
1.0.5 • Public • Published


A seneca.js data storage plugin.


Last update: 08/15/2017

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This module is a plugin for the Seneca framework. It provides a storage engine that uses RQLite to persist data in a distributed database.

Seneca compatibility

Supports Seneca versions 1.x - 3.x

Supported functionality

All Seneca data store supported functionality is implemented in seneca-store-test as a test suite. The tests represent the store functionality specifications.

How it works

Document Database

RQLite is a Relational Distributed Database engine. However, this plugin is based on a Document Database model. This is a design choice. It is intended to be able to manage NoSQL databases. If you need a pure Relational plugin, please consider to create yours (take a look at the seneca-sqlite-store plugin).


  • no schema: like MongoDB, OrientDB, CouchDB and so one. The data is saved in JSON format.
  • distributed data and fault tolerance: thanks to the Raft algorithm implemented into RQLite
  • easy installation, deployment, and operation: RQLite uses SQLite as its storage engine.
  • SQL operations with optimized query on fields, despite the JSON format.

To take advantage of these features, you do not need to make any changes to your RQLite installation. All is provided by this plugin. Enjoy it!


All the tables used by this plugin are to be created with this pattern:

id text not null primary key, json text

To automatically create the tables when saving the entities, set the option ignore_no_such_table_error to true. See below.

Note: all the IDs are generated using the uuid package.

The tables name

Seneca provides a three layer namespace for data entities:

  • zone: optional. The name for a data set belonging to a business entity, geography, or customer.
  • base: optional. The group name for entities that "belong together".
  • name: mandatory. The primary name of the entity.

The base and name values define the table name into RQLite, with this pattern:



This seneca-rqlite-store plugin provides a few options:

store options

  • merge: optional boolean, default is true. Like the others seneca store plugins, during an entity update operation, you can choose to merge the previous data with the news ones. Or not. This option is global. If you want a finer management, the same option can be set at the entity level, with the merge$: true property.
  • ignore_no_such_table_error: optional boolean, default is false. If the application tries to create, update, delete or read an entity on an unknown table, an error is triggered. You can choose to ignore this error. See below.

RQLite options

RQLite exposes an HTTP API allowing the database to be modified such that the changes are replicated. The seneca-rqlite-store plugin uses this RQLite HTTP API to communicate with the databases. The options are:

  • protocol: optional string, default is 'http'. The HTTP protocol used. It can be 'http' or 'https'.
  • host: optional string, default is ''. The RQLite node address on the network.
  • port: optional integer, default is 4001. The RQLite node port number.
  • consistency_level: optional string, default is 'weak'. RQLite uses a read consistency level to prevent results that are significantly out-of-date. The value can be 'none', 'weak' or 'strong'.
  • maxredirects: optional integer, default is 10. The maximum number of redirect attempts to the leader before triggering an error. See the doc about sending requests to followers.

Note: as the RQLite documentation says, you can connect the plugin to any node in the cluster, and it will automatically forward its requests to the leader.

  • disco_url: optional string, default is empty. The Discovery Service URL with the pattern <protocol>://<host>:<port>/<disco_id>. If set, when the primary RQLite node cannot be reached, the Discovery Service will provide the addresses of the other nodes to connect to.

Note: a simple Express-based RQLite Cluster Discovery Service can be implemented using the rqlite-disco-express package.

HTTP options

Node http can run faster when using the keep alive feature. The options are:

  • timeout: optional integer, default is 60000. A number specifying the socket timeout in milliseconds. This will set the timeout before the socket is connected.
  • keepalive: default is false. If true, a new agent is set keeping sockets around even when there are no outstanding requests, so they can be used for future requests without having to reestablish a TCP connection.

Ignore the no such table error

An operation on an unknown table triggers the no such table error. Your application can ignore this error by setting the corresponding option to true. Then, no error is triggered and the behaviour changes:

  • list$: the operation returns an empty array.
  • load$: the operation returns a null value.
  • remove$: the operation returns a null value.
  • save$: the operation creates the table before saving the entity and returning the result.



