
2.2.2 • Public • Published

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A simple CLI system for compiling sass down to css with additional support for other options and features

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CLI Usage

PLEASE NOTE: as of 2.0.0 theme has been removed as an option

  • sass-pack [options] - Run sass-pack using your options
  • -s --source <path> - Set the source path of page based scss (If you have floating sass files with your pages) - optional
  • -m --manifest <path> - Set the path of your css manifest json - optional default: /
  • -o --output <path> - Set the path for the output css - optional default: /
  • -n --minify <minifyType> - Set the style of minifying can be nested, expanded, compact, or compressed - optional default: nested
  • -x --sourcemaps <path> - Tell sass pack if you want to generate sourcemaps as well - optional default: false
  • -q --hardquit - Add this tag if when sass-pack runs into a Sass syntax error you would like it to hard quit the process, if you're using a watch tool you can leave this off and sass-pack will await changes and try again.
  • -a --alias <path> - The path to replace the alias with
  • -e --external <path> - Path to read for your external files can accept a glob
  • -f --folders - boolean style argument that tells sass-pack to use folder/dir names containing themes instead of file names


sass-pack -o public/css -s src/app,public/scss/themes -m src/config/css_manifest.json

sass-pack -o dist/css -s src/app/scss/main,src/app/scss/themes -f -q


sass-pack --output=public/css --source=src/app,public/scss/themes --manifest=src/config/css_manifest.json

API Usage

Sass-Pack can now be used as a simple function call, it will return a promise and once everything is finished it will resolve said promise

The options are the same as if using the cli to send a list of paths when using the API put the paths into an array of strings

AS OF >=v1.5.0 using single letter property names is NO LONGER supported

  • source - Source file paths (Supports Globs)
  • output - Output path (Supports Globs)
  • manifest - Manifest path (Supports Globs)
  • minify - Minify type
  • hardquit - Kill process if reject is triggered
  • sourcemaps - Path to sourcemaps (Supports Globs)
  • alias - Path to replace alias with
  • folders - Boolean to tell sass-pack to use folder names
  • external - Path to tell sass-pack what files to pack into their own css files to output (Supports Globs)


const sassPack = require('sass-pack');
  source: [path.join('tests', '*.scss'), path.join('tests', 'srcTest', '*.scss')],
  output: path.join('tests', 'outputs'),
  manifest: path.join('tests', 'outputs', 'cssmanifest.json'),
}).then(() => {
  //Do some things once sass pack is finished

Using Hard Quit

The hard quit option was added if the user wishes for sass-pack to perform a process.exit(1) if any issue at all (including sass syntax errors) triggers a reject in the promise chain

sass-pack -o public/css -s src/app,public/scss/themes -m src/config/css_manifest.json -q


sass-pack --output=public/css --source=src/app,public/scss/themes --manifest=src/config/css_manifest.json --hardquit

If using the API just add hardquit: true to your options object

Using Alias

Alias adds the ability to shorten common paths down so you can have a cleaner import setup in your sass I added this because sass doesn't seem to support dynamic import support like LESS.

So assuming my test_home.scss lived two dirs above my importer I'd have this:

@import '../../test_home.scss';
a {
    margin: 1rem;
    .testing {
        font-weight: 400;

But if I set my alias to -a tests/srcTest/ and then change the import to: @import @/test_home.scss sass-pack will auto convert the alias before compiling down to css

you would do the same thing in the API

const sassPack = require('sass-pack');
  source: [path.join('tests', '*.scss'), path.join('tests', 'srcTest', '*.scss')],
  output: path.join('tests', 'outputs'),
  manifest: path.join('tests', 'outputs', 'cssmanifest.json'),
  alias: 'my/alias/path'
}).then(() => {
  //Do some things once sass pack is finished

External and Folders

With v2.1.0 there are 2 new options introduced, the ability to set a folders boolean, and the ability to set a path to some external files


So with this option sass-pack will read the folder that the file lives in and use it as the theme name, instead of the actual file name itself.


| /default
  | /thing.scss
| /theme2
  | /index.scss

sass-pack -o output -s themes/**/*.scss -f


| /default.css
| /theme2.css


The external option allows you to bring in scss files that you want to have their own css output after compile.


| /default
  | /thing.scss
  | /thing-email.scss
| /theme2
  | /index.scss
  | /theme2-email.scss

sass-pack -o output -s themes/**/!(*-email).scss -f -e themes/**/*-email.scss


| /default.css
| /theme2.css
| /theme2-email.css
| /thing-email.css

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