What is it ?
When you share a link on Fb, Twitter or Whatsapp, you must have noticed that a stylish preview is generated. This is meant to provide good UX to the user and because everyone is providing this, user expects the same from your application. Don't let your users down, follow the trend, unfurl those links easily.
How To Use
const unfurl = ; const url = 'https://medium.freecodecamp.org/avoiding-the-async-await-hell-c77a0fb71c4c';const pageData = await ; // Output url: 'https://medium.freecodecamp.org/avoiding-the-async-await-hell-c77a0fb71c4c' title: 'How to escape async/await hell - freeCodeCamp' description: "async/await freed us from callback hell, but people have started abusing it - leading to the birth of async/await hell. In this article, I will try to explain what async/await hell is, and I'll also." imageUrl: 'https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1200/1*_3nDjjPTWn4ohLt96IcwCA.png'
demo for a fully working example
You can check theAPI
Argument Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
url | String | link to generate preview for | true | N/A |
mapping | Object | map object key to meta tag name | false | { title: 'title', description: 'description', imageUrl: 'twitter:image:src' } |