
1.2.0 • Public • Published


Generate developer friendly output of a help command based on a given object structure.


The module is published to the public npm repository and can be installed by running:

npm install --save send-help


The module exposes a single function, send-help, which requires the following arguments:

  • commands An object structure that contains our help information. See commands for the recommended data structure.
  • options Additional configuration to fine tune the output.
    • name The name of CLI application.
    • version The current version.
    • description Brief description of the CLI.
    • colors Should we output colors, defaults to true.
    • flags Default values of our the CLI flags.
    • prefix Amount of spaces to prefix descriptions, defaults to 2.
    • specific Name of the command that we need detailed, specific, information from.
    • accent a [kuler] compatible color string used as accent color.
    • sutble a [kuler] compatible color string used as subtle color.
const help = require('send-help');
const output = help({
  publish: {
    description: ['Publish your package.', 'In-depth description here about the given command.'],
    examples: ['npm publish'],
    debug: 'npm*',
    flags: {
      '--registry': ['Configures the registry.', 'Additional details.']
}, {
  name: 'npm',
  version: '1.2.3',
  description: 'npm client as example',
  accent: '#EA2039',
  flags: {
    registry: ''

This will generate the following output:

npm (version: 1.2.3)
npm client as example


publish  Publish your package.
         --registry  Configures the registry.


Each command has additional information available, you can find this by running:

  $ npm help <command>

Where <command> is the command you want to learn more of.

When we set the specific option to publish you will see more detailed about the specific command:

npm (version: 1.2.3)
npm client as example


publish  Publish your package. In-depth description here about the given
         --registry  Configures the registry. Additional details. Current value:


  $ npm publish


Additional debug information for this command be found by starting it with DEBUG
environment flag:

  $ DEBUG=npm* publish publish # The rest of you CLI flags here


The commands object needs to follow a specific structure in order to render the desired output. We assume the object that you supply has the name of CLI commands as keys, and their command information object as value:

  command: {
    // command information here

The command information can contain the following properties:

  • description, Array, Description of the command. The first item in the array will be used as default output. When specific information request all items of the array will be rendered.
  • examples, Array, A list of examples of how to use the command. This will be shown when specific information is requested for the command.
  • flags, Object, A Object where the key is the full CLI flag, and the value is a description array. The first item of the array will be used as default output. When specific information is requested all items of the array will be rendered.
  • debug, String, When your command makes use of diagnostics or debug to output additional debug information, set it as this value.

So a full command specification would look like this:

  publish: {
    description: [
      'Publish your package.',
      'All files that are found in the folder are published.',
      'To ignore files from publishing either use `.gitignore` or `.npmignore`.'
    examples: [
      'npm publish --registry',
      'npm publish'
    debug: 'npm:publish*',
    flags: [
      '--registry': [
        'Registry to publish to.',
        'Used when you want to publish to a different registry.'

Now if you want to get really fancy, instead of creating another dedicated object structure that contains all this information, you could add it to your functions as well, and pass those as methods:

const help = require('send-help');
function publish() {}
publish.description = ['Description here'];
publish.flags = {
  '--registry': ['Configures the registry']
console.log(help({ publish }, require('./package.json')));




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