
1.0.1 • Public • Published


Rextract is a very simple library written in JavaScript that provides a single function to extract data from any object, with

  • optional and smart recursion
  • simulated and customizable public/private behaviour using your own naming conventions (i.e. user.__privateName vs. user.displayName)
  • maximum configuration possibilities
  • an iteration callback to fully customize the extraction behaviour step by step.


Please scroll down for an in depth usage guide!

npm install --save rextract
var data = object.rextract(options);

Please Note

When requiring rextract normally, Object.prototype will be overwritten. This can be very unsafe but also convenient - if you get weird errors from other packages, use require('rextract/safe') instead.

// with Object.prototype method
var data = object.extract();

// with safe method
const rextract = require('rextract/safe');
var data = rextract(object);


Default options for all possible settings:

    recursive: true,            // whether to extract child objects too
    arrayIsRecursion: false     // whether an array is treated as recursion (objects inside arrays are still treated as recursion)
    depth: -1,                  // maximum object depth, -1 = none/infinite, 0 in case you want nothing in return (literally {}), 1 for the first layer, and so on.
    ignore: {                   // you may also provide simple strings instead of arrays here
        prefix: [],             // prefix(-es) to identify and ignore 'private' properties
        keys: [],               // explicit keys to be ignored
        types: [ 'undefined' ], // explicit types to be ignored
        null: true              // whether null-values should be ignored
    pre: false,                 // pre-filter callback, executed before any other filters, expected to return true/false, overrides rules and forces the property to be written
    each: false                 // "for-each" manipulation callback, executed after all checks are done (function(key, value, object) { }) check the readme for more information about those callbacks

For your convience, you can alternatively provide either a boolean or a string instead, to cover the most frequent cases:

object.rextract(false); // will disable recursion (and true would enable it, but that feels slightly redundant)
object.rextract('__');  // will be treated as ignore.prefix, so ['__', 'private', 'secret'] would work, too

In-depth implementation example

(totally realistic)

Let's say we have a user object including a few weird things so I can cover most cases:

var user = {
    displayName: 'Creative Username',
    __userName: 'UserLoginName',
    age: 27,
    friends: [ 'Jeff', 'Dave', 'Jane', 'Max', { name: 'Special Snowflake' }],
    house: {
        __location: {
            city: 'England', // so funny right, haha
            zip: 1337,
            geo: {
                lng: 12.345678,
                lat: 87.654321
        kitchen: null,
        door: undefined,
        secretBasementStash: 'so secret!'
    eat: function(food) {
        console.log('nom nom, ' + food + '!');
    bool: true

Yes, weird user data. Let's get into it:


// extract all data except for undefined / null values
var data = user.rextract();; // "nom nom, England!"

// extract first-level data only, including arrays but excluding objects in arrays (see options.arrayIsRecursion)
var flat = user.rextract(false);; // "nom nom, undefined!"

// extract 'public' values only, by defining private values by starting with '__'
var publicData = user.rextract('__');; // "nom nom, undefined!"

// that's it for the easy part.
// rextract() doesnt just accept booleans or strings, but also the previously defined option object!
var hide = user.rextract({
    ignore: {
        prefix: '__', // hide all __private stuff, but what's that?
        keys: [ 'secretBasementStash' ], // our user forgot to add his prefix! easy, we just hide it manually.
        types: [ 'function' ]
// hide now looks like this:
        displayName: 'Creative Username',
        age: 27,
        friends: [ 'Jeff', 'Dave', 'Jane', 'Max', { name: 'Special Snowflake' } ],
        house: {
            door: undefined // door is now passed through because we have overwritten the default ignore.types option
        bool: true

// callbacks: pre & each
// the options object also accepts two callback functions:
// pre(key, value, object)
// pre is called before any filters are applied and for every single key. pre is expected to return a boolean.
// if true is returned, the current property will ignore all further checks (except for the each() callback) and be passed into the result data.
// see it as a whitelist as opposed to ignore.keys
// each(key, value, object)
// each is called after all checks are done and will only be invoked for valid items.
// other than pre, this callback is expected to return a value, which will be taken for that key.
// let's create our final config, which will...
//  * double all the things,
//  * concatinate all his friends into one big monster,
//  * and provide his house with a digestive system

var chaos = user.rextract({
    each: function(key, value, object) {
        if (typeof value == 'number') return value * 2;
        else if (key == 'friends') return value.slice(0, 4).join('').toUpperCase();
        else if (key == 'house') return;
        else return value;

// this is what we get:
{ displayName: 'Creative Username',
  __userName: 'UserLoginName',
  age: 54,
  house: [Function: eat],
  eat: [Function: eat],
  bool: true }

Please don't call my package useless, that hurts my feelings.


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