
3.3.0 • Public • Published


Sharpr JavaScript api client for use in React and Node

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Similar to our Angular ApiProvider but more intuitive. Target uses include:

  • New React code
  • API v4 endpoints written in JavaScript
  • API integration testing (v2, v3, v4)
  • Single-use scripts for reports or importing data (e.g. queries repo)

Extra features include:

  1. HTTP errors cause a promise rejection
  2. You can specify a timeout
  3. It reads Sharpr's API-* HTTP headers
  4. Supports caching in milliseconds or as an expression
  5. You can abort requests that match a certain pattern
  6. It supports interceptors for request, response, error, timeout, abort
  7. Using node-fetch it supports fetching on Node

Table of Contents

Request API

Use the following key for the origin of each option:

  • [f] From window.fetch - docs
  • [S] Custom Sharpr item
const api = require('api-client');
api.head(endpoint, params, options);
api.get(endpoint, params, options);, payload, options);
api.delete(endpoint, payload, options);
api.put(endpoint, payload, options);
api.patch(endpoint, payload, options);
api.request(method, endpoint, params, options);
api.abort(methodStringOrRegex, endpointStringOrRegex);


  • {String} method GET, POST, DELETE, etc. [f]
  • {String} endpoint The name of the API endpoint such as /posts/123 [S]
  • {Object} [paramsOrData] For GET requests, the query params; otherwise JSON payload [S]
  • {Object} [options] Additional overrides including { headers }
    • {Object} headers Any request headers [f]
    • {Number} timeout The number of milliseconds after which to time out (default is 5 minutes) [S]
    • {Boolean} avoidLoadingBar If true, do not show loading bar (React only) [S]


A promise that resolves with ApiResponse or rejects with ApiError.

How endpoints and URLs work


  • /posts/123 Is changed to
  • /v3/posts/search Is changed to
  • Is left alone

When using api-client in Node or fetching from external domains, URLs need to start with the full domain or else you can set a default using setBaseURL():


Response API

ApiResponse is a custom Sharpr class to make it easier to work with responses.

  • {Object} request The original ApiRequest object that generated this response
    • {String} url A raw URL to use instead of the endpoint [S]
    • {String} method GET, POST, DELETE, etc. [f]
    • {Object} searchParams params that were serialized into the GET string [k]
    • {Object} headers Any request headers [f]
    • {*} json The JSON payload [f]
    • {Number} timeout The number of milliseconds after which to time out [S]
    • {Boolean} avoidLoadingBar If true, do not show loading bar [S]
  • {String} type Either "json", "text" or null depending on response type [S]
  • {*} data The decoded response or text [S]
  • {String} endpoint The name of the API endpoint such as /posts/123 [S]
  • {Response} rawResponse The raw fetch response [S]
  • {Boolean} ok True if response is 2xx [f]
  • {Number} status The status code [f]
  • {String} statusText Status name such as "OK" or "No Content" [f]
  • {Headers} headers Headers object with get(), has(), etc.
  • {Number} total The value of API-Total-Records response header [S]
  • {Number} size The number of items returned in [S]
  • {Number} limit The limit param that was passed in [S]
  • {Number} page The page param that was passed in [S]
  • {Number} numPages The number of pages based on total and limit [S]
  • {Boolean} isEmpty True if no records were returned [S]
  • {String} location The value of the Location response header [S]
  • {String} contentType The value of the Content-Type response header [S]
  • {String} contentLength The value of the Content-Length response header [S]
  • {Array} notices The parsed value of the API-Response-Notices response header [S]
  • {Array} errors The parsed value of the API-Response-Errors response header [S]
  • {String} responseId The value of the API-Response-Id response header [S]
  • {Number} newId The value of the API-New-Record-Id response header [S]
  • {Number} time The value of the API-Response-Time response header [S]
  • {Boolean} wasAborted True if request was aborted [S]

Handling Errors

ApiError is a custom Sharpr class to make it easier to work with response errors.

api.get('/hello').then(onSuccess, response => {
	// response is instance of ApiError
	// response.error is instance of Error

ApiError has the same properties of ApiResponse plus

  • {Error} error The HTTPError or TimeoutError object [S]

Special methods

The following methods are added for convenience:

  • patchDifference(endpoint, oldValues, newValues, options)
  • submitJob(endpoint, payload, options)


patchDifference example:

const currState = {
	fname: 'John',
	lname: 'Doe',
const newState = {
	fname: 'Johnny',
	lname: 'Doe',
	.patchDifference('/v2/users/123', currState, newState)
	.then(onSuccess, onError);

submitJob example:

const jobInfo = {
	post_ids: [1, 2, 3, 4],
	action: 'destroy',
const onSuccess = response => {
	const recheckIntervalMs = 5000;
	response.onJobComplete(() => {
		alert('Posts were all deleted!');
	}, recheckIntervalMs);
api.submitJob('/v2/posts/massdelete', jobInfo).then(onSuccess, onError);

