
0.1.0 • Public • Published


Require-OTF (Require on-the-fly) - A Node.js module brings ability to hot-reloading and lazy-loading on other modules. Written in new ES6 flavor.


You can just use the requireOTF as normal require() like this:

const requireOTF = require('require-otf').requireOTF(require);
const whatever = requireOTF('./path/to/module');

// ...

When you edit and save the module file that required like above, it will auto reloaded, unless it is a native module.

Additional you may pass an object with these optional parameters at the second argument to control the behaviour:

  • method: string, must be 'native' or 'polling', default is 'native', defines what method to determine the changes of JSON file. 'native' mode will use system API to detect, and 'polling' mode will poll the modefied time of the JSON file. In the most case 'native' is more efficient, but some of the operating system does not support this, in this case 'polling' should be used as fallback.
  • deferred: boolean, set it to true to not start loading the module until the first access on its properties, default is false.
  • resume: boolean, resume tracking if there are any slept file change tracker on the module required, default is false.
  • forceReload: boolean, force to reload the module even it is already loaded, default is false.
  • interval: integer, the checking interval if 'polling' mode is used. Default is 5000 milliseconds.
  • reloadDelay: integer, the delay between the file change notification received and reloading the module, default is 100 milliseconds.

Besides the functions and properties provided in native require() from Node, Require-OTF also provided these functions in the instances, you may use to use them:

  • stopTrackAll(): Stop all module file change trackers.
  • stopTrack(module): Stop file change tracker belongs to the module path provided.
    • module: string, the path to the module in current scope.
  • resumeTrack(module, forceReload): Resume/restart file change tracker belongs to the module path provided.
    • module: string, the path to the module in current scope.
    • forceReload: boolean, true to force reload the module whatever it has been modified.
  • unload(module): Unloads a module from cache, stops its file change tracker if available. All references to this module through Require-OTF will be invalid.
    • module: string, the path to the module in current scope.
  • enabled: boolean, set to false to bypass everything, except for required modules, it is a global property and changing it will affect all Require-OTF instances in your application, default is true.


With NPM:

$ npm i --save require-otf




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    • jlchntoz