-image: url({{spritesheet.image}});
  • options Object - Optional settings
    • spritesheetName String - Prefix to use for all spritesheet variables
      • For example, icons will generate $icons-width/$icons-image/etc in a Stylus template
      • By default, this is spritesheet (e.g. $spritesheet-width, $spritesheet-image)
    • format String - Format to generate output in
    • formatOpts Mixed - Options to pass through to the formatter


  • retVal String - Result from specified formatter


These are the various template options for options.format:


Ouput CSS variables as CSS rules.


  • cssSelector Function - Override mapping for CSS selector
    • cssSelector should have signature function (item) { return 'selector'; }
    • By default this will return '.icon-' + item.name
    • It will receive item with all parameters designed for template


.icon-sprite1 {
  background-image: url(nested/dir/spritesheet.png);
  background-position: 0px 0px;
  width: 10px;
  height: 20px;
.icon-sprite2 {
/* ... */


Output CSS variables in JSON format.


    "sprite1": {
        "x": 0,
        "y": 0,
        "width": 10,
        "height": 20,
        "total_width": 80,
        "total_height": 100,
        "image": "nested/dir/spritesheet.png",
        "offset_x": 0,
        "offset_y": 0,
        "px": {
            "x": "0px",
            "y": "0px",
            "offset_x": "0px",
            "offset_y": "0px",
            "height": "20px",
            "width": "10px",
            "total_height": "100px",
            "total_width": "80px"
        "escaped_image": "nested/dir/spritesheet.png"
    "sprite2": {
    // ...


Output CSS variables as an array of objects.


        "name": "sprite1",
        "x": 0,
        "y": 0,
        "width": 10,
        "height": 20,
        "total_width": 80,
        "total_height": 100,
        "image": "nested/dir/spritesheet.png",
        "offset_x": 0,
        "offset_y": 0,
        "px": {
            "x": "0px",
            "y": "0px",
            "offset_x": "0px",
            "offset_y": "0px",
            "height": "20px",
            "width": "10px",
            "total_height": "100px",
            "total_width": "80px"
        "escaped_image": "nested/dir/spritesheet.png"
        "name": "sprite2",
        // ...


Output CSS variables as LESS variables.


  • functions Boolean - Flag to include mixins or not
    • By default this is true (mixins will be included)


@sprite1-name: 'sprite1';
@sprite1-x: 0px;
@sprite1-y: 0px;
@sprite1-offset-x: 0px;
@sprite1-offset-y: 0px;
@sprite1-width: 10px;
@sprite1-height: 20px;
@sprite1-total-width: 80px;
@sprite1-total-height: 100px;
@sprite1-image: 'nested/dir/spritesheet.png';
@sprite1: 0px 0px 0px 0px 10px 20px 80px 100px 'nested/dir/spritesheet.png' 'sprite1';
@sprite2-name: 'sprite2';
// ... 


Output CSS variables as SASS variables.


  • functions Boolean - Flag to include mixins or not
    • By default this is true (mixins will be included)


$sprite1-name: 'sprite1'
$sprite1-x: 0px
$sprite1-y: 0px
$sprite1-offset-x: 0px
$sprite1-offset-y: 0px
$sprite1-width: 10px
$sprite1-height: 20px
$sprite1-total-width: 80px
$sprite1-total-height: 100px
$sprite1-image: 'nested/dir/spritesheet.png'
$sprite1: 0px 0px 0px 0px 10px 20px 80px 100px 'nested/dir/spritesheet.png' 'sprite1'
$sprite2-name: 'sprite2'
// ...


Output CSS variables as SCSS variables.


  • functions Boolean - Flag to include mixins or not
    • By default this is true (mixins will be included)


$sprite1-name: 'sprite1';
$sprite1-x: 0px;
$sprite1-y: 0px;
$sprite1-offset-x: 0px;
$sprite1-offset-y: 0px;
$sprite1-width: 10px;
$sprite1-height: 20px;
$sprite1-total-width: 80px;
$sprite1-total-height: 100px;
$sprite1-image: 'nested/dir/spritesheet.png';
$sprite1: 0px 0px 0px 0px 10px 20px 80px 100px 'nested/dir/spritesheet.png' 'sprite1';
$sprite2-name: 'sprite2';
// ... 


