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0.1.5 • Public • Published

Query California hydrogen station status from the CLI!


(The tables will render correctly in your terminal if emojis are correctly configured).


Build Status

  • 🤔 Query the CAFCP's Station Operational Status System (SOSS) from the command line

  • 🛰️ Use geolocation to locate nearest stations

  • ⛳ Query stations near point of interest


You need npm or yarn installed. On macos, install homebrew and run brew install npm, on Debian-flavored Linux, run sudo apt-get install npm.

Then, install globally using npm or yarn:

# With npm 
npm install -g soss-cli
# With yarn 
yarn global add soss-cli

The soss command will now be available.


Running without parameters will automatically print help.

soss nearest

Will output a list of stations nearby. If you are running macos, CoreLocation will be used to locate you, otherwise we fallback to IP-based geolocation.

~ ❯❯❯ soss nearest                                                                                                                                ✘ 1
✔ Getting current location
✔ Getting station data
✔ Getting Station Status
║ 🚗  Distance│ 🏢  Name      │ H35 │ H70 │ 🕒  Updated │ 💬  Message                    ║
║ 1.67 mi     │ West LA       │ ❌  │ ❌  │ 11:28:45 AM │ The station is offline for mai ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ ntenance, and we expect to reo ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ pen around Thursday, 3/1. In t ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ he interim, customers can use  ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ Santa Monica or other nearby s ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ tations. Please check back for ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ updates. We apologize for any  ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ inconvenience.                 ║
║ 3.54 mi     │ Santa Monica  │ ✅  │ ✅  │ 11:33:44 AM │                                ║
║ 4.64 mi     │ Fairfax-LA    │ ✅  │ ✅  │ 11:33:44 AM │ The Fairfax station will be of ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ fline for maintenance activiti ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ es all day on 3/6 through 3/7, ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ We will advise as soon as the  ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ station returns to operation.  ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ We apologize for any inconveni ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ ence this may cause.           ║
║ 7.42 mi     │ Playa Del Rey │ ✅  │ ✅  │ 11:31:57 AM │                                ║
║ 7.50 mi     │ Hollywood     │ ✅  │ ✅  │ 11:21:55 AM │                                ║

You can also ask for stations near a particular POI. We use openstreetmap to resolve addresses:

~ ❯❯❯ soss nearest disneyland
✔ Getting station data
✔ Getting Station Status
║ 🚗  Distance │ 🏢  Name     │ H35 │ H70 │ 🕒  Updated  │ 💬  Message                    ║
║ 5.62 mi     │ Anaheim       │ ❌  │ ✅  │ 10:57:15 AM │ This station will reduce its e ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ nergy consumption (to reduce H ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ 2 costs!) between 12 midnight  ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ to 5 AM daily.   Safe, complet ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ e fills will still be achieved ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ during this period, they will  ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ just require a few minutes lon ║
║             │               │     │     │             │ ger than routine.              ║
║ 10.72 mi    │ UC Irvine     │ ✅  │ ✅  │ 11:03:48 AM │                                ║
║ 11.16 mi    │ Costa Mesa    │ ✅  │ ✅  │ 11:02:09 AM │                                ║
║ 12.98 mi    │ Newport Beach │ ✅  │ ✅  │ 11:09:00 AM │                                ║
║ 14.16 mi    │ Diamond Bar   │ ✅  │ ⚠️  │ 11:03:47 AM │                                ║

To query an individual station, you can use the status command:

~ ❯❯❯ soss status hayward
✔ Getting Station Status
✔ Getting station data
║ 🆔  ID│ 🏢  Name│ H35 │ H70 │ 🕒  Updated  │ 💬  Message                    ║
║ 15023 │ Hayward │ ✅  │ ✅  │ 11:02:13 AM │                               ║

Providing no argument will print all stations in the system.

This project is not affiliated in any way with the California Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership.


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