
0.0.8 • Public • Published


This module creates a local write stream that periodically syncs and rotates to S3 based on file size and/or file duration. A write stream is created locally, then when the file exceeds maxFileSize or maxFileDuration, it is copied to S3, deleted locally, and a new write stream is created. By default, the files are ISO 8601 DateTime format, but you can also supply a custom naming function with the createFileName option.


rotating-s3-stream has only been tested on MacOS and Linux. For maximum efficienty, it uses child_process along with the native AWS CLI, so that must be installed and configured separately. Instructions on how to do that can be found here.

Stream Options

  • localPrefix - {String} Required. Used as the local prefix for write stream.
  • s3Prefix - {String} Required. Used as the S3 prefix for syncing the write stream.
  • maxFileSize - {Number} Required. The max file size (bytes) the write stream can reach before rotating.
  • maxFileAge - {Number} Required. The max file age (seconds) the write stream can be before rotating.
  • createFileName - {Function} Optional. You can provide your own file-naming function. Defaults to ISO 8601.
  • checkRotationSchedule - {String} Optional. Provide a cron-style string that is the schedule for checking if a sync is necessary. Defaults to * * * * *

Example usage

const RotatingS3Stream = require('rotating-s3-stream')
const streamOptions = {
  localPrefix: '/tmp/rotating-stream-logs',
  s3Prefix: 's3://my-bucket/logs',
  maxFileSize: 1000000,                       // 1MB
  maxFileAge: 3600,                           // 1 hour
  createFileName: () =>,           // Use unix timestamps
  checkRotationSchedule: '* * * * * */5'      // Every 5 seconds
const stream = new RotatingS3Stream(streamOptions)
const logData = {
  user: 1,
  action: 'log-in'
// Will appear locally at: /tmp/rotating-stream-logs/<Current timestamp>
// And will be synced to S3://my-bucket/logs/<Current timestamp>

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  • wellsjo