Output CSS variables as SCSS maps variables.


  • functions Boolean - Flag to include mixins or not
    • By default this is true (mixins will be included)


$sprite1: (
  name: 'sprite1',
  x: 0px,
  y: 0px,
  offset_x: 0px,
  offset_y: 0px,
  width: 10px,
  height: 20px,
  total_width: 80px,
  total_height: 100px,
  image: 'nested/dir/spritesheet.png'
$sprite2: (
// ...


Output CSS variables as Stylus variables.


  • functions Boolean - Flag to include mixins or not
    • By default this is true (mixins will be included)


$sprite1_name = 'sprite1';
$sprite1_x = 0px;
$sprite1_y = 0px;
$sprite1_offset_x = 0px;
$sprite1_offset_y = 0px;
$sprite1_width = 10px;
$sprite1_height = 20px;
$sprite1_total_width = 80px;
$sprite1_total_height = 100px;
$sprite1_image = 'nested/dir/spritesheet.png';
$sprite1 = 0px 0px 0px 0px 10px 20px 80px 100px 'nested/dir/spritesheet.png';
$sprite2_name = 'sprite2';
// ... 


Custom templates can be added dynamically via templater.addTemplate and templater.addMustacheTemplate.

Template data

The parameters passed into your template are known as params. These are a cloned copy of the params originally passed in. We add some normalized properties for your convenience.

  • params Object - Container for parameters
    • items Object[] - Array of objects with coordinate data about each sprite on the spritesheet
        • Object - Container for sprite coordinate data
          • For reference, * symbolizes any index (e.g. params.items[0])
          • name String - Name to use for the image
          • x Number - Horizontal coordinate of top-left corner of image
          • y Number - Vertical coordinate of top-left corner of image
          • width Number - Horizontal length of image in pixels
          • height Number - Vertical length of image in pixels
          • total_width Number - Width of entire spritesheet
          • total_height Number - Height of entire spritesheet
          • image String - URL path to spritesheet
          • escaped_image String - URL encoded image
          • offset_x Number - Negative value of x. Useful to background-position
          • offset_y Number - Negative value of y. Useful to background-position
          • px Object - Container for numeric values including px
            • x String - x suffixed with px
            • y String - y suffixed with px
            • width String - width suffixed with px
            • height String - height suffixed with px
            • total_width String - total_width suffixed with px
            • total_height String - total_height suffixed with px
            • offset_x String - offset_x suffixed with px
            • offset_y String - offset_y suffixed with px
    • spritesheet Object - Information about spritesheet
      • width Number - Horizontal length of image in pixels
      • height Number - Vertical length of image in pixels
      • image String - URL to use for spritesheet
        • This will typically be used in background-image
        • For example, background-image: url({{spritesheet.image}});
      • escaped_image String - URL encoded image
      • px Object container for numeric values including px
        • width String - width suffixed with px
        • height String - height suffixed with px
    • spritesheet_name String - Name for spritesheet
    • options Mixed - Options to passed through via options.formatOpts
templater.addTemplate(name, fn)

Method to define a custom template under the format of name.

  • name String - Key to store template under for reference via options.format
  • fn Function - Template function
    • Should have signature of function (params) and return a String output
templater.addMustacheTemplate(name, tmplStr)

Method to define a custom mustache template under the format of name.

  • name String - Key to store template under for reference via options.format
  • tmplStr String - Mustache template to use for formatting
    • This will receive params as its data (e.g. {{items}} is params.items)


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint via npm run lint and test via npm test.


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Support via Gratipay


As of Sep 08 2013, Todd Wolfson has released this repository and its contents to the public domain.

It has been released under the UNLICENSE.

Prior to Sep 08 2013, this repository and its contents were licensed under the MIT license.


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