
0.1.13 • Public • Published

RTCCafe Client

A javascript client for RTCCafe.


npm install rtc-cafe-client

Getting Started

Serve samples/simple-chat.html on the same host as a server running an RTCCafe Signalling Server.

This sample includes:

const rtcConfig = {
  iceServers: [{
    urls: ['stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'],

The constant rtcConfig is an ICE Configuration. It points WebRTC at a STUN (or TURN) server. A STUN server determines a client's public network information so it can be transmitted to peers via a signalling server, such as RTCCafe Signaller. You do not need an intimate knowledge of ICE Configuration to understand this example, except that the url stun:stun.l.google.com:19302 points to a publically available stun server.

For instructions on setting up an RTCCafe Signalling Server, see the README for RTCCafe Signaller Python.


Uses an RTCCafeSignallingClient instance to send messages to the signalling server in order to orchestrate the peer discovery process. Allows messages to be sent to and received from peers.



The RTCCafe Signalling API version.


The ICE configuration used to configure the WebRTC connections.


The session id. This is acquired from the signalling server. This will change if the signalling server connection is restarted. Initially, set to "unassigned".


An id permanently assigned to this RTCCafeClient instance that peers will identify this client by.


An array of the sids of peers connected over WebRTC.


An array of the sids of peers that are discovered but not necessarily connected over WebRTC.


The state of the client.

  • setup: Not yet connected to the signalling server
  • connected: Connected to the signalling server
  • reconnecting: Disconnected from the signalling server and awaiting reconnection
  • closed: Signalling server disconnected with RTCCafeSignallingClient.disconnect method



  • rtcConfig: A configuration to pass into RTCPeerConnection to form a peer to peer connection
  • options:
    • apiVersion: The RTCCafe Signalling API version to use (default: LATEST_API_VERSION)
    • signaller: An instance of RTCCafeSignallingClient. If none is specified, a new instance will be created.
    • enableWebRTCHandshake: A boolean determining if the initial connection negotiation for peers can happen over WebRTC through mutual peers. (default: true)


Join the room with the given id.

  • Returns: null
  • room: A number or string representing the id of the room to join


Register an event handler for the given event type.

  • Returns: null
  • eventName: The name of the event to register the handler for
  • handler: The handler to register to the event


Detaches the specified event handler for the given event type.

  • Returns: null
  • eventName: The name of the event handler to detach the handler from. Set to null to remove all event handlers
  • handler: The handler to detach. Set to null to remove all event handlers for the given eventName

asnyc triggerHandler

Triggers all event handlers for the given event type.

  • Returns: Promise
  • name: Name of the event
  • ...args: The arguments to pass to the event handler


Sends a message.

  • Returns: null
  • message: A JSON serializable object to send to peers
  • sid: The session id of the recipient. If not specified, the message will be sent to all peers.


Makes a media track discoverable by peers.

  • Returns: The id of the media track
  • track: A MediaStreamTrack object, typically representing streaming video from a webcam or screenshare or streaming audio from a microphone
  • description: An optional field representing a description of the stream to send to peers. (Default: "no description")


Removes a media track.

  • Returns: The id of the media track that was removed, or null if none exists.
  • id: The id of the track to remove.


Gets local media tracks along with their definitions.

  • Returns: An object of form [{ id, description, kind, track }, ...]
  • idFilter: An array of track ids of tracks to include in the result


Gets descriptions of peer media tracks.

  • Returns: An object of form {[peerSid]: {[mediaTrackId]: { id, description, kind }, ...}, ...}
  • sidFilter: An array of sids of peers whose tracks to include in the result
  • idFilter: An array of track ids of tracks to include in the result


Gets peer media tracks.

  • Returns: An object of form {[peerSid]: {[mediaTrackId]: track, ...}, ...}
  • sidFilter: An array of sids of peers whose tracks to include in the result
  • idFilter: An array of track ids of tracks to include in the result


Requests that the peer streams a track over the WebRTC connection.

