
0.2.0 • Public • Published


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  • A client-side router that calls functions when a matching route is hit
  • For use with single-page applications
  • Dependency-free

The primary advantage to resolving routes to functions rather than to components is flexibility. Your route logic can be independent of the view library you use, and, because route handlers are just functions, they can be easily linked to a state management system, a logger, an animated page transition function, and probably much more. In addition, this makes it simple to handle code splitting with view code fetched on-demand.


npm install --save s-route

Using a module bundler such as rollup, webpack, or browserify you can then import s-route.

// if using an es6 transpiler, like babel or buble
import { router } from 's-route';
// if not using an es6 transpiler, use the already-transpiled UMD version instead
var router = require('s-route/bundle').router;
var setRoute = require('s-route/bundle').setRoute;

A server-side setup that routes all traffic to the same html file will also be required.

**Setup for Express Server** ```js const express = require('express');

const app = express();

// ensure static files can be accessed (these are not handled by the clientside router) app.use('/public', express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

// route all other GET requests to index.html app.get('*', (req, res) => res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html')); app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000);


<summary>**Setup for Firebase Hosting**</summary>
In firebase.json, assuming static files are located in `/public`

  "hosting": {
    "public": "public",
    "rewrites": [
        "source": "**",
        "destination": "/index.html"
    "trailingSlash": false,
    "cleanUrls": true
**Setup for Apache** ```apache <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.html$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.html [L] </IfModule> ```
**Setup for Nginx** ```nginx location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html; } ```

Defining routes

Routes here do not correspond to specific components as they do in many clientside routers, such as react-router and vue-router. Instead, when the user navigates, s-route calls the function associated with each url.

The route map is just an object where the keys are a pattern to match against the url and the values are functions to be called when a matching url has been navigated to.

Simple example:
    '/foo': () => console.log('Foo page routed'),
    '*': () => console.log('Catch-all routed')

When the user navigates to /foo, 'Foo page routed' will have been logged to the console. When the user navigates to /bar, 'Catch-all routed' will have been logged because no pattern in the route map corresponds to /bar.

Routes with parameters (dynamic routes):
    '/messages/:id': (routeData) => console.log(routeData.params),
    '*': () => console.log('Catch-all routed')

Sections of a route that begin with a colon : will match any value that appears in that part of the path. For instance, in this case, /messages/:id would match any of the following routes (and many more):

  • /messages/123
  • /messages/456
  • /messages/foo

It would not match the following routes:

  • /messages
  • /messages/123/456

All route handlers are passed an object of route data with the following properties:

Property Type Description
path String The path of the route as it appears in the address bar, eg: '/messages/123' (same as window.location.pathname)
route String The route that was matched against, eg: '/messages/:id'. This will be '*' if the catch-all route was matched.
search String The raw query string (same as window.location.search)
hash String The raw hash (same as window.location.hash)
params Object Parameters that were matched in a dynamic route, eg: { id: '123' } (empty object if none). The parameters will always be strings.


When routing within a single-page application, you should use the provided setRoute function rather than manually setting window.location.href or using other methods that cause a refresh. setRoute('/foo') will add /foo to the browser history and trigger the corresponding route handler without refreshing the page.

import { setRoute } from 's-route';
// after router has been initialized...
const button = document.getElementById('foo-button');
button.onclick = () => setRoute('/foo');

Query string parsing

Support for parsing query strings is not included in s-route by default, but can be imported separately.

import parseQueryString from 's-route/querystring';
// in real code, you would probably get this value from `window.location.search`
const query = '?foo=bar&baz=qux';
assert.deepEqual(parseQueryString(query), {
    foo: 'bar',
    baz: 'qux'

If the same key is assigned more than one value, it is assumed to be an array.

import parseQueryString from 's-route/querystring';
const query = '?foo=bar&foo=baz';
assert.deepEqual(parseQueryString(query), {
    foo: ['bar', 'baz']

If the key ends in [], it is also assumed to be an array.

import parseQueryString from 's-route/querystring';
const query = '?foo[]=bar';
assert.deepEqual(parseQueryString(query), {
    foo: ['bar']

All values are assumed to be strings, unless the value is true or false in which case it is cast to a boolean.

import parseQueryString from 's-route/querystring';
const query = '?foo=true&bar=123';
assert.deepEqual(parseQueryString(query), {
    foo: true,
    bar: '123'

The following nonstandard features are not supported:

  • Nested objects within query strings
  • Nested arrays within query strings
  • Arrays set using index values (for instance ?foo[0]=bar&foo[1]=baz)

Complete Example

import { router, setRoute } from 's-route';
import parseQueryString from 's-route/querystring';
function rootRouted() {
    // do something to show root page content
function messagesRouted() {
    // do something to show messages page content
function messageRouted({ path, route, params, hash, search }) {
    // should do something to show message page content here,
    // but this example shows the different properties available
    // to route handler functions
    assert.equal(path, '/messages/123');
    assert.equal(route, '/messages/:id');
    assert.deepEqual(params, { id: '123' });
    assert.equal(hash, '');
    assert.deepEqual(parseQueryString(search), { foo: 'bar' });
function noneRouted() {
    // handle 404
    '/': rootRouted,
    '/messages': messagesRouted,
    '/messages/:id': messageRouted,
    '*': noneRouted
// this will cause the router to trigger `messageRouted()`

Browser support

The router relies on the history API which is supported in Internet Explorer versions 10 and above.

The code for the router is written in es6. A transpiled version is available in s-route/bundle. For developers using a transpiler anyway (or writing code for es6-ready browsers only), you need only import from s-route.


A basic demo that allows you to set the route through setRoute displays a running log of the route data available to route handlers.

Try it out here.

For reference, its router is defined as follows:

    '/': log,
    '/foo': log,
    '/foo/:bar': log,
    '/foo/:bar/baz': log,
    '/foo/:bar/:baz/qux': log,
    '*': log


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