🎨 Universal Rollup plugin for styles:
- PostCSS
- Sass
- Less
- Stylus
- CSS Modules
- URL resolving/rewriting with asset handling
- Ability to use
statements inside regular CSS
...and more!
Table of Contents
# npm
npm install -D rollup-plugin-styles
# pnpm
pnpm add -D rollup-plugin-styles
# yarn
yarn add rollup-plugin-styles --dev
// rollup.config.js
import styles from "rollup-plugin-styles";
export default {
output: {
// Governs names of CSS files (for assets from CSS use `hash` option for url handler).
// Note: using value below will put `.css` files near js,
// but make sure to adjust `hash`, `assetDir` and `publicPath`
// options for url handler accordingly.
assetFileNames: "[name]-[hash][extname]",
plugins: [styles()],
After that you can import CSS files in your code:
import "./style.css";
Default mode is inject
, which means CSS is embedded inside JS and injected into <head>
at runtime, with ability to pass options to CSS injector or even pass your own injector.
CSS is available as default export in inject
and extract
modes, but if CSS Modules are enabled you need to use named css
// Injects CSS, also available as `style` in this example
import style from "./style.css";
// Using named export of CSS string
import { css } from "./style.css";
In emit
mode none of the exports are available as CSS is purely processed and passed along the build pipeline, which is useful if you want to preprocess CSS before using it with CSS consuming plugins, e.g. rollup-plugin-lit-css.
PostCSS configuration files will be found and loaded automatically, but this behavior is configurable using config
Importing a file
/* Import from `node_modules` */
@import "bulma/css/bulma";
/* Local import */
@import "./custom";
/* ...or (if no package named `custom` in `node_modules`) */
@import "custom";
You can prepend the path with ~
to resolve in node_modules
// Import from `node_modules`
@import "~bulma/css/bulma";
// Local import
@import "./custom";
// ...or
@import "custom";
Also note that partials are considered first, e.g.
@import "custom";
Will look for _custom
first (with the approptiate extension(s)), and then for custom
if _custom
doesn't exist.
CSS Injection
mode: "inject", // Unnecessary, set by default
// ...or with custom options for injector
mode: [
{ container: "body", singleTag: true, prepend: true, attributes: { id: "global" } },
// ...or with custom injector
mode: ["inject", (varname, id) => `console.log(${varname},${JSON.stringify(id)})`],
CSS Extraction
mode: "extract",
// ... or with relative to output dir/output file's basedir (but not outside of it)
mode: ["extract", "awesome-bundle.css"],
Emitting processed CSS
// rollup.config.js
import styles from "rollup-plugin-styles";
// Any plugin which consumes pure CSS
import litcss from "rollup-plugin-lit-css";
export default {
plugins: [
styles({ mode: "emit" }),
// Make sure to list it after this one
CSS Modules
modules: true,
// ...or with custom options
modules: {},
// ...additionally using autoModules
autoModules: true,
// ...with custom regex
autoModules: /\.mod\.\S+$/,
// ...or custom function
autoModules: id => id.includes(".modular."),
With Sass/Less/Stylus
Install corresponding dependency:
support installnode-sass
:# npm npm install -D node-sass # pnpm pnpm add -D node-sass # yarn yarn add node-sass --dev
# npm npm install -D sass # pnpm pnpm add -D sass # yarn yarn add sass --dev
support installless
:# npm npm install -D less # pnpm pnpm add -D less # yarn yarn add less --dev
support installstylus
:# npm npm install -D stylus # pnpm pnpm add -D stylus # yarn yarn add stylus --dev
That's it, now you can import .scss
files in your code.
See API Reference for Options
for full list of available options.
Because alternatives did not look good enough - they are either too basic, too buggy or poorly maintained.
For example, the main alternative (and inspiration) is rollup-plugin-postcss, but at the time it is not actively maintained, has a bunch of critical bugs and subjectively lacks some useful features and quality of life improvements which should be a part of it.
With that said, here is the basic list of things which differentiate this plugin from the aforementioned one:
- Written completely in TypeScript
- Up-to-date CSS Modules implementation
- Built-in
handler - Built-in assets handler
- Ability to emit pure CSS for other plugins
- Complete code splitting support, with respect for multiple entries,
- Multiple instances support, with check for already processed files
- Proper sourcemaps, with included sources content by default
- Respects
for CSS file names - Respects sourcemaps from loaded files
- Support for implementation forcing for Sass
- Support for partials and
in Less import statements - More smaller things that I forgot
MIT © Anton Kudryavtsev
rollup-plugin-postcss - for good reference
👍 -
rollup - for awesome bundler