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Searchable Encryption

Searchable encryption provides basic functions that are required in the schemes of index-based symmetric searchable encryption (SSE), with the goal to be simple, fast, and secure. To keep this package easy to use, some cryptographic configurations are taken beforehand by the contributors to this package, such that the provided functionaries are secure. This is built on top of WebCrypto API, which expose low-level cryptographic primitives to browser-based applications; hence searchable-encryption is much faster, and maintains a tiny bundle-size (less than 1kb)! 😎

⚠️ WARNING: This package is created by an undergraduate CS student and is still under development; it is not securely proven yet, nor checked by a security expert. The goal stated above is NOT FULLY realized at the moment, but with a plan to do so soon. Please inspect the source code and the chosen cryptography algorithms, with help of a security expert of course, before using it!

ℹ️ For potential contributors, pull requests are always welcomed as long the changes are well motivated and maintain the simplicity of use, i.e. secure default configurations should be available for the underlying cryptography algorithms. The goal of this packages stated above is still held, which is to provide fast, secure, and simple to facilitate the use of searchable encryption on the web, and hopefully one step toward a more secure web experience. Additional source-code, for helper functions and to add support for other searchable encryption schemes, should be tree shackable as much as possible.

Get started!

npm i --save searchable-encryption

Then ...

import se from 'query-string-modifier';

const key = se.genSecretKey();

const data = [
    'Highly secure data!',
    'Long textual representation ..',
    'or any type of data as an ArrayBuffer ..',
    'with custom function to extract ..',
    'the keywords from each data entry'

// TBD


API v1

SSE functions

 * Build index table for given collection of documents.
 * @param {{pointer: string, data: T}[]} documents collection of files/documents as an array of { pointer, data },
 *    where pointer is unique string that used to refer to this document in the database.
 * @param {CryptoKey} secretKey this secret is used as salt when creating trapdoors, i.e. hashing the keywords.
 * @param {(data: T) => (string[] | ArrayBuffer[])} [getKeywords] given a, return all DISTINCT keywords associated to this document.
 *      Default is function that extract all distinct tokens from a string, in case is of type string.
 * @returns object where each key is a trapdoor that its value is array of pointers to the associated documents.
 export async function buildIndex(documents = [], key, getKeywords) { ... }

 * Get the trapdoor for given query and secretKey
 * @param {string|ArrayBuffer} query the search query
 * @param {KeyObject} secretKey this should have secretSalt attribute to use for hashing
 * @returns string represent the trapdoor
export async function trapdoor(query, key) { ... }

Key functions

 * Generate a symmetric secret key for AES-CBC encryption algorithm,
 * with initial vector (iv), based on given secret (password) and salt.
 * This algorithm is deterministic, given the same secret and salt. If salt isn
 * @param {string} [secret="PASSPHRASE"]  textual based to derive the password from, e.g. password.
 * @param {object} options
 * @param {string} [options.hash="SHA-256"] the hashing algorithm for deriving bits used by `PBKDF2` algorithm, e.g. 'SHA-256'.
 *    Please refer to `PBKDF2` specification for supported hashing algorithms.
 * @param {string|ArrayBuffer} [options.salt] default value is a secure random value is used.
 *    For deterministic key generation, please provide the same salt.
 * @param {number} [options.iterations=999] the number of iteration performed by `PBKDF2` algorithm.
 * @param {number} [options.keyLengthByte=48] the length of the generated key in byte;
 *    however, only the first 32 byte (256-bit) are used for AES and last 16 byte (128-bit) for the initial vector, hence the default value 48.
 * @returns object in form of {key, iv}, where the (key) is the created CryptoKey, and the (iv) is 16 byte ArrayBuffer
export async function genSecretKey(secret = "PASSPHRASE", options = {}) { ... }

 * Export the key as JSON object, where it converts the { key } attribute to a given format,
 * and convert the secretSalt and iv ArrayBuffer to string representation.
 * This meant to be used in conjuction with importSecretKey() to retrive the key.
 * @param {string} [format="PASSPHRASE"] The format of the key inside the secretKey object
 * @param {KeyObject} secretKey a key object consists of {key: CryptoKey, secretSalt: ArrayBuffer, iv: ArrayBuffer}
 * @returns JSON object contains all the information about the given key.
 export async function exportSecretKey(secretKey, format = 'jwk')

 * Import a previously exported key. This convert the { key } attribute to CryptoKey object, 
 * and convert string based secretSalt and iv back to ArrayBuffer.
 * @param {string} [format="jwk"] The format of the key inside the secretKey object
 * @param {KeyObject} secretKey a key object consists of {key: CryptoKey, secretSalt: ArrayBuffer, iv: ArrayBuffer}
 * @returns JSON object contains all the information about the given key.
 export async function importSecretKey(secretKey, format = 'jwk')

Basic Cryptography functions

 * Encrypt textual based data using the AES-CBC encryption algorithm.
 * @param {string} text string text to be encrypted.
 * @param {{key: CryptoKey, iv: ArrayBuffer}} keyObject object in form of {key, iv}
 * @param {'hex'|'utf-8'|'ascii'|'base64'|'..etc'} [encoding='hex'] the encoding of the encrypted text; default: 'hex'.
 * @returns textual representation of the encrypted data
export async function encrypt(text, keyObject, encoding) { ... }

 * Decrypt textual representation of encrypted data using the AES-CBC encryption algorithm.
 * @param {string} encryptedText textual representation of the encrypted data.
 * @param {{key: CryptoKey, iv: ArrayBuffer}} keyObject object in form of {key, iv}
 * @param {'hex'|'utf-8'|'ascii'|'base64'|'..etc'} [encoding='hex'] the encoding of the encrypted text; default: 'hex'.
 * @returns
export async function decrypt(encryptedData, keyObject, encoding) { ... }

 * Digest (hash) String or ArrayBuffer data.
 * Optionally with salt.
 * @param {string|ArrayBuffer} data
 * @param {object} [options]
 * @param {"SHA-1"|"SHA-256"|"SHA-384"|"SHA-512"} [options.hash] the algorithm to be used for hashing; default is SHA-256.
 * @param {string|ArrayBuffer} [options.salt] the salt is used for difusing the text before hashing.
 * @returns textual representation default 'hex' of the hash.
export async function digest(data, options = {}) { ... }

ArrayBuffer utils functions

 * Concat two or multiple ArrayBuffer passed as arguments.
 * @param  {...ArrayBuffer} buffers buffers passed as multiple arguments.
 * @returns ArrayBuffer resulted by concatenating the given buffers.
function abConcat(...buffers) { ... }

 * Convert ArrayBuffer object to string representation given an encoding
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} arrayBuffer an ArrayBuffer object or one of its view, e.g. Uint8Array object
 * @param {'hex'|'utf-8'|'ascii'|'base64'|'..etc'} [encoding] Any valid Buffer object encoding
 * @returns
export function ab2str(arrayBuffer, encoding = "hex") { ... }

 * Convert string representation of data in given encoding to ArrayBuffer object
 * @param {string} string
 * @param {'hex'|'utf-8'|'ascii'|'base64'|'..etc'} [encoding] Any valid Buffer object encoding
export function str2ab(string, encoding = "hex") { ... }


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