
1.0.0 • Public • Published


Object graph serialization library


When using JSON to serialize complex object graphs, it is easy to create a very large block of JSON with full representations of embedded objects. Even worse, it is easy to create an object graph with cycles, which leads to:

TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

There is no easy way to overcome these problems. The best we can hope for is to remove all the cycles from our object graphs and be careful how we call JSON.stringify()

sansa's Solution

sansa breaks the object graph serialization problem into the problem of serializing a number of small objects. The simple contents (boolean, number, string, etc.) are serialized directly to JSON. References to other objects are converted to UUIDs. Referenced objects are then serialized recursively.

Object Graph with Cycles in JSON

{ "a": { "b": { "a": ... TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

Object Graph with Cycles in sansa

  "uuid": "4cdc768b-1164-40d6-b2f4-4b319bc289d2",
  "a": "»211379b8-b9c0-4202-9c4b-a399aa18e11b"

  "uuid": "211379b8-b9c0-4202-9c4b-a399aa18e11b",
  "b": "»4cdc768b-1164-40d6-b2f4-4b319bc289d2"

Component API

sansa provides two components in its main module:

var sansaIndex = require('sansa');
var Sansa = sansaIndex.Sansa;
var SansaMemory = sansaIndex.SansaMemory;

SansaMemory is an in-memory async UUID -> JSON map that stands in for more complex JSON storage engines, like file systems, databases, or RESTful APIs.

Sansa is a support class to serialize and deserialize object graphs.


SansaMemory is an in-memory JSON store. Its functions can be provided directly to Sansa for object graph de/serialization.

A SansaMemory is constructed like a regular object in JavaScript:

var mem = new SansaMemory(); -> Promise

Obtain the JSON for the provided object's UUID.

  • uuid String: The UUID of the object for which to obtain JSON

.then(function(json) {
  // do something with json

SansaMemory.write(uuid, json) -> Promise

Store the JSON of an object under the provided UUID.

  • uuid String: The UUID of the object to put in the JSON store
  • json String: The JSON of the object to put in the JSON store


mem.write('a94beae2-881e-4e26-9fb4-de4f0f478abf', '{}')
.then(function(uuid) {
  // the Promise resolves to communicate success
  // uuid = 'a94beae2-881e-4e26-9fb4-de4f0f478abf'


Sansa is the class responsible for serialization and deserialization of object graphs.

A Sansa object is constructed like a regular object in JavaScript:

var sansa = new Sansa();

Sansa.load(uuid, source) -> Promise

Load an object graph from a JSON store. Caller provides the UUID of the object to be returned, and an async JSON store reading function.

  • uuid String: The UUID of the object to load
  • source Function: function read(uuid) -> Promise
    • uuid String: The UUID of the object to be loaded from the JSON store


sansa.load('a94beae2-881e-4e26-9fb4-de4f0f478abf', mem.input)
.then(function (objectGraph) {
  // do something with objectGraph

Sansa.register(name, ctor)

Register a constructor with Sansa.

  • name String: the name of the constructor
  • ctor Function: the constructor

When serializing an object graph from JavaScript objects into JSON, sansa will record the type of an object with a named constructor. When deserializing the object graph back from the JSON, sansa will need a reference to the constructor in order to re-create the object.

As of sansa v0.3.2, failure to register a constructor that is necessary for deserialization will be rejected as an error. (Thanks to @qbradq)

Constructors will be called with no arguments. Classes intended for use with sansa should ensure that this results in a usable if empty object., sink) -> Promise

Serialize an object graph to JSON

  • obj Object: object in graph to be stored
  • sink Function: function write(uuid, json) -> Promise
    • uuid String: The UUID of the object to put in the JSON store
    • json String: The JSON of the object to put in the JSON store

Example:{ name: "Bob" }, mem.output)
.then(function(uuid) {
  // do something with the uuid of the provided object


If you make use of keys or values that begin with the character '»' you might run into trouble unless you modify sansa.

Reserved key: uuid

sansa tags every object in the graph with the key uuid. If you are using that field to store a v4 UUID string, there is no conflict. sansa can use the UUID identifiers that you provide. If you need that field for something other than a v4 UUID string, you'll need to modify sansa so that it can work with your objects.

Reserved key: »type

sansa makes use of the character '»' to create special tags in the JSON. There is one special key:

»type          Used to store the name of an object's constructor

Reserved value: »[0-9]+

sansa interprets the regular expression /^»[0-9]+$/ to be a Date object stored in the format of milliseconds after the unix epoch.

Reserved value: »UUID

sansa interprets the regular expression /^»[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/ to be a reference to another object.

Circular arrays

Object graphs with circular object references aren't a problem for sansa. However, circular array references are difficult to serialize to JSON without some ugly hacks to properly restore them.

var arrayA = [1, 2, 3];
var arrayB = [4, 5, 6];
arrayA[3] = arrayB;
arrayB[3] = arrayA;
var Sansa = require('sansa').Sansa;
var sansa = new Sansa();, mem.output)
.catch(function(err) {
  // there will be an error passed here!

Attempting to serialize this will result in an error. However the following would be just fine:

var a = { array: [1, 2, 3] };
var b = { array: [4, 5, 6] };
a.array[3] = b;
b.array[3] = a;
var Sansa = require('sansa').Sansa;
var sansa = new Sansa();, mem.output)
.then(function(uuid) {
  // no error here, just a uuid

If you need circular arrays, you'll need to modify sansa to accomodate your objects, or your objects to accomodate sansa.


In order to make modifications to sansa, you'll need to establish a development environment:

git clone
cd sansa
npm install
node_modules/.bin/cake rebuild

Code Coverage

You can see the istanbul coverage report for sansa with a task in the cake file:

cake coverage

This task will attempt to open the coverage report in a new tab in Mozilla Firefox. If you use another browser, you'll need to modify the Cakefile to specify your preferred command for viewing the coverage report.

Source files

The source files are located in src/main/coffee.

The test source files are located in src/test/coffee.


Copyright 2015-2017 Patrick Meade.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see

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