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Redux TSA

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Async friendly validation middleware for Redux


  1. Gist
  2. API
  3. Performance
  4. Complementary Libraries
  5. Examples


You define validators

const even: SyncValidator<State, Transaction, "amount"> = {
    check({ field }) {
        return Number.isInteger(field / 2)
    error({ fieldKey }) {
        return `${fieldKey} must be even`;

const goodPerson: AsyncValidator<State, Transaction, 'target'> = {
    check({ field }) {
        // backgroundCheck calls an API that performs a background check
        return backgroundCheck(field);
    error({ field }) {
        return `${field} is a criminal`;

You use validate or validateSync to specify validation

type TransactionType = "DEPOSIT" | "WITHDRAWAL";

interface Transaction extends Redux.Action {
    type: TransactionType;
    target: string;
    amount: number;

function withdrawal(target: string, amount: number): Transaction {
    const action: Transaction = {
        type: "WITHDRAWAL",

    // you can mix sync and async validators, they will be normalized internally
    const validatorMap: ValidatorMap<State, Transaction> = {
        target: [goodPerson],
        amount: [fundsAvailable, even],

    return validate({ action, validatorMap });

Redux TSA will perform the specified validation:

  • If validation succeeds, the original action is passed to the next middleware
  • If validation fails, an error action is passed to the next middleware

You use the isTSAErrorAction type guard to check for failure:

// inside a reducer
    if (isTSAErrorAction(action)) {
        return { ...state, errors: action.fieldErrors! };
    } else {                
        return initialState;



  • reduxTSA
  • validate
  • validateSync
  • isTSAErrorAction


reduxTSA is the middleware:

import reduxTSA from "redux-tsa";



validate specifies async validation for an action:

 * mode specifies the max number of errors that should be captured per field
 * fieldErrors and processErrors both affect the error count
 * mode defaults to Infinity, which captures as many errors as possible
 * mode=0 specifies binary validation
 * a lower mode means faster validation because the validators for a given field are raced
interface ValidateInput<S, A extends Redux.Action> {
    action: A;
    validatorMap: ValidatorMap<S, A>;
    mode?: number;

validate<A extends Redux.Action>(input: ValidateInput) => A;


validateSync specifies sync validation for an action:

 * mode specifies the max number of errors that should be populated per field
 * fieldErrors and processErrors both affect the error count
 * mode defaults to Infinity, which captures as many errors as possible
 * mode=0 specifies binary validation
 * a lower mode means faster validation becuase sync validation is performed lazily
interface ValidateSyncInput<S, A extends types.Action> {
    action: A;
    validatorMap: types.SyncValidatorMap<S, A>;
    mode?: number;

validateSync<A extends Redux.Action>(input: ValidateSyncInput) => A;


isTSAErrorAction is a type guard that is used to determine whether an action passed validation:

isError<A extends Redux.Action>(action: TSAAction<A>): action is TSAErrorAction<A>


  • AsyncValidator
  • SyncValidator
  • SyncValidatorMap
  • Validator
  • ValidatorMap
  • TSAAction
  • TSAError
  • ErrorMap

Only the above types/interfaces are exported. Other types/interfaces are also listed below for clarity.


// ValidatorInput is used for both AsyncValidators and SyncValidators
interface ValidatorInput<S, A extends Redux.Action, K extends keyof A> {
    fieldKey: K;
    field: A[K];
    action: A;
    state: S;

// ProduceError is used for both AsyncValidators and SyncValidators
type ProduceError<S, A extends Redux.Action, K extends keyof A> = (
    input: ValidatorInput<S, A, K>
) => TSAError;

type AsyncCheck<S, A extends Redux.Action, K extends keyof A> = (
    input: ValidatorInput<S, A, K>
) => Promise<boolean>;

interface AsyncValidator<S, A extends Redux.Action, K extends keyof A> {
    check: AsyncCheck<S, A, K>;
    error: ProduceError<S, A, K>;


type SyncCheck<S, A extends Redux.Action, K extends keyof A> = (
    input: ValidatorInput<S, A, K>
) => boolean;

interface SyncValidator<S, A extends Redux.Action, K extends keyof A> {
    check: SyncCheck<S, A, K>;
    error: ProduceError<S, A, K>;


type SyncValidatorMap<S, A extends Redux.Action> = {
    [K in keyof A]?: Array<SyncValidator<S, A, K>>;


type Validator<S, A extends Redux.Action, K extends keyof A> = 
    SyncValidator<S, A, K> | AsyncValidator<S, A, K>;


type Validator<S, A extends Redux.Action, K extends keyof A> = SyncValidator<S, A, K> | AsyncValidator<S, A, K>;

type ValidatorMap<S, A extends Redux.Action> = {
    [K in keyof A]?: Array<Validator<S, A, K>>;


 * fieldErrors are the errors produced by your validators
 * processErrors are the errors that occur when trying to run your validators (e.g. failed network request)
 * fieldErrors and processErrors will be null only if mode=0
interface ErrorActionHelp<A extends Redux.Action, T extends keyof A> {
    type: A[T];
    error: boolean;
    fieldErrors: types.ErrorMap<A> | null;
    processErrors: types.ErrorMap<A> | null;

type ErrorAction<A extends Redux.Action> = ErrorActionHelp<A, "type">;

type TSAAction<A extends Redux.Action> = A | ErrorAction<A>;


type TSAError = Error | string;


type ErrorMap<A extends Redux.Action> = { [K in keyof A]?: TSAError[] };


Redux TSA makes validation fast using the concept of a mode. mode is specified when calling either validate or validateSync, and specifies how many errors to capture per field. The lower the mode, the faster validation will be.

Async Performance

When performing async validation:

  • Redux TSA races the validators for each field. Redux TSA is done validating a field as soon as mode number of errors are found.
  • Redux TSA runs the validators for each field concurrently.

Sync Performance

When performing sync validation:

  • Redux TSA runs the validators lazily. If mode number of errors were already found for a field, then Redux TSA will not run any more validators for that field.

Complementary Libraries

  1. Redux Transform: lets you transform the properties of an action in much the same way that Redux TSA lets validate the properties of an action.


An example application using Redux TSA:


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  • teusz