A file-based Buffer wrapper that adds automatic read & write offset tracking, string operations, and more.
Inspired from smart-buffer
Key Features:
- Proxies all of the Buffer write and read functions
- Keeps track of read and write offsets automatically
- Grows the underneath File as needed
- Useful string operations. (Null terminating strings)
- Allows for reading/writing values at specific points in the File (random access)
- Support sync and async version
- Built in TypeScript (with Type Definitions)
- Full test coverage
Supported Format:
- Int8
- Int16BE
- Int16LE
- Int32BE
- Int32LE
- BigInt64BE
- BigInt64LE
- UInt8
- UInt16BE
- UInt16LE
- UInt32BE
- UInt32LE
- BigUInt64BE
- BigUInt64LE
- FloatBE
- FloatLE
- DoubleBE
- DoubleLE
- sync mode works since Node v0.1.21+
- async mode works since Node v10.0+
- [x] sequential read/write objects with msgpack
- [ ] full test suit based on smart-buffer