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4.2.1 • Public • Published

Solution Center Login

Login service to handle authentication in the Zalando Solution Center

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Install via bower or npm

bower install solution-center-login
npm install solution-center-login


  1. There is a dependency on Solution Center Communicator. For Bower, if you are using wiredep, the communicator will be loaded automatically. If not, you must manually include the communicator via a <script> tag in your index.html file. This script must be included before the login script:

    <script src="../bower_components/solution-center-communicator/dist/solutioncenter.communicator.js"></script>
    <script src="../node_modules/solution-center-communicator/dist/solutioncenter.communicator.js"></script>
  2. Include the login script in your <head> from Bower or NPM:

    <script src="../bower_components/solution-center-login/dist/solutioncenter.login.js"></script>
    <script src="../node_modules/solution-center-login/dist/solutioncenter.login.js"></script>

    For Bower, if you are using wiredep, it will be loaded automatically.

  3. Add solutioncenter.login as a module dependency.

    angular.module('my-module', ['solutioncenter.login'])
  4. Configure the application by injecting ScAuthenicationServiceProvider in your config block and setting the environment.

    .config(['ScAuthenticationServiceProvider', function(ScAuthenticationServiceProvider) {

Environment options:

  1. Protect a certain view (or your entire application) by attaching a resolve to the route (works with ngRoute and UI Router).

    resolve: {
        auth : function(ScAuthenticationService) {
            return ScAuthenticationService.requireAuthenticatedUser();

### Running locally

When running locally, you need to connect this service to a real (or mocked) login page to handle authentication. You have two options:

#### Run Solution Center locally alongside your application
1. [Run the Solution Center locally from Docker]( Note the port it is running on.
2. Configure solution-center-login to use your local copy for login.

    ScAuthenticationServiceProvider.configEnvironment('LOCAL', <PORT>, <TOKEN-SERVICE-URL>);
  * Set `<PORT>` to the port your docker image is running on from step 1 (default: 3333).
  * Set `<TOKEN-SERVICE-URL>` to exactly match the TOKEN_SERVICE_URL you passed in to the docker image in step 1.

#### Mock the Solution Center locally
1. Use any login page you like, as long as it is served locally at `/login`.
2. Call `ScAuthenticationService.silentLogin(email, password)` from the mocked login.
3. Configure solution-center-login to use your local login mock.

    ScAuthenticationServiceProvider.configEnvironment('LOCAL', <PORT>, 'your.mocked.token.endpoint');
  * Set `<PORT>` to the port your application is running on.
  * Note: to work correctly with this library, your mocked token endpoint should conform to our [token API spec](

### Develop

1. Clone the repository, then run:

  bower install
  npm install
  1. Install Gulp via npm if you don't have it already:
npm install -g gulp

Available commands

  • gulp build: build the project and make new files in dist
  • gulp test: run unit tests



Dependents (1)

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  • cjhowald