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3.0.0 • Public • Published

Node module that maps JavaScript objects from one form to the other using only JSON schema.

(now supports typescript)

Version 3.x is not backwards compatible, the changes are all in the arrays section.

The four main functions are:

Removing undefined values is an option to make the JSON output look cleaner

All Examples can be found here

Test data is separated from the actual module for performance purposes. All test cases can be found here. Note running npm test will automatically download the file, unzip it & execute the test cases.

Structure Mapping

var  sharpMapper  =  require('sharp-mapper');
const  REMOVE_UNDEFINED  =  true;
var  mappedObject  = sharpMapper.structureMap(oldObject, mappingSchema, REMOVE_UNDEFINED);

Object to Object

  • The '@' in the schema.json tells the mapper to get the value from the object.
  • The absence of the '@' means it's a constant value.
  • The $concat keyword:
  • $concat adds parts together.
  • you can add constant string or fetch a value from the data.
  • by default it concatenates the data with a space character.
  • if you want a custom concatenation, use the $with keyword followed by your custom concatenation string wrapped in single quotes ''
  • Click here know more about the REMOVE_UNDEFINED flag
  • For Examples on Object to Object Mapping go here

If conditions

Keywords for using the if conditions mapping are:

  • "$if": indicates that this field has an if-condition schema
  • "$equal": equivalent to '==='
  • "$not equal": equivalent to '!=='
  • "$greater than": equivalent to '>'
  • "$less than": equivalent to '<'
  • "$otherwise": equivalent to 'if ---- else'
  • "$or": equivalent to 'if --- else if'
  • "$return": the value to return (either a path which is prefixed by '@' or a constant value


if in an "if-condition" a null value is compared to a null value, the mapper does NOT satisfy the condition. (example the condition in "field1")

For examples on using if conditions go here



  • "$date": indicates this is a date
  • "$format": indicates the format of this date (ex: YYYY-MM-DD)

The mapper uses dayjs library in the background to satisfy the result.

For examples on using dates go here


Keywords & Notes On Using Array Mapping:

The mapper can now support extensive mapping between arrays. It can:

  • Map from an array (of objects or primitives) to a different array (of objects or primitives)
  • Apply conditions (filters / finds) on the input data
  • Construct an array (of objects or primitives) from a non-array element

The 5 keywords used in mapping arrays are arrays, map, pick, find, filter

  • arrays: It specifies which array(s) to map the data from, arrays can be combined using the $$and keyword. Ex arrays: '@vehicles $$and @boats'
  • map: is used to define the output schema in case the desired array is an array of objects
  • pick: is used to define the output schema in case the desired array is an array of primitive values
  • filter: uses the conditionals to apply a condition to filter the input data
  • find: uses the conditionals to apply a condition to find a specific element in the input data

If the arrays keyword is missing, the map or pick will be used to construct an array from non array data (Their values must be an array in this case).

An array mapping subschema must contain either map or pick and not both

An array subschema can not contain both find &filter at the same time.

For examples on all cases of array mapping go here

Value Mapping (Enum Mapping):

var  sharpMapper  =  require('sharp-mapper');
const  REMOVE_UNDEFINED  =  true
var  mappedObject  =  sharpMapper.valueMap(oldObject, mappingSchema, REMOVE_UNDEFINED);

This is a mapping module to map from certain set of enumeration to another set of enumerations

Since this mapping is does NOT map the object from one structure to the other. the structure of the mapping schema should match the structure of the original object.

Click here know more about the REMOVE_UNDEFINED flag


Extract several items from one item

{ "garage" : "Attached Garage - 1 Car" }

could be mapped to

  "garageType": "attached",
  "capacity": 1

by specifying the mapping schema as:

  "garage": {
    "garageType": {
      "Attached Garage - 1 Car": "attached",
      "Detached Garage - 1 Car": "dttached"
    "capacity": {
      "Attached Garage - 1 Car": 1,
      "Detached Garage - 1 Car": 1

The schema is writing the attribute name that we wish to map "garage", followed by writing the attribute names we want to extract "garageType, capacity" as objects, then inside each object is all possible values of enumerations and their corresponding value.

if we want to extract the same name we type the keyword "this"

See Example here

Default Keyword

The keyword "$default" is fetched if no other enum value is matched.

See Example here

  • Objects and arrays are listed as their corresponding structure in the main object
  • If a certain attribute wasn't mentioned in the schema, it will be returned as it is (i.e. no mapping occurs)

Same Keyword

Using the $same$ keyword along with the $default gives you a behavior similar to if/else if/else case

See Example here

See a full example here


Values mapping now supports mapping array of primitive values to array of primitive values

Translate Paths

var sharpMapper  =  require('sharp-mapper');
var writtenPaths = ['path1', 'path2'];
var actualPaths =  sharpMapper.translatePaths(object, writtenPaths);

What this function does is translate generic paths to actual paths from the object.

So for example if your case requires that every time you get data from an array inside an array,, you can translate the generic paths to actual ones based on the actual data without having to write code that actually does that


var sharpMapper  =  require('sharp-mapper');
var writtenPaths = ['data.vehicles.drivers', ''];
var actualPaths =  sharpMapper.translatePaths(object, writtenPaths); 
// assuming vehicles, drivers & boats are all arrays
// return something like ['data.vehicles[0].drivers[0]', 'data.vehicles[0].drivers[1]', '[0]'];

For a full example please check here

Enforce Arrays

var sharpMapper  =  require('sharp-mapper');
var writterPaths = ['path1', 'path2'];
var updatedObject =  sharpMapper.enforceArrays(object, writtenPaths);

This function enforces a specific JSON structure regarding arrays.

It is useful if you are dealing with a third party that sometimes returns an array as an object if the value is only repeated once. An example for this would be parsing xml to JSON. Since there's no way to actually tell whether a specified field should be an array or an object, xml parsers return array in the JSON only if the value is repeated.

For a full example please check here

Note: This function used the Translate Paths function under the hood to get the actual paths of the data

Removing Undefined Values

  • This flag removes all values set to undefined after the mapping is finished.
  • It's used in both types of mapping structureMap & valueMap
  • Values are set to undefined if the schema could not be mapped to anything in the object.
  • Example using structureMap where in the mapping schema, parentName value is not found

Check example here

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  • sharpmobile