
1.0.1 • Public • Published


Lightweight Redux middleware to wait for specific actions to be dispatched. Very useful for testing purposes.


npm install redux-waitfor-middleware


Inject Waitfor Middleware in your modules (or React components) to start recording actions. Then, you can use it in tests to wait for a given action to be dispatched before a given delay.

import createWaitForMiddleware from 'redux-waitfor-middleware';
import {createStore} from 'redux';
const reducers = [
  /* import your reducers */
const initialState = {
  /* Initial state store */

const waitForMiddleware = createWaitForMiddleware();

const store = applyMiddleware(waitForMiddleware)(createStore)(reducers, initialState);

The waitFor middleware has started recording ! You can then use its waitFor method to wait asynchronously for some actions to be dispatched :

* Allows to await FOO_ACTION and BAR_ACTION actions to be dispatched :
async function requiredActionsDispatched() {
  await waitForMiddleware.waiFor([

Heads up ! If the actions have already been dispatched since the last call to clean, the method will immediately resolve with the payload of the actions found in its records.

This kind of method is very useful in cases where you want to test that a part of your app that might take some time to respond, for example your back-end, replies accordingly.
Check-list :

  • [x] you are able to fire a call to the back end in your test (you may be achieving this by simulating UI interaction)
  • [x] you are dispatching an action when a receiving a response from the back-end, whose payload is the content of the response
describe('Potatoes list', () => {
  it('should load a list of 5 potatoes', async () => {
    // fire a request to the back-end, for example by simulating
    // a click on the "load potaotes" button
    // This line will throw an Error if the POTATOES_RECEIVED action is not dispatched
    // before 5000 ms, marking the test as failed :
    const potaoesActions = await waitForMiddleware.waitFor(['POTATOES_RECEIVED'], 5000);
    // If the action is dispatched, you will now be able to make assertions on its payload :
    // waitFor resolves on an array of matching actions, but we only wait for one action to be dispatched, hence this assertion :
    assert(potaoesActions.length === 1);
    const potatoesList = potaoesActions[0].potatoesList;
    assert(potatoesList.length === 5);


The object returned by the createWaitForMiddleware method exposes the following methods :

async waitFor(actions, timeout)

Wait asynchronously for actions to be dispatched.
Heads up ! If the actions have already been dispatched since the last call to clean, the method will immediately resolve with the payload of the actions found in its records.

  • actions: Array<String> : Actions types you are waiting for.
  • timeout: number : the timeout, in ms, after which waitFor will throw an Error. Default value : 2000.


Cleans the recorded actions history. This allows to avoid side effects between several test cases (see "Heads up !" above).


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    • aurelienshz