Aborting requests

const { abort, get } = require('api-client');

// abort all pending requests
// abort all pending GET requests
// abort all pending GET /posts/123 requests
abort('get', '/posts/123');
// abort a specific request
const promise = get('/posts/123');


There are some api-related hooks that can be used with React components:

  1. useApiGet(endpoint, params, options)
  2. useApiGetAll(endpointArgSets)
  3. useApiEndpoint(verb, endpoint)



export function MyComponent() {
	const { isLoading, hasError, response } = useApiGet(
	return (
			{isLoading && <Loader size={16} />}
			{hasError && <div>Error fetching data</div>}
			{response && <div>a equals {}</div>}

Consolidating multiple useApiGet calls using withResponses


import useApiGet from '../../libs/api/hooks/useApiGet/useApiGet.js';
import withResponses from '../../libs/api/middleware/withResponses/withResponses.js';
export function MyComponent() {
	const { isLoading, hasError, responses } = withResponses([
		useApiGet('', { a: 1 }),
		useApiGet('', { b: 2 }),
	return (
			{isLoading && <Loader size={16} />}
			{hasError && <div>Error fetching data</div>}
			{responses &&, i) => (
					<div key={i}>{JSON.stringify(}</div>



export function MyComponent() {
	const verb = 'get';
	const endpoint = '/v3/posts/search';
	const { isLoading, hasError, response, request, abort } = useApiEndpoint(
	const [term, setTerm] = useState('');
	const doSearch = () => {
		abort(); // abort any incomplete request
		request({ term }); // make a request
	return (
			<form onSubmit={doSearch}>
				Search Posts:
				<input value={term} onChange={e => setTerm(} />
			{isLoading && <Loader size={16} />}
			{hasError && <div>Error fetching data</div>}
			{response && => (
					<div key={}>
						{post.headline} - {post.summary}


To cache a response for later, use the cacheFor option.

cacheFor may be a number of milliseconds or a time expression such as the following:

  • 1d => 1 day
  • 8h => 8 hours
  • 20m => 20 minutes
  • 30s => 30 seconds
  • 300ms => 300 milliseconds
  • 3h 20m => 3 hours, 20 minutes

See parse-duration on npm for more supported expressions.


const result1 = api.get('/abc', { d: 4 }, { cacheFor: '2h' });
// ... 1 hour later ...
const result2 = api.get('/abc', { d: 4 }, { cacheFor: '2h' });
// result1 === result2

Mocking with fetch-mock

For unit tests, you may want to mock responses. The fetch-mock package works well for that.


// first require or import api-client
const api = require('api-client');
// fetchMock must be required aftwarwords
const fetchMock = require('fetch-mock');

fetchMock.get(/posts\/search/, {
	status: 200,
	body: range(10).map(id => ({ id, title: `Post ${id}` })),
	headers: {
		'API-Total-Records': '200',

api.get('/api/v2/posts/search?limit=10').then(response => {; // equal to body specified above; // 200
	response.numPages; // 20


  • request Called before every request is sent
  • response Called after every response is receoved (before resolving promise)
  • error Called when HTTP status is between 400 and 599 inclusive (before rejecting promise)
  • timeout Called when an API request hits the configured timeout (before rejecting promise)
  • abort Called when the promise creator aborts the request (before rejecting promise)
// NOTE:
// request instanceof ApiRequest
// response instanceof ApiResponse
// api instanceof ApiService
// error instanceof ApiError
	request: (request, api) => {},
	response: (request, response, api) => {},
	error: (request, error, api) => {},
	timeout: (request, error, api) => {},
	abort: (request, error, api) => {},


Property Type Description Examples
method String The HTTP verb uppercase GET, POST
endpoint String The Sharpr endpoint /v3/users/me
params Object The params to send in the URL {a: '1'}
data Object The payload to be sent { a: 1 }
options Object The options passed to fetch { cacheFor: '15m' }
headers Headers Headers to be sent new Headers({ a: '1'})
queryString String The URL query string based on params a=1&b=2
url String The full URL to be sent
pending Boolean True when request started but not completed false
completed Boolean True when request has completed true
Method Returns Description
abort() void Abort a pending request
send() Promise A promise from fetch

Dependencies (2)

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  • kensnyder