
1.0.3 • Public • Published


A NodeJS implimentation of the ScriptFodder API I know ScriptFodder changed its name to GmodStore, but I'm still calling this scriptfodder.js because the actual GmodStore update isn't out yet.

Do this first!

  1. Install with npm install scriptfodder.js
  2. Navigate to lib/conf.js
  3. Replace the example ScriptFodder API Key with your own
  4. Use this thing with const SF = require("scriptfodder.js")

What can this thing do?

Most of the things the ScriptFodder API has to offer. If the callbacks have a data argument, they will either be an object or array depending on what function you're using.


These functions currently throw syncronous errors if any arguments are invalid.

Script Functions!

  • SF.ScriptListSelf(callback(error,data)) - Lists all the scripts from whoever's API key you're using
    'id': '21',
    'status': '1',
    'name': 'VCMod',
    'views': '1390',
    'banner': 'bannerhash',
    'primary_owner': {
              'steamid': '76561190000000',
              'name": '',
      'avatar': ''
    'is_primary_owner': '1'
  • SF.ScriptList(Steam64ID,callback(error,data)) - Lists publically available scripts
    'id': '21',
    'status': '1',
    'name': 'VCMod',
    'views': '1390',
    'banner': 'bannerhash',
    'primary_owner': {
              'steamid': '76561190000000',
              'name": '',
      'avatar': ''
    'is_primary_owner': '1'
  • SF.ScriptInfo(ScriptID,callback(error,data)) - Lists publically available scripts
  'id': 21,
  'name': 'VCMod',
  'description': '',
  'addedDate': '',
  'updatedDate': '',
  'price': '',
  'price_discount': '',
  'status': '',
  'views': '',
  'banner': '',
  'author_steam64': '',
  'author_name': '',
  'author_avatar': '',
  'additional_authors': [
      'steam64': '',
      'name': '',
      'avatar': ''
  'support_team': [
      'steam64': '',
      'name': '',
      'avatar': ''
  • SF.ScriptPurchases(ScriptID,callback(error,data)) - Lists everyone who bought a script
    "user_id": "7656119xxxxxxxx",
    "user_name": "Marcuz",
    "purchase_time": "000000000",
    "purchase_revoked": "0",
    "transaction_id": "ABC",
    "price": "0"
  • SF.ScriptReviews(ScriptID,callback(error,data)) - Lists all the reviews a script has gotten
    "user_id": "7656119xxxxxxxx",
    "user_name": "Marcuz",
    "purchase_time": "000000000",
    "purchase_revoked": "0",
    "transaction_id": "ABC",
    "price": "0"
  • SF.ScriptVersions(ScriptID,callback(error,data)) - Lists all the different versions a script has
    'id': 1,
    'title': '1.0.0',
    'description': 'version changes',
    'time': '1451620852'
  • SF.ScriptAddVersion(ScriptID,Version,zipFileName,ChangeLog,callback(error)) - Uploads a new .zip file and adds a new version
  • SF.ScriptEditVersion(ScriptID,VersionID,Version,zipFileName,ChangeLog,callback(error)) - Edits the specified version. (VersionID is from the SF.ScriptVersions function) zipFileName can be null if you do not want to change the file.
  • SF.ScriptDeleteVersion(ScriptID,VersionID,callback(error)) - Deletes the specified version. (VersionID is from the SF.ScriptVersions function)
  • SF.ScriptGift(ScriptID,Steam64ID,callback(error)) - Gift a script to the specified user
  • SF.ScriptRevoke(ScriptID,Steam64ID,callback(error)) - Revokes a script from the specified user

###Coupon Functions!

  • SF.CouponsList(ScriptID,callback(error,data)) - Lists all the coupons a script has
    'code': '',
    'percent': '',
    'max_uses': '',
    'expires_at': '1451620852',
    'amount_used': ''
  • SF.CouponAdd(ScriptID,CouponName,PercentOff,MaxUses,ExpiryDate,callback(error)) - Creates a new coupon. ExpiryDate must be a Date object. PercentOff must be a value 1-99
  • SF.CouponEdit(ScriptID,CouponID,CouponName,PercentOff,MaxUses,ExpiryDate,callback(error)) - Edits an existing coupon (CouponID is from the SF.CouponsList function)
  • SF.CouponRemove(ScriptID,CouponID,callback(error)) - Removes a coupon (CouponID is from the SF.CouponsList function)

###User Functions!

  • Coming soon-ish, maybe!

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