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Translations utils for react-redux apps

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Translations middleware

Create and config translations middleware and apply it.

import { createTranslationsMiddleware } from 'redux-translations';

// Change this function to yours
const functionThatReturnsPromiseWithDictionary = language =>
    language === 'en' ? { hello: 'Hello!' } : { hello: 'Привет!' }

const translationsMiddleware = createTranslationsMiddleware(

const store = createStore(rootReducer, applyMiddleware(translationsMiddleware));

Translations props

Wrap component with withTranslations function:

import withTranslations from 'redux-translations';

const MyComponent = ({
}) =>
    Translated text: { dictionary['hello'] }
    <br />
    Current language: { currentLang }
    <br />
    Loading language: { loadingLang }
      onClick={ () => switchLang('en') }
    <br />
      onClick={ () => switchLang('ru') }

const MyComponentTranslated = withTranslations(MyComponent);

You can change language not only in react-component:

import { switchLangActionCreator } from 'redux-translations';


createTranslationsMiddleware(getDictionary, [options], [initialState])

Function, that creates redux-middleware for translations. Has next arguments:

  1. getDictionary (Function) - function with one argument type of string - language, that user is switching to, and returns promise with dictionary object.

  2. [options] (Object) - options object with next optional fields:

  • cache (Boolean) - should cache results of getDictionary, and do not call it if dictionary is already loaded. Default true.
  • updateCacheOnSwitch (Boolean) - when cache is true, should switch immediately to cached dictionary, but load dictionary in background one more time and replace old with the new one. Default false.
  • startSwitchCallback (Function) - callback for every language switching start. Run exactly in switch event, without waiting for fetching dictionary. Takes next arguments: loadingLang (String) and store. Default undefined.
  • endSwitchCallback (Function) - callback for every language switching end. Run exactly after fetching dictionary. Takes next arguments: loadedLang (String), dictionary (Object) and store. Default undefined.
  1. [initialState] (Object) - initial inner state object with next optional fields:
  • dictionaries (Object) - hash-table of dictionaries, where key is language name and value is dictionary. Default {}.
  • currentLang (String) - current language with fetched dictionary. Default null.
  • loadingLang (String) - language that user is switching to, but not fetched dictionary yet. Default null.

withTranslations(Component, [copyStaticMethods])

React component class wrapper that adds next props to wrapping component class (actually it returns new component class):

  1. currentLang (String) - language, which dictionary is currently using.

  2. loadingLang (String) - language, which dictionary is currently loading.

  3. dictionary (Object) - object, that is returned by getDictionary.

  4. switchLang (Function) - function, that switch language to passed one.


  1. Component (Function) - component that depends on props, listed above.

  2. copyStaticMethods (Boolean) - whether to copy static methods of Component or not. Default true.


Redux action creator - function with one argument type of string, returns flux standard action (FSA), that you can dispatch whereever in your app (for example, when initialising your app).

patchState(changes, [updateComponents])

Patch translations inner state without dispatching redux action. Could be useful for server-side rendering or another cases where store.dispatch function is unreachable. Returns Promise, resolved when all components are updated (if updateComponents === true) or immediately. Has next arguments:

  1. changes (Object) - partial initial inner state object with next optional fields:
  • dictionaries (Object) - hash-table of dictionaries, where key is language name and value is dictionary.
  • currentLang (String) - current language with fetched dictionary.
  • loadingLang (String) - language that user is switching to, but not fetched dictionary yet.
  1. updateComponents (Boolean) - whether to update components or not.

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  • iamolegga