
1.7.0 • Public • Published



As of sails 1.0, blueprints no longer support nested creates (passing along associated models during creates). This library brings it back in a non-obstrusive way.


Blueprint (Easiest)

The blueprint will automatically figure out which model to use just like sails blueprints. blueprint exposes a create, a destroy, an update and a count, so just do this in a controller method:

let {blueprint} = require('sails-nested-blueprint')
module.exports = blueprint
### Blueprint with options (Soft Delete)
Works just like the regular blueprint example, howerver allows passing an object with options for each of the blueprint methods.
Currently only `delete` supports options such as `cascade` (causes any associated record passed in with the main record to be deleted, same as `serviceFromReq(req).destroyNested`)
and `soft` (keeps the record but sets a flag `IsDeleted` to true on the affected records).
### "Soft Delete" Setup
In order for soft delete to work you have to add a boolean attribute to the model definition or in /config/models.js (to enable all your models to support soft deletes)
let {blueprint} = require('sails-nested-blueprint')
// model using these blueprints will have its `isDeleted` attribute set to true instead of being deleted from the data store.
// If associated models are passed with the main record, they will also be soft-deleted since cascade is set to true
module.exports = blueprintOptions({destroy: {soft: true, cascade: true}})

The count endpoint allows you to reach to /[model]/count with a query to retrieve the number of found elements, instead of the full JSON object.

Cached Methods

We currently provide a couple of methods that make use of a simple but extensible caching mechanism. The methods are find and update, and to be able to use them, you'll need to provide a cache object in the configuration options passed to blueprintOptions. The cache configuration object will have: a provider object containing a get, a set, a del and a keys functions, and a prefix alongsides the provider. See the following code as an example of how to use these methods on a Sails controller:

let sails = require('sails')
let redis = require('redis')
let Promise = require('bluebird')
let client = redis.createClient(sails.config.redis)
let expiration = 60 // a minute
let keysExpiration = 60 * 30 // 30 minutes
let prefix = 'my-cache'
let blueprint = require('sails-nested-blueprint').blueprintOptions({
  cache: {
    provider: {
      get: async key => JSON.parse(await client.getAsync(key)),
      async set(key, val) {
        let exp = (key === `${prefix}-keys`) ? keysExpiration : expiration
        try {
          await client.setexAsync(
        } catch (e) {
          console.error('Failed to setexAsync', {
      async del(keys) {
        await client.delAsync(keys)
      async keys(query) {
        await client.keys(query)
module.exports.find = blueprint.find
module.exports.update = blueprint.update

NOTE caching can be bypassed by returning false on an optional a keygen property passed to the options of blueprintOptions. This function receives the request object, so it can be personalized for anything request-related.


You can also use the service directly if you need to perform a nested create (or destroy) as part of some other operation. On the service, these functions are called createNested and destroyNested. To perform a soft delete with a service use destroy({soft: true}, record) or destroySoft(record) or combine both nested and soft deletion destroyNestedSoft(record)

let {service} = require('sails-nested-blueprint')
let sails = require('sails')
let SomeOperation = async (...args) => {
  let payload = getPayload(args)
  await service(sails.models, 'SomeModel').createNested(payload) // Returns 201 if successful

You can also use the helper utilities directly in a controller method to recreate what blueprint does:

let {serviceFromReq, service} = require('sails-nested-blueprint')
module.exports = {
  create: async (req, res) => res
    .status(await serviceFromReq(req).createNested(req.allParams()))

It is much nicer if you use sails-async - see the index.js source for the implementation


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