Your application must declare this plugin. Here is an exemple with some options set:

  .use('basic') // v3.x
  .use('rqlite-store', {
    merge: false,
    ignore_no_such_table_error: true,
    protocol: 'https',
    host: '',
    port: '4001',
    consistency_level: 'strong'

In your scripts

You don't use this module directly. It provides an underlying data storage engine for the Seneca entity API:

var entity = seneca.make$('typename')
entity.someproperty = "something"
entity.anotherproperty = 100$(function (err, entity) { ... })
entity.load$({id: ...}, function (err, entity) { ... })
entity.list$({property: ...}, function (err, entity) { ... })
entity.remove$({id: ...}, function (err, entity) { ... })

Query Support

The standard Seneca query format is supported:

  • .list$({f1:v1, f2:v2, ...}) implies pseudo-query f1==v1 AND f2==v2, ....
  • .list$({f1:v1, ..., sort$:{f1:1}}) means sort by f1, ascending.
  • .list$({f1:v1, ..., sort$:{f1:-1}}) means sort by f1, descending.
  • .list$({f1:v1, ..., limit$:10}) means only return 10 results.
  • .list$({f1:v1, ..., skip$:5}) means skip the first 5.
  • .list$({f1:v1, ..., fields$:['f1','f2']}) means only return the listed fields.

Note: you can use sort$, limit$, skip$ and fields$ together.

  • .list$({f1:v1, ..., sort$:{f1:-1}, limit$:10}) means sort by f1, descending and only return 10 results.

Native driver

As with all seneca stores, you can access the native driver, in this case, the RQLite HTTP API object, using:

entity.native$(function (err, httpapi) {...})

Pay attention to the native$ field in the list$ function

This plugin works with Document Databases. This is a design constraint: all the tables have only two text columns: id and json. The only column to be processed and to retrieve is json. So, this code will return a result:

entity.list$({native$: 'SELECT json FROM foo WHERE json LIKE "%John%"'})

While these lines will trigger an error:

entity.list$({native$: 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE age < 25'})  // Error: no such column
entity.list$({native$: 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE json LIKE "%John%"'})  // Error: Unexpected number in JSON at position 1

The native$ API

This API provides 3 functions:

  • execute: executes one statement, like update, create table and so one. Please don't use this function for queries, use the query function below.
  • executeTransaction: executes an array of statements into one transaction. This is more efficient.
  • query: sends a request which will return an array of entities according to the query.

Each function returns a promise. This example shows how to drop a table:

entity.native$(function (err, httpapi) {
  httapi.execute(options, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS foo')
  .then(function (result) {
    ... do some other stuff ...
  .catch(function (error) {
    ... do some stuff with the error ...



httpapi.execute(options, statement)
  • options: the RQLite HTTP options, as declared by the application. See the Declaration chapter.
  • statement: the SQL string. See the SQLite documentation for more informations. Please don't use the SELECT statement here, use the query function below.

Returned object

The promise resolves the {success: true} object, or reject an error if it is triggered.



httpapi.executeTransaction(options, transaction)

Returned object

The promise resolves the {success: true} object, or reject an error if it is triggered.



httpapi.query(options, queryString)
  • options: the RQLite HTTP options, as declared by the application. See the Declaration chapter.
  • queryString: the SQL SELECT string. Remember the design constraint: all the tables have only two text columns: id and json. See the SQLite documentation for more informations on the SQL syntax.

Returned object

The promise resolves an array of entities in accordance with the query, or reject an error if it is triggered.


To install, simply use npm:

npm install seneca-rqlite-store


A rqlite node must be started.

To connect to this node, please configure the RQLite HTTP options into the ./test/config.js file.

Then, to run tests, simply use npm:

npm test

Generated tests tables

Four tables will be generated: mybase_test, test, foo and moon_bar.


The Senecajs org encourages open participation. If you feel you can help in any way, be it with documentation, examples, extra testing, or new features please get in touch.


Copyright (c) 2017, Richard Rodger and other contributors. Licensed under MIT.


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