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Helps you to operate with RuCaptcha or 2Captcha services conveniently.

Full documentation you can find on official sites: RuCaptcha Docs, 2Captcha Docs.


rucaptcha-2captcha is available via NPM:

$ npm i rucaptcha-2captcha@2.2.1




new RuCaptcha2Captcha(apiKey[, type]) → captchaSolver object

Name Type Required Description
apiKey string yes Your account API key from settings (RuCaptcha | 2Captcha).
type 2 | '2' no Provide string or number 2 for 2Captcha.
Any other for RuCaptcha.


import RuCaptcha2Captcha from 'rucaptcha-2captcha';

const captchaSolver = new RuCaptcha2Captcha(<YOUR_API_KEY>);

// or for operating with
const captchaSolver = new RuCaptcha2Captcha(<YOUR_API_KEY>, 2);

captchaSolver.send method


captchaSolver.send(params) → Promise<captcha_id>

Name Type Required Description
params object yes Object with properties from documentation (RuCaptcha | 2Captcha),
except: key, json and soft_id.
Among these properties of url, method, file and body
can be used only the next combinations:
 • single url
 • method + body
 • method + file

Use this method to send captcha for solving.


const id = await captchaSolver.send({
  method: 'base64',
  body: <base64_image_body>,
  // any other parameter from documentation,
  // except: file, key, json and soft_id

// id: '4503599627'

Sending image from your local file system or the Internet

const id = await captchaSolver.send({
  // url: './captchas/W68HP.gif',
  url: '',
  // any other parameter from documentation,
  // except: method, file, body, key, json and soft_id
  // for example
  regsense: 1,  // for case-sensitive
  numeric: 4,   // for both numbers and letters
  min_len: 5,   //
  max_len: 5,   // for exactly 5 symbols
  language: 2,  // for Roman alphabet

// id: '4503599672'

captchaSolver.get method


captchaSolver.get(id | ids | strIds) → Promise<captcha_token> | Promise<Array<captcha_token>>

Name Type Required Description
id string one of all Id of sent captcha via send-method.
ids Array one of all Array of captcha ids.
strIds string one of all String of comma-separated captcha ids.

Method for getting captcha solutions.
Returns promise which resolves as soon as all captchas by provided ids will be solved on service.


import { ArrayLikeString, isArrayLikeString } from 'rucaptcha-2captcha/src/types';

const id = '<id1>';
const id2 = '<id2>';
const ids = '<id1>,<id2>';

const token = await captchaSolver.get(id); // 'pgh3Ds'
const tokens = await captchaSolver.get([id, id2]); // ['pgh3Ds', 'q5ZZpt']
const tokens2 = await captchaSolver.get(ids as ArrayLikeString); // ['pgh3Ds', 'q5ZZpt']
if(isArrayLikeString(ids)) {
  const tokens = await captchaSolver.get(ids); // ['pgh3Ds', 'q5ZZpt']

Solution reporting methods


captchaSolver.reportGood(id) → Promise<Object>
captchaSolver.reportBad(id) → Promise<Object>

Name Type Required Description
id string yes Id of sent captcha via send-method.

Use these methods for reporting captcha results.

Attention! It's not necessary but better to send reports cause of refund of bad solutions and increasing solving accuracy by reporting good solutions.
Returns some info that was sent from server.


const id = '<id1>';
const result = await captchaSolver.reportGood(id);
// or
const result = await captchaSolver.reportBad(id);

// result: { status: 1, request: 'OK_REPORT_RECORDED' }

captchaSolver.solve method


captchaSolver.solve(params) → Promise<Object { token, tokenIsGood, tokenIsBad }>

Name Type Required Description
params object yes The same properties as for captchaSolver.send method.
Name Type Description
token string Solved captcha token.
tokenIsGood function Call it to report received token is correct.
tokenIsBad function Call it to report received token is wrong.

captchaSolver.solve method is nothing more but convenient bundle of the next methods:

You still can use them on your own.


const { token, tokenIsGood, tokenIsBad } = await captchaSolver.solve({
  url: '',
  regsense: 1,  // for case-sensitive
  numeric: 4,   // for both numbers and letters
  min_len: 5,
  max_len: 5,   // for exactly 5 symbols
  language: 2,  // for Roman alphabet

if(token === 'W68HP') {
  console.log('Everything is just fine.');
  await tokenIsGood();
} else {
  console.log('Captcha was solved incorrect:', token);
  await tokenIsBad();

captchaSolver.getWithPrice method


captchaSolver.getWithPrice(id) → Promise<Object>

Name Type Required Description
id string yes Id of sent captcha via send-method.

Use captchaSolver.getWithPrice method for getting captcha answer with its cost price.


const info = await captchaSolver.getWithPrice(id);
// info: { token: '6p6pck', price: '0.034' }

captchaSolver.getBalance method


captchaSolver.getBalance() → Promise<number>

Use for getting your account balance.
Note: don't use it too often because it decreases your API query limit.


const balance = await captchaSolver.getBalance();
// balance: 50.034

captchaSolver.getPrices method


captchaSolver.getPrices() → Promise<Object>

Use for getting actual service prices.
Note: this method does not decrease your API query limit.


const prices = await captchaSolver.getPrices();

// Warning! That is current actual prices. Prices and categories may change.
prices in RUR for RuCaptcha service: {
  'Обычная капча': 0.023,
  'Текстовая капча': 0.023,
  'ReCaptcha V2': 0.16,
  'ReCaptcha V3': 0.16,
  GeeTest: 0.16,
  hCaptcha: 0.16,
  'Capy Puzzle': 0.16,
  'ReCaptcha V2 (старый метод)': 0.07,
  ClickCaptcha: 0.07,
  RotateCaptcha: 0.035,
  'FunCaptcha с токеном': 0.16,
  KeyCaptcha: 0.16
prices in USD for 2Captcha service: {
  'Normal Captcha': 0.00079,
  'Text Captcha': 0.00079,
  'ReCaptcha V2': 0.00299,
  'ReCaptcha V3': 0.00299,
  GeeTest: 0.00299,
  'ReCaptcha V2 (old method)': 0.0012,
  'Solving ClickCaptcha': 0.0012,
  RotateCaptcha: 0.0005,
  FunCaptcha: 0.0005,
  'FunCaptcha Token Method': 0.00299,
  KeyCaptcha: 0.00299,
  hCaptcha: 0.00299,
  Capy: 0.00299

More info you can find in official documentation: RuCaptcha Docs, 2Captcha Docs.


Manually tested by the developer during development. Automated tests are not provided.

Your improve suggestions and bug reports are welcome any time.

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  • arthurka