
1.0.1 • Public • Published


📡 Simple web pinger is a "fork" of Simple website pinger(the simple website pinger github was deleted), you can use it to keep your or similiar projects online for 24/7!

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  • ⏱️ Easy to use
  • 🚀 You can also create webserver for your project, to make it pingable
  • ⚙️ Custom ping interval option and custom port for webserver option

Example code:

const pinger = require("simple-web-pinger")

pinger.webserver(3000) // Create webserver on port 3000"Your project url") //default interval is 1m, or you can specify own interval in ms

Example no logs:

const pinger = require("simple-web-pinger")

pinger.webserver(3000, "<html><body><p>hello</p><body></html>") // Create webserver on port 3000

pinger.pong("Your project url", 6000) //default interval is 1m, or you can specify own interval in ms

Example discord logs:

const pinger = require("simple-web-pinger")

pinger.webserver(3000) // Create webserver on port 3000

pinger.pingd(client, "1234567890", "Your project url", 6000, 'discord logs') //default interval is 1m, or you can specify own interval in ms


Methods Type Required Default Description
ping("Your url", your interval in ms, log ping outputs, "name of pinger") String, Object, Boolean, String true, false, false, false None, 60000, true, 'pinger' Start to ping the provided url every provided time
pong("Your url", your invertal in ms) String, Object true, false None, 6000 Ping url but no logs or console text
webserver(your port, 'html code') Object, String false, false 3000 Create simple websever for your project, to make it pingable
pingd(client, 'channelID', "your url", your invertal in ms, 'name of pinger') Object, String, String, Object, String true, true, true, false, false None, None, None, 60000, 'pinger' ping the supplied url and send logs to specified discord channel

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  • frostzzone