
1.0.0 • Public • Published


Simple Node.JS routine to massively decompress to memory files archived as Gzip and/or Tar.


Current module version is 1.0.0, and development assumed finished. The version will not change if there are no bug reports.


silly-unpack is licensed under BSD 3-clause "Revised" License. See license for details.



Just run command npm install silly-unpack to have this module installed for your project. See usage of npm tool for details.


Current version of silly-unpack depends on the next modules:

  • silly-barrier,
  • tar-stream,
  • fs,
  • zlib.

The last two modules are both standard Node.js modules.


To test module just run command nodejs ./test.js from the folder where module is placed. Output should appear like that one (may be formatted other way):

{ 'tars/E.tar': 
 { 'tartemp2.txt': 'Some text in tarred file `tartemp2.txt`.',
   'tartemp1.txt': 'Some text in tarred file `tartemp1.txt`.' },
 { 'tartemp4.txt': 'Some text in tarred file `tartemp4.txt`.',
   'tartemp3.txt': 'Some text in tarred file `tartemp3.txt`.' },
'gzips/A.txt.gz': 'Some text in gzipped file `temptemp.txt`.',
'gzips/B.txt.gz': 'Some text in gzipped file `temp.txt`.',
 { 'targztemp2.txt': 'Some text in tarred and then gzipped file `targztemp2.txt`.',
   'targztemp1.txt': 'Some text in tarred and then gzipped file `targztemp1.txt`.' },
 { 'targztemp4.txt': 'Some text in tarred and then gzipped file `targztemp4.txt`.',
   'targztemp3.txt': 'Some text in tarred and then gzipped file `targztemp3.txt`.' } }


To use silly-unpack one should pass to unpack function an array of filenames wanted to be extracted.

Example of names array is next:

var names = ['gzips/A.txt.gz', 'gzips/B.txt.gz', 'targzips/C.tar.gz', 'tars/D.tar', 'E.tgz', 'F.z'];

While invoking function unpack from the imported module one should pass next parameters:

  • names - array of files to extract;
  • callbackfn - function to call after finishing extracting of all specified files, should process two parameters:
    • errors (array of errors occured),
    • data (see description below);
  • folder - place in the filesystem with all the extracting files (they will be accessed by the path <folder>/<name>); optional argument, proceeded as empty string if undefined.

Example of call is next:

require('silly-unpack').unpack(names, print, 'archives/');

The full working example of module usage one can find in test.js.

Supported formats

silly-unpack supports next archive formats:

  • tar - only for files with the extension .tar;
  • tar.gzip - for files with extensions .tar.gz, .tar.z or .tgz;
  • gzip - for files with extensions .gz or .z.

File format choose is based only on file extensions.


silly-unpack puts all the extracted data in the object with the next structure for gzipped files:

	<name-of-the-archive-1-without-folder>:<File 1 content>,
	<name-of-the-archive-2-without-folder>:<File 2 content>

For tarred (and optionally gzipped) files slightly another structure is provided:

	<name-of-the-archive-1-without-folder>: {
		<name-of-the-entry-1-1>:<Entry 1-1 content>,
		<name-of-the-entry-1-2>:<Entry 1-2 content>
	<name-of-the-archive-2-without-folder>:  {
		<name-of-the-entry-2-1>:<Entry 2-1 content>,
		<name-of-the-entry-2-2>:<Entry 2-2 content>

Structures are mixtred if files of both formats mentioned in the filenames array.

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  • kryvashek