
17.2.0 • Public • Published

🧶 Scoobie

GitHub Release GitHub Validate npm package

Component library for SEEK documentation sites.

  • Author content in Markdown files
  • Diagram with mermaid code blocks
  • Render content with Braid styling
  • Integrate with sku

We use this to build, among other things.

yarn add --exact scoobie

Table of contents



Compile Scoobie and bundle your Markdown content with its Webpack plugin:

const { dangerouslySetWebpackConfig } = require('scoobie/webpack');

module.exports = {
  // ...

  compilePackages: ['scoobie'],

For detailed usage, see the Webpack reference.


Fetch our favourite fonts from our Google overlords, Roboto and Roboto Mono:

import { robotoHtml, robotoMonoHtml } from 'scoobie/typography';

const skuRender: Render<RenderContext> = {
  renderDocument: ({ app, bodyTags, headTags }) => `
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->

If you manually manage the Content Security Policy of your site, you can specify the following sources along with the script hashes from typography.ts:

Content-Security-Policy: font-src; script-src 'sha256-...' 'sha256-...'; style-src


Import TypeScript definitions for MDX, *.md and *.mdx:

import 'scoobie/types';

Markdown reference

Getting started

Scoobie’s Markdown support is powered by MDX and custom Remark plugins.

Create your content in .md or .mdx files:

# A normal Markdown heading

Some text...

import { Alert, Text } from 'braid-design-system';

<Alert tone="critical"><Text>And a React component!</Text></Alert>

Import your content into a typical .tsx file:

import React from 'react';

import Content from './Content.mdx';

export const ContentWithPointlessDiv = () => (
    <Content />

Nest your Markdown components within an MdxProvider:

import 'braid-design-system/reset';

import { BraidProvider } from 'braid-design-system';
import apacTheme from 'braid-design-system/themes/apac';
import React from 'react';
import { MdxProvider, ScoobieLink } from 'scoobie';

import { ContentWithPointlessDiv } from './SomeFile.tsx';

export const App = () => (
  <BraidProvider linkComponent={ScoobieLink} theme={apacTheme}>
      <ContentWithPointlessDiv />

(See React context to learn more about this pattern.)


Scoobie optionally supports simple, source-controlled diagrams via mermaid.

This requires the mermaid configuration option to be set on ScoobieWebpackPlugin, and the mermaid-isomorphic peer dependency installed. A playwright installattion of chromium is required, which can be done by installing playwright and executing playwright install chromium. From there, the easiest way to get started is to check out the mermaid live editor.

