
1.0.11 • Public • Published


Selenium-Page is an superset of Selenium-Webdriver.

The main feature are Intellisense and the easy access to WebElements, Switch Frames, wait elements not been visible, error handlers and screenshot on errors.

I'm working on it on my free time. Feel free to suggest improvements.


Selenium-Page may be installed via npm with

npm i selenium-webdriver
npm i selenium-page

Also, download the driver for browser that you want to work with, as per @selenium-webdriver#installation

You will need to download additional components to work with each of the major browsers. The drivers for Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft's IE and Edge web browsers are all standalone executables that should be placed on your system [PATH]. Apple's safaridriver is shipped with Safari 10 for OS X El Capitan and macOS Sierra. You will need to enable Remote Automation in the Develop menu of Safari 10 before testing.

Browser Component
Chrome [chromedriver(.exe)][chrome]
Internet Explorer [IEDriverServer.exe][release]
Edge [MicrosoftWebDriver.msi][edge]
Firefox [geckodriver(.exe)][geckodriver]
Opera [operadriver(.exe)][operadriver]
Safari [safaridriver]


A Demo of Selenium-Page using Mocha can be found in the demo directory.

Bellow are same features samples.

const { Page, Key, PageDefs } = require("selenium-page")

(async function example() {
  const objPage = new Page()
  await (await objPage.driver).getTitle()
  await (await"q")).sendKeys(searchingText, Key.RETURN)
  const searchResults = await objPage.findAllBy.css("#search .g")
  await objPage.close()



Class Page

When instantiate the a Page object you may send as parameter a PageDefinition object. It tell the driver how to work in general, such as browser, browser arguments (parameters), resolution and default Page.findBy behave.

const { Page, Key, PageDefs } = require("selenium-page")

const objPage = new Page()

//the same as 

const objPage = new Page({
  browserArgs: [],
  browserCapability: [
      prop: "setPageLoadStrategy", 
      value: "normal"
  findConfig: {
    dataTestAttr: "data-test",
    screenshot: true
  resolution: PageDefs.resolutions.maximize

Page Properties

Page.findBy encapsulate the object Selenium-Webdriver By, you can access all the By options. It will return a Promise<WebElement>. Eg. of <div id='12345'>ACME Content</div>

const el = await"12345")
const el = await objPage.findBy.css("#12345")

If the element is not found, it will raise an exception. The error will display what's the By selector not found. eg By: By(css selector, #12345). Also an screenshot can be taken at the moment of the error. The screenshot is set to True by default on Page constructor, as mentioned above.

You can also add some parameters on the findBy, such as error message or delays to find the element.

const el = await"12345", "Div 12344 was not found")
const el = await objPage.findBy.css("#12345", {
  message: "Div 12344 was not found",
  timeoutMs: 2000,
  waitBeVisible: true,
  waitBeEnabled: true,
  waitBeEnabledMs: 2000,
  screenshotName: "",
  message: "",
  mustFind: true

Page.findAllBy similar to Page.findBy, but search for all WebElements that match the selector. It will return a Promise<WebElement[]>. Eg. of <div class='myClass'>ACME 1</div><div class='myClass'>ACME 2</div>

const els = await objPage.findAllBy.css("myClass")
console.log(els.length) // 2

Page.switchToFrame Provide the Frames or iFrames WebElement that you want the WebDriver to switch to. Use the switchToFrame.toDefault function to return to default frame.

const iFrame = await objPage.findBy.xpath("//iframe")
await objPage.switchToFrame.element(iFrame)
await objPage.switchToFrame.toDefault()

Page.waitDisappearBy will wait until the element not be displayed or the timeout.

await"12345", {timeoutMs: 3000, message: "Div 12344 was still displayed after 3 seconds"})

Page.By direct access to selenium-webdriver By
Page.until direct access to selenium-webdriver until

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