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0.5.5 • Public • Published


A lightweight firestore api for firebase cloud functions & Angular.

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To use the library, install it via npm or yarn:

# To get the latest stable version in dependencies

$ npm install simplyfire --save

# Or

$ yarn add simplyfire


// in the firebase cloud functions

import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import { FirestoreCloudService, QueryBuilder } from 'simplyfire';

const fsService = FirestoreCloudService.getInstance(admin);

export const purgeUnusedUsers = functions.pubsub.schedule('every 24 hours').onRun(async () => {
  const qb = new QueryBuilder();
  qb.where('isEmailVerified', '==', false);
  qb.where('lastSignInTime', '<', new Date( - 60 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));

  return fsService.bulkDelete('users', qb);

// in the client (with Angular)

import { QueryBuilder } from 'simplyfire';
import { FirebaseService } from 'simplyfire/ngx';

  providedIn: 'root'
export class UserService {

    constructor(private firebaseService: FirebaseService) {}

    async getUsers() {
        const qb = new QueryBuilder();
        qb.where('isEmailVerified', '==', true);

        qb.leftJoin('companyId', 'companies', 'company');
        qb.leftJoin('lastPostId', 'posts', 'post');

        return await this.firebaseService.collection(`users`, qb);

Firestore API

collection<T>(collection: string, qb?: QueryBuilder, maxAge?: number): Promise<T[]> Get documents from the firestore.
collectionGroup<T>(collectionId: string, qb?: QueryBuilder, maxAge?: number): Promise<T[]> Get documents from the firestore(collectionGroup).
collectionSnapshotChanges<T>(collection: string, qb?: QueryBuilder, events?: DocumentChangeType[]): Observable<T[]> Get documents from the firestore (Client only).
collectionValueChanges<T>(collection: string, qb?: QueryBuilder): Observable<T[]> Get documents from the firestore (Client only).
doc<T = any>(docPath: string, maxAge?: number): Promise<T> Get a document data from the firstore.
docValueChanges<T>(docPath: string): Observable<T> Get a document data from the firstore (Client only).
upsert(collection: string, data: { id?: string; [key: string]: any }, opts?: SetOptions): Promise<string> Insert/or update document. (If data includes id, it's an update operation, otherwise inserts a document)
update(docPath: string, data: { [key: string]: any }): Promise<void> Update a document. (The path must includes document id.)
delete(docPath: string): Promise<void> Delete a document.
bulkUpsert(collection: string, docs: DocumentData[], opts?: SetOptions): Promise<void> Upsert bulk documents. (batch writes)
bulkDelete(collection: string, qb?: QueryBuilder): Promise<number> Delete bulk documents. (batch deletes)
increment(n?: number): FieldValue Firestore Increment.
get batch(): WriteBatch Getter of Firestore batch.
get serverTimestamp(): FieldValue Getter of Firestore timestamp.

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