  • Returns: null
  • sid: The sid of the peer to request the track from
  • id: The id of the track to request


Removes a peer track from the WebRTC connection.

  • Returns: The id of the media track that was removed, or null if none exists.
  • sid: The sid of the peer whose track to remove.
  • id: The id of the track to remove.



Triggered when a message is received from a peer

  • sender: The sender of the message
  • message: The payload of the message


Triggered when a new peer is connected to.

  • sid: The sid of the new peer


Triggered when client gets a session id from the signalling server.

  • sid: The sid from the signalling server


Triggered when the state of the RTCCafeSignallingClient instance changes.

  • state: The new state of the RTCCafeSignallingClient instance


Triggered when a peer disconnects.

  • sid: The sid of the disconnected peer


Triggered when a peer changes its sid. This usually happens when they become disconnected from the signalling server and then reconnect.

  • oldSid: The old sid of the peer
  • sid: The new sid of the peer


Triggered when a peer introduces one of it's discoverable media tracks to the client.

  • sid: The sid of the peer
  • definition: An object of the form { id, description, kind }


Triggered when a media track is added to a WebRTC connection and its id is determined

  • sid: The sid of the peer
  • id: The id of the track
  • track: The track


Triggered when a media track is removed from a WebRTC connection

  • sid: The sid of the peer
  • id: The id of the track


Triggered when a media track is removed from a WebRTC connection or when it is made non-discoverable by a peer

  • sid: The sid of the peer
  • id: The id of the track
  • kind: The kind of the track ("video", "audio", ...)
  • description: The description of the track


Connects the the signalling server and allows signals to be sent to and received from the signalling server.



The RTCCafe Signalling API version.


The session id. This is acquired from the signalling server and used to identify this client to its peers. Initially, set to "unassigned".

signalModifier(signalName, payload)

a function which takes an API signal name (acquire-peers, acquire-peers-response, etc.) and an API payload and returns a modified API payload.


The state of the client.

  • setup: Not yet connected to the signalling server
  • connected: Connected to the signalling server
  • reconnecting: Disconnected from the signalling server and awaiting reconnection
  • closed: Signalling server disconnected with RTCCafeSignallingClient.disconnect method



  • options:
    • apiVersion: The RTCCafe Signalling API version to use (default LATEST_API_VERSION)
    • host: The host to connect to
    • signalModifier(signalName, payload): A function which takes an API signal name (acquire-peers, acquire-peers-response, etc.) and an API payload and returns a modified API payload. This method is ideal for including extra fields such as CSRF tokens for security. RTCCafe Signaller implementations allow for custom validation on signalling messages.
    • ioOptions: A dictionary of custom options to pass into the socketio client.


Register an event handler for the given event type.

  • Returns: null
  • eventName: The name of the event to register the handler for
  • handler: The handler to register to the event


Detaches the specified event handler for the given event type.

  • Returns: null
  • eventName: The name of the event handler to detach the handler from. Set to null to remove all event handlers
  • handler: The handler to detach. Set to null to remove all event handlers for the given eventName

asnyc triggerHandler

Triggers all event handlers for the given event type.

  • Returns: Promise
  • name: Name of the event
  • ...args: The arguments to pass to the event handler


Sends a signal to the signalling server.

  • Returns: null
  • signalName: The name of the signal (acquire-peers, acquire-peers-response, etc.)
  • data: The payload to send in the signal.


Disconnects from the signalling server.

  • Returns: null



Triggered when the signalling client's state changes

  • state: The new state


Triggered when a message is received from the signalling server

  • event: The name of the type of signal that was received
  • ...args: Arguments that depend on what was sent by the signalling server


Triggered when a message of type event is received from the signalling server

  • ...args: Arguments that depend on what was sent by the signallign server


Triggered when a message is received from the signalling server from peer with given sid

  • event: The name of the type of signal that was received
  • ...args: Arguments that depend on what was sent by the signallign server


Triggered when a message of type event is received from the signalling server from peer with given sid

  • ...args: Arguments that depend on what was sent by the signallign server


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  • chrisvarao