You can use a named code block in Markdown files:

```mermaid Optional title
  participant P as Partner
  participant S as SEEK

  P->>S: Make request

Some Mermaid diagrams allow for YAML frontmatter. Scoobie has extended this by allowing a deep merge of the Mermaid configuration with a special overrides key in the frontmatter. This could be useful for diagram-specific configuration that is not otherwise easy to set.

    useWidth: 500
    title A Gantt Diagram
    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    section Section
    A task           :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d


Anchor slugs are automatically generated for h1–h6:

# My Little Heading1

<!-- #my-little-heading1 -->


Vanilla Markdown image syntax is supported:

![Boo raster](./image.png)

![Woo vector](./image.svg)

Define width and height px constraints by overloading the title:

![Alt text](./image.png '=100x20 Rest of title')


Use a root-relative path to navigate to a route managed by your React app. This will be rendered as a React Router link and won't require a full page refresh.

Make sure to point to the route rather than the source file location:

[👍 like this](/root/relative)

[👎 not this](/src/root/Relative.mdx)

Use a full URL to denote an external link. This will open in a new tab.

[Schema reference](


Standard Markdown table syntax is supported:

| Default | Left | Centre | Right |
| ------- | :--- | :----: | ----: |
| x       | x    |   x    |     x |

Use raw HTML to render multiple lines and lists in table cells.

Care must be taken with <p>s; they are mapped to Braid Texts, which have strict semantics. Paragraph tags must be placed around text content and cannot be nested within each other.

| Description             | Example                                                            |
| :---------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Single-line             | Line                                                               |
| Multi-line              | <p>Line 1</p><p>Line 2</p>                                         |
| Bullets                 | <ul><li><p>Bullet 1</p></li></ul>                                  |
| Multi-line with bullets | <p>Line before</p><ul><li><p>Bullet</p></li></ul><p>Line after</p> |

React API reference


Renders rich quoted content.

import { List, Text } from 'braid-design-system';
import React from 'react';
import { Blockquote } from 'scoobie';

export const MyFirstBlockquote = () => (
    <Text>This is a paragraph.</Text>

      <Text>This is a bullet point.</Text>


Render lines of code with Prism syntax highlighting.

import React from 'react';
import { CodeBlock } from 'scoobie';

export const MyFirstCodeBlock = () => (
  <CodeBlock language="javascript">console.log('hello, world');</CodeBlock>


Render a Text component that copies the children string to clipboard on click.

import React from 'react';
import { CodeBlock } from 'scoobie';

export const MyFirstCopyableText = () => (
  <CopyableText>This gets copied to clipboard.</CopyableText>


Render code inline with text.

import { Text } from 'braid-design-system';
import React from 'react';
import { InlineCode } from 'scoobie';

export const MyFirstInlineCode = () => (
    Some text with <InlineCode>InlineCode</InlineCode>!


Render an internal link with the same opinions as our MdxProvider:

  • Internal links pass through the v or ScoobieLinkProvider URL parameters for UI version switching

Unlike SmartTextLink, this is not bound to a parent Text as it has no underlying TextLink. It can be used to make complex components navigable rather than just sections of text.

import { Stack, Text } from 'braid-design-system';
import React from 'react';
import { InternalLink } from 'scoobie';

export const SomeComplexLinkElement = () => (
  <InternalLink href="/page#id" reset>
    <Stack space="medium">
      <Text>InternalLink supports complex children.</Text>

      <Text size="small">It is not bound to a parent Text component.</Text>


Provide a base collection of Braid-styled renderers for child MDX documents.

This should be paired with ScoobieLink for proper internal link rendering.

import { BraidProvider, Card } from 'braid-design-system';
import apacTheme from 'braid-design-system/themes/apac';
import React from 'react';
import { MdxProvider, ScoobieLink } from 'scoobie';

import Content from './Content.mdx';

export const Component = () => (
  <BraidProvider linkComponent={ScoobieLink} theme={apacTheme}>
        <Content />


Render all underlying links as follows:

  • Internal links pass through the v or ScoobieLinkProvider URL parameters for UI version switching
  • External links open in a new tab
  • Links with a download attribute prompt the user with a file download

This should be supplied to BraidProvider as the custom linkComponent:

import { BraidProvider, TextLink } from 'braid-design-system';
import apacTheme from 'braid-design-system/themes/apac';
import React from 'react';
import { ScoobieLink } from 'scoobie';

export const Component = () => (
  <BraidProvider linkComponent={ScoobieLink} theme={apacTheme}>
    <TextLink href="/root-relative">Internal link</TextLink>


Propagate a custom set of URL parameters on internal links.

import { BraidProvider, TextLink } from 'braid-design-system';
import apacTheme from 'braid-design-system/themes/apac';
import React from 'react';
import { ScoobieLink } from 'scoobie';

export const Component = () => (
  <ScoobieLinkProvider propagateSearchParams={['debug', 'v']}>
    <BraidProvider linkComponent={ScoobieLink} theme={apacTheme}>
      <TextLink href="/root-relative">Internal link</TextLink>


Render a text link with the same opinions as our MdxProvider:

  • External links open in a new tab and have an IconNewWindow suffix
import { Stack, Text } from 'braid-design-system';
import React from 'react';
import { SmartTextLink } from 'scoobie';

export const SomeLinks = () => (
    <Stack space="medium">
      <SmartTextLink href="/page#id">Scrolls smoothly</SmartTextLink>

      <SmartTextLink href="">
        Opens in new tab


Render an HTML table with the same styling as our MdxProvider:

import React, { Fragment } from 'react';
import { Table, TableRow } from 'scoobie';

export const MyFirstTable = () => (
  <Table header={['Column A', 'Column B']}>
      <Fragment>This is body cell A1.</Fragment>

      <Fragment>This is body cell B2.</Fragment>


<tr> component for use with Table.

Row children are flattened then wrapped with <td>s.


Render headings from an MDX document with a custom function.

import { Stack, TextLink } from 'braid-design-system';
import React from 'react';
import { TocRenderer } from 'scoobie';

import Content from './Content.mdx';

export const PageWithToc = () => (
  <Stack space="medium">
    <TocRenderer document={Content}>
      {(toc) => (
          <Stack space="small">
            { => (
              <TextLink href={`#${}`} key={}>
                {'|'.repeat(item.level)} {item.children}

    <Content />

A heading must start at the beginning of its line to be parsed:

# Good

- ## Bad

  - ### Super bad

## Good again

(This can be enforced with markdownlint’s MD023 rule.)


Render an MDX document with a customised wrapper.

This allows you to derive arbitrary components from select parts of the document.

import { Text } from 'braid-design-system';
import React, { Children } from 'react';
import { WrapperRenderer } from 'scoobie';

export const NodeCount = (Document: MDX.Document) => (
  <WrapperRenderer document={Document}>
    {({ children }) => (
      <Text>{Children.toArray(children).length} top-level node(s)</Text>

Styling reference

Scoobie distributes some vanilla-extract styles via scoobie/styles submodules.


Render text with the same monospace styling as our CodeBlock:

import { Box } from 'braid-design-system';
import React from 'react';
import { code } from 'scoobie/styles/code.css';

export const MyBox = () => (
  <Box className={code.standard}>
    <Box component="pre">Hello</Box>


Render an image with the same styling as our MdxProvider:

import React from 'react';
import { img } from 'scoobie/styles/img.css';

export const MySvg = () => (
  <svg className={img}>
    <path />

Webpack reference

Scoobie distributes its Webpack config via a scoobie/webpack submodule:

const { ScoobieWebpackPlugin } = require('scoobie/webpack');

Compatibility notes:

  • SVGs cannot be directly imported into JSX as components.

    Consider inlining the SVGs in your JSX instead.


A bundle of MDX and image loaders that complement sku's Webpack config.

This needs to be ordered to run after SkuWebpackPlugin:

const { ScoobieWebpackPlugin, merge } = require('scoobie/webpack');

module.exports = {
  // ...

  compilePackages: ['scoobie'],
  dangerouslySetWebpackConfig: (config) =>
    merge(config, {
      plugins: [
        new ScoobieWebpackPlugin({
          // Optional configuration option to enable mermaid support.
          // `@mermaid-js/mermaid-cli` must be installed as a peer dependency.
          // Temporary files are written to `${rootDir}/mermaid`.
          mermaid: {
            rootDir: __dirname,


Zero-config option referenced in sku.config.js above.

This slots in on top of sku without much fuss. If you're wrangling other Webpack config and need something more composable, see ScoobieWebpackPlugin.


Re-export of webpack-merge for convenience.


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    • seek-